The article's author has sought to summarize the regulatory and legal evolution of accidental criminal liability of doctors starting from earliest positions up until the enactment of the Gelli-Bianco law. An in-depth analysis is laid out based on the Italian Supreme Court Joint Sections ruling n. 8770/2018 (so-called Mariotti decision). The author has also elaborated upon the notion of varying degrees of guilt, which was taken out of the law's wording, to be later reintroduced as a concept by judicial interpretation.  It is worth noting that Article 3 of the Balduzzi decree, article 590 sexies of the Italian Criminal Code and the reference to article 2236 of the Civil Code reflect an awareness on the part of legislators that medical liability needs to be limited. Clearly, the approach based on lawfulness alone, which protects from liability physicians that have adhered to guidelines, has been dismissed, superseded by the notion of minor fault. Nonetheless, the new legislation, in the author's estimation, constitutes a standard particularly ill-suited to modern medical practice, which has a high degree of complexity. The author concludes that it might be worth considering a more balanced alternative getting back to the notion of fault, considering minor fault relevant, rather than major fault.The Italian Law n. 9/2012 provided the Italian Regions with a new decisional role by demanding the management/rehabilitation of prisoners judged as partially/fully mentally ill to care and protection delivered by the psychiatric services of the Regional Health Service. Healthcare has to be guaranteed by the so-called High-Security Forensic Psychiatry Residences (Italian Residenze per l'Esecuzione delle Misure di Sicurezza REMS) and by community mental health centres. Ensuring patients' and professionals' health and safety is a complex issue which requires effective strategies to cope with several structural, technological, and organisational problems. The present paper summarises the historical evolution of the Italian laws towards the development of the High-Security Forensic Psychiatry Residences in Italy, focusing specifically on the Tuscany Region situation. The paper also presents the key issues emerging after the implementation of the Law 81/2014 which complemented the Law 9/2012. Since these reforms included the need for assessing to what extent the patient may be considered as a danger to society and for ensuring the safety of National Health Service (NHS) professionals, they underscored the importance of a preventive use of specific clinical governance tools aimed to reduce risk of adverse events. The present work has the strength of proposing a new, evidence-based scientific approach to the implementation of assessment and care pathways in High-Security Forensic Psychiatry Residences.End-of-life decisions are an emergent issue for bioethical debates and practical concerns among health professionals. On December 2017, Italy enacted a new law named "Rules about informed consent and advance directives", which promotes the relationship of care in a fiduciary sense through the implementation of a correct and exhaustive information. It is also prescribed to record in writing all the patients' decisions about consent or refusal. Furthermore, the law explicitly forbids unreasonable therapeutic obstinacy for terminal patient, legitimizing deep palliative sedation. Finally, the law establishes the use of "advance directives" as a written document by which adults and capable people can express their wishes regarding health treatments and diagnostic tests in anticipation of a possible future incapacity. The law provides that doctors must comply with these directives, unless they appear clearly incongruous or not corresponding to the patient's current clinical condition.Group Psychoeducation (PE) is an effective strategy to enhance adherence to antipsychotic treatment in Bipolar Disorders (BD). However, it requires attendance to weekly sessions during a period of about 6 months. This may impede its application for those patients living far from mental health centres, resulting inequality in access to evidence-based care. Therefore, there is an increasing need to find new efficient strategies to deliver and extend PE programs to a wider population of BD patients. Mobile apps are a cost-effective way to deliver PE. In the Italian healthcare context, no evidence about the use of apps is available. The current paper presents the protocol about the development of a smartphone app to deliver PE for BD and the protocol for a trial assessing its effectiveness. In euthymic BD patients, the study will compare the adherence rates to antipsychotics between PE delivered through Bipolar mobile Application (Bip.App), group PE and a combination of both, will investigate demographic, socio-cultural and clinical predictors of lower adherence in the arms, and will investigate whether PE combined with Bip.App is associated with lower risk of recurrence of (hypo)manic and depressive episodes than group PE alone, and assess the feasibility and satisfaction for Bip.App. Participants will be recruited from mental health centres and included if they are 18-65 year-old, have primary BD in the euthymic phase, they have been prescribed a second-generation oral antipsychotic as a maintenance/prophylactic therapy for at least 1 year, they have not undergone a structured protocol of PE for BD, they have access to a smartphone and sufficient competence in using it. Participants will be excluded if they have neurological disease, mental retardation or learning disability, psychosis, limited fluency in Italian. Adherence will be assessed through count pills, blood levels, and self-reported adherence. A single-blinded parallel-group superiority multi-centre randomised controlled trial design will be used.Base and nucleotide excision repair (BER and NER) pathways are normally associated with removal of specific types of DNA damage small base modifications (such as those induced by DNA oxidation) and bulky DNA lesions (such as those induced by ultraviolet or chemical carcinogens), respectively. However, growing evidence indicates that this scenario is much more complex and these pathways exchange proteins and cooperate with each other in the repair of specific lesions. In this review, we highlight studies discussing the involvement of NER in the repair of DNA damage induced by oxidative stress, and BER participating in the removal of bulky adducts on DNA. Adding to this complexity, UVA light experiments revealed that oxidative stress also causes protein oxidation, directly affecting proteins involved in both NER and BER. This reduces the cell's ability to repair DNA damage with deleterious implications to the cells, such as mutagenesis and cell death, and to the organisms, such as cancer and aging. Finally, an interactome of NER and BER proteins is presented, showing the strong connection between these pathways, indicating that further investigation may reveal new functions shared by them, and their cooperation in maintaining genome stability.