ASEAN countries are forming harmonized regulations for dietary supplements. This could be a big opportunity for manufacturers to introduce their products into the ASEAN market. A special unit of the Traditional Medicine and Health Supplements Product Working Group (TMHA PWG) helps manufacturers understand the regulatory procedures of these countries. Despite countries' own special requirements, manufacturers can follow the standards and harmonized guidelines put forth by TMHA PWG. The aim of this review is to introduce the regulatory procedure and requirements for international business developers to launch any new nutraceutical products into the ASEAN market. For an animal to learn about its environment with limited motor and cognitive resources, it should focus its resources on potentially important stimuli. However, too narrow focus is disadvantageous for adaptation to environmental changes. Midbrain dopamine neurons are excited by potentially important stimuli, such as reward-predicting or novel stimuli, and allocate resources to these stimuli by modulating how an animal approaches, exploits, explores, and attends. The current study examined the theoretical possibility that dopamine activity reflects the dynamic allocation of resources for learning. Dopamine activity may transition between two patterns (1) phasic responses to cues and rewards, and (2) ramping activity arising as the agent approaches the reward. Phasic excitation has been explained by prediction errors generated by experimentally inserted cues. However, when and why dopamine activity transitions between the two patterns remain unknown. By parsimoniously modifying a standard temporal difference (TD) learning model to accommodate a mixed presentation of both experimental and environmental stimuli, we simulated dopamine transitions and compared them with experimental data from four different studies. The results suggested that dopamine transitions