A distinct dumbbell shape is observed as the dominant contrast feature in the experimental data when imaging 1,1'-ferrocene dicarboxylic acid (FDCA) molecules on bulk and thin film CaF2(111) surfaces with non-contact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM). We use NC-AFM image calculations with the probe particle model to interpret this distinct shape by repulsive interactions between the NC-AFM tip and the top hydrogen atoms of the cyclopentadienyl (Cp) rings. Simulated NC-AFM images show an excellent agreement with experimental constant-height NC-AFM data of FDCA molecules at several tip-sample distances. By measuring this distinct dumbbell shape together with the molecular orientation, a strategy is proposed to determine the conformation of the ferrocene moiety, herein on CaF2(111) surfaces, by using the protruding hydrogen atoms as markers.Metastasis of extra-intestinal carcinoma to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a rare event, most commonly occurring with malignant melanoma. Anti-PD-1 (programmed death-1) immunotherapeutic agents are immune checkpoint inhibitors with proven benefit across multiple cancer types, including squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Here we describe a case of small bowel perforation attributed to a primary SCCHN metastasizing to the GIT in the setting of treatment with PD-1 inhibitors.The objective of this review was to determine if there is an association between maternal obesity and increased risk of perinatal depression. Original research articles were found by conducting an electronic database search of PubMed, ClinicalKey, PsycINFO, and Cochrane Library. Seven articles, published in the last five years, were reviewed. Of the seven articles, five demonstrated an association between some level of maternal obesity and increased risk of perinatal depressive symptoms. The two remaining articles did initially find an association, but it was no longer significant after adjusting for or mediating the analysis with covariates. There appears to be an association between peripartum depressive symptoms and some level of maternal obesity and its comorbidities. More research is needed to determine the mechanism and degree of the association and its clinical significance.Cerebellar ataxia has a very broad differential diagnosis in adults, including paraneoplastic and postinfectious etiologies. We report a case of a 56-year-old male presented with right-sided cerebellar dysfunction preceded by fever and headache. He was diagnosed with subacute postinfectious cerebellar ataxia. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sp2509.html Blood serology showed the presence of anti-amphiphysin and anti-Ri (ANNA-2, antineuronal nuclear autoantibody type 2) antibodies, which have a known association with cerebellar syndrome. The patient subsequently improved with the steroids. Although no evidence of an underlying tumor was found in the patient, the presence of the paraneoplastic antibodies remains a mystery. We suggest a probable association of these antibodies with the postinfectious cerebellar syndrome.Suprapubic catheterization (SPC) is one of the standard procedures in urological emergencies. The common complications of SPC include loss of track, hematuria, catheter blockage, and catheter-related infections. However, severe complications like bowel injuries, including intestinal obstructionand perforation, can also occur. We present the case of a 54-year-old lady who had received pelvic radiation 30 years ago for carcinoma cervix. She presented to a secondary-level care center with anuria. On failure of per urethral catheterization, she repeatedly underwent unguided SPC. However, unsatisfied with her recovery, she was brought to our tertiary care center by her relatives. She was found to have inadvertent placement of SPC in the small bowel, which was confirmed preoperatively by ultrasound and CT. Intraoperatively, the SPC catheter was seen inside the terminal ileum causing ileal wall necrosis and a localized feco-purulent collection. Urinary bladder rent was also noted at the site of the earlier SPC. Resection of distal ileum with double barrel ileostomy, followed by primary repair of the bladder wall, was done. Unfortunately, she succumbed to overwhelming sepsis and expired in the postoperative period. This case emphasizes a potential higher risk of life-threatening bowel injury due to SPC insertion in patients with previous pelvic irradiation. Such high-risk cases should be approached with the utmost care, preferably under ultrasound guidance. For safe practice, the British Association of Urological Surgeons' guidelines for SPC insertion should be followed.Acute gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) is a frequently encountered medical emergency and it can be life-threatening depending on the etiology and the clinical condition of the patient. The most common causes of GIB are peptic ulcer disease, aspirin-induced gastritis, variceal hemorrhage, esophagitis, neoplasms like gastric cancer. Acquired hemophilia causing acute gastrointestinal bleed is extremely rare and only a few cases are reported worldwide. Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare disorder caused by the production of autoantibodies that inactivates clotting factor VIII. We present a case of upper gastrointestinal bleed due to AHA which was undiagnosed for two years. A 74-year-old patient with a history of myasthenia gravis, presented with anemia, and GIB. She underwent multiple endoscopies without a clear bleeding source. Coagulation studies showed isolated activated partial thromboplastin time prolongation which was not corrected by mixing study. Factor VIII activity was low and Bethesda titer showed elevated inhibitor levels. Factor Eight Bypassing Agent, recombinant factor VIIa, and steroids were given to control bleeding. Her clinical condition worsened, and she passed away. Elderly patients presenting with an undiagnosed source of GIBs, inconclusive endoscopic studies should be evaluated for acquired coagulopathies, especially in those with a history of autoimmune diseases and malignancies. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are warranted as it carries a high mortality. Part of the case presentation was presented as an abstract at a regional conference.