5 and 10.5 months, respectively, and a 38% response rate. FGFR3 and DNA damage response gene alterations were observed in 3 and 15% of cases, respectively. PUC is associated with high disease burden and poor chemosensitivity. Increased awareness and recognition of this disease variant will allow for new treatment strategies. PUC is associated with high disease burden and poor chemosensitivity. Increased awareness and recognition of this disease variant will allow for new treatment strategies. CirCe01 trial aimed to assess the clinical utility of circulating tumour cell (CTC)-based monitoring in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients beyond the third line of chemotherapy (LC). CirCe01 was a prospective, multicentre, randomised trial (NCT01349842) that included patients with MBC after two systemic LC. Patients with ≥5 CTC/7.5 mL (CellSearch®) were randomised between the CTC-driven and the standard arm. In the CTC arm, changes in CTC count were assessed at the first cycle of each LC; patients in whom CTC levels predicted early tumour progression had to switch to a subsequent LC. Greater than or equal to 5 CTC/7.5 mL were observed in N = 101/204 patients. In the CTC arm (N = 51), 43 (83%) and 18 (44%) patients completed CTC monitoring in the third and fourth lines, respectively, and 18 (42%) and 11 (61%) of these patients, respectively, had no CTC response. Thirteen (72%) and 5 (46%) of these patients underwent early switch to the next LC. Overall survival was not different between the two arms (hazard ratio = 0.95, 95% confidence interval = [0.6;1.4], p = 0.8). In subgroup analyses, patients with no CTC response who switched chemotherapy experienced longer survival than patients who did not. Due to the limited accrual and compliance, this trial failed to demonstrate the clinical utility of CTC monitoring. NCT, NCT01349842, https//clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01349842 , registered 9 May 2011. NCT, NCT01349842, https//clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01349842 , registered 9 May 2011.Social rejection and exclusion (ostracism) represent main stressors in daily life and even threaten mental and physical health. Abundant data from subjective measures in social exclusion paradigms are available, but the dynamic behavioral response is largely unexplored. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/shield-1.html Here, we applied modified variants of the Cyberball paradigm in two consecutive experiments to investigate the adaptive behavioral and emotional reactions to partial social exclusion. In experiment 1, 68 healthy participants (females, mean age 24.76 ± 4.05 years) played 2 min inclusion, 5 min partial exclusion and 2 min total exclusion. In experiment 2, 94 healthy participants (48 females, mean age 34.50 ± 12.08 years) underwent an experimental condition (2 min inclusion, 10 min partial exclusion) and a control condition (12 min inclusion only) in randomized order. In experiment 1, behavioral responses to partial exclusion showed two characteristics (1) an immediate increase in ball passes to the excluding player followed (2) by a later return of participants' behavior to baseline. This finding was replicated for both genders and in comparison to a control condition in experiment 2. The dynamic behavioral response observed here may point to overlapping principles of cooperation in this ball tossing paradigm and serves as a novel experimental proxy.Although praying mantises rely mainly on vision for predatory behaviours, olfaction also plays a critical role in feeding and mating behaviours. However, the receptive processes underlying olfactory signals remain unclear. Here, we identified olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that are highly tuned to detect aldehydes in the mantis Tenodera aridifolia. In extracellular recordings from OSNs in basiconic sensilla on the antennae, we observed three different spike shapes, indicating that at least three OSNs are housed in a single basiconic sensillum. Unexpectedly, one of the three OSNs exhibited strong excitatory responses to a set of aldehydes. Based on the similarities of the response spectra to 15 different aldehydes, the aldehyde-specific OSNs were classified into three classes B, S, and M. Class B broadly responded to most aldehydes used as stimulants; class S responded to short-chain aldehydes (C3-C7); and class M responded to middle-length chain aldehydes (C6-C9). Thus, aldehyde molecules can be finely discriminated based on the activity patterns of a population of OSNs. Because many insects emit aldehydes for pheromonal communication, mantises might use aldehydes as olfactory cues for locating prey habitat.This study proposes a new method of visualizing the ambient dose rate distribution using artificial neural networks (ANNs) from airborne radiation monitoring results. The method was applied to the results of the airborne radiation monitoring which was conducted around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by an unmanned aerial vehicle. Much of the survey data obtained in the past were used as the training data for building a network. The number of training cases was related to the error between the ground and converted values by the ANN. The quantitative evaluation index (the root-mean-square error) between the ANN-converted value and the ground-based survey result converged at 200 training cases. This number of training case was considered a rough criterion of the required number of training cases. The reliability of the ANN method was evaluated by comparison with the ground-based survey data. The dose rate map created by the ANNs method reproduced ground-based survey results better than traditional methods.Excessive salt intake has been associated with the development of non-communicable diseases, including hypertension with several cardiovascular consequences. Although the detrimental effects of high salt on the skeleton have been reported, longitudinal assessment of calcium balance together with changes in bone microarchitecture and strength under salt loading has not been fully demonstrated. To address these unanswered issues, male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed normal salt diet (NSD; 0.8% NaCl) or high salt diet (HSD; 8% NaCl) for 5 months. Elevation of blood pressure, cardiac hypertrophy and glomerular deterioration were observed in HSD, thus validating the model. The balance studies were performed to monitor calcium input and output upon HSD challenge. The HSD-induced increase in calcium losses in urine and feces together with reduced fractional calcium absorption led to a decrease in calcium retention. With these calcium imbalances, we therefore examined microstructural changes of long bones of the hind limbs.