Moringa Oleifera (MO) is a herbal plant native to South Asia known for its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. This study explored the protective effects of MO leaf extract (MOLE) against oxidative stress and hepatic and renal injuries caused by methotrexate (MTX) therapy. Mice received a single intraperitoneal injection of 20 mg/kg body weight MTX to induce hepatic and kidney injuries. They then received 300 mg/kg body weight of MOLE orally for seven days, followed by MTX on day 7 then five more days of MOLE (12 days total). Blood, liver and kidney samples were collected from all groups and the following biochemical parameters were tested serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and total proteins. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to examine Nrf2, HO-1, BAX, TIMP, XIAP, and NFkB, which are associated with apoptosis, anti-apoptosis and oxidative stress. Capase-9 and Bcl2 genes underwent immunohistochemical analysis. Pretreatment with MOLE reduced the effect of MTX on ALT, AST and total proteins, and reversed its effect on serum and tissue antioxidants. Nrf2/HO-1, apoptotic and anti-apoptotic gene expression was regulated, and Bax and TIMP were reduced; XIAP expression was increased in both the liver and kidney samples, and immunoreactivity of caspase-9 and Bcl2 was restored in the MOLE-administered experimental group. Overall, the study concluded that MOLE can inhibit the effects of hepato-renal injuries caused by MTX by regulating oxidative stress, apoptosis and anti-apoptotic genes at biochemical, molecular and cellular levels.Up to date, there is no information on the influence of 2,2,2-tribromoethanol (TBE; Avertin), a commonly used anaesthetic, on mice with impaired antioxidant capacity. We aimed to analyse the effect of a single dose of Avertin on anaesthesia duration time, inflammatory response, oxidative stress and collagen deposition in the large intestine of Nrf2 transcriptional knockout mice (tNrf2-/-). The studies were performed on six-month-old female mice Nrf2+/+ and tNrf2-/- randomly assigned to Avertin (250 mg/kg b.w. single i.p. injection) or vehicle group. We observed a 2-fold increase in anaesthesia time and longer recovery time (p = 0.015) in tNrf2-/- in comparison to Nrf2+/+. However, no hepato- or nephrotoxicity was detected. Interestingly, we found severe changes in colon morphology of untreated tNrf2-/- mice associated with colon shortening (p = 0.02) and thickening (p = 0.015). Avertin treatment caused colon damage manifested with epithelial layer damage and goblet depletion in Nrf2+/+ mice but not in tNrf2-/- individuals. Additionally, Avertin did not induce oxidative stress in colon tissue, but it increased leukocyte infiltration in Nrf2+/+ mice (p = 0.02). Immunofluorescent staining also revealed enhanced deposition of collagen I and collagen III in the colon of untreated tNrf2-/- mice. Avertin contributed to increased deposition of collagen I in Nrf2+/+ mice but reduced deposition of collagen I and III in tNrf2-/- individuals. In conclusion, tNrf2-/- respond to Avertin with prolonged anaesthesia that is not associated with acute toxicity, inflammatory reaction or enhanced oxidative stress. Avertin does not impair intestine morphology in tNrf2-/- mice but can normalise the enhanced fibrosis.G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) couple to diverse heterotrimeric G protein subtypes and then activate downstream signaling pathways in classical GPCR activation. It has also been found that GPCRs transduce signals through different regulatory proteins, such as arrestins. Recently, owing to the breakthroughs in cryo-electron macroscopy (Cryo-EM), numerous structures of GPCR-G protein or GPCR-arrestin complexes have been deciphered. In this review, we summarize most of reported GPCR signaling complex structures, with an emphasis on the structural features of rhodopsin-like GPCR activation and G protein-binding/arrestin-binding modes, to illustrate the activation and signaling mechanism of rhodopsin-like GPCRs.This review aims to summarize the last advances on the field of protein engineering towards functional bionanomaterials. Albeit being this an emerging research field, multidisciplinary perspectives in the design of synthetic protein-based hybrid bionanomaterials have resulted in significant progresses. The review covers the definition of bionanomaterials as such and the description of the main methodological approaches currently employed for their assembly. In this context, special emphasis is placed on the fundamental role of protein design. Then, a general overview of the most recent advances related to the fabrication and application of protein-based bionanomaterials in several applications is provided, with special focus on catalysis. Finally, key aspects to be considered by the research community to establish the path for significant future developments in this promising field are discussed.Consumers are demanding additional information to support their decision-making while shopping for meat. In the lamb industry, labelling carcasses with composition information is challenging. This is due to issues with conventional analytical procedures, such as the time spent with determinations and product loss or devaluing due to sampling for analysis. The objective was to evaluate the potential use of bioimpedance analysis (BIA) to determine composition of the soft tissue portion of lamb carcasses. Thirty-one Texel and Ile-de-France crossbreed ram lambs were slaughtered at 20, 26, 32, or 38 kg of body weight. Values of resistance and reactance were collected from hot and cold carcasses, which weighed 12.4 ± 2.99 kg and 11.9 ± 2.94 kg, respectively and measured 53.9 ± 3.25 cm of length. Carcass weight and length were used to calculate other BIA variables such as impedance modulus, phase angle, bioelectrical volume, and both resistive and reactive densities. These variables were used as independent variables to predict the contents of soft tissue, moisture, ash, protein, fat, lean, and crude energy of the carcasses. Multiple regression analyses were carried out to calibrate BIA models. The leave-one-out cross-validation was performed to evaluate precision and accuracy of the BIA technique. Resistive density was the most important BIA variable to predict lamb composition of hot carcasses, which explained 83% to 92% of the variation in composition. In turn, reactive density better predicted lamb carcass composition in cold carcasses, which accounted for 81% to 92% of their variation in carcass composition. In addition, prediction models of the soft tissue portion of lamb carcasses assessed on cold carcasses showed a higher coefficient of determination and smaller root mean square error and Mallows Cp values than hot carcasses. Therefore, BIA has an excellent potential to predict lamb carcass components on either hot as cold carcass; however, higher accuracy was found with cold carcasses in comparison with hot.