Variability in the dynamical function of nodes comprising a complex network impacts upon cascading failures that can compromise the network's ability to operate. Node types correspond to sources, sinks, or passive conduits of a current flow, applicable to renewable electrical power microgrids containing a variable number of intermittently operating generators and consumers of power. The resilience to cascading failures of ensembles of synthetic networks with different topology is examined as a function of the edge current carrying capacity and mix of node types, together with exemplar real-world networks. While a network with a homogeneous composition of node types can be resilient to failure, onewith an identical topology but with heterogeneous nodes can be strongly susceptible to failure. For networks with similar numbers of sources, sinks, and passive nodes the mean resilience decreases as networks become more disordered. Nevertheless all network topologies have enhanced regions of resilience, accessible by the manipulation of node composition and functionality.In this paper, the effect of two-frequency modulation of boundary temperatures on the onset of natural convection in a layer of fluid (with Prandtl number less then 12.5) between two vertical parallel planes is considered. The ratio of the two forcing frequencies and the mixing angle for the amplitude of modulation provide an efficient way of controlling the underlying instability. At the onset of instability, the fluid layer executes harmonic and subharmonic oscillations. The transition between harmonic and subharmonic responses is found to occur through an intermediate bicritical state. In addition to bicritical states, the instability is found to exhibit an almost tricritical state for a particular combination of the modulation parameters. The onset of the instability depends upon the modulation parameters and Prandtl number of the fluid.Droplet freezing not only is of fundamental interest but also plays an important role in numerous natural and industrial processes. However, it is challenging to numerically simulate the droplet freezing process due to its involving a complex three-phase system with dynamic phase change and heat transfer. Here we propose an axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann (LB) model to simulate the freezing process of a sessile water droplet with consideration of droplet volume expansion. Combined with the multiphase flow LB model and the enthalpy thermal LB model, our proposed approach is applied to simulate the sessile water droplet freezing on both hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces at a fixed subcooled temperature. Through comparison with the experimental counterpart, the comparison results show that our axisymmetric LB model can satisfactorily describe such sessile droplet freezing processes. Moreover, we use both LB simulations and analytical models to study the effects of contact angle and volume expansion on the freezing time and the cone shape formed on the top of frozen droplets. The analytical models are obtained based on heat transfer and geometric analyses. Additionally, we show analytically and numerically that the freezing front-to-interface angle keeps nearly constant (smaller than 90°).Reduction of a two-component FitzHugh-Nagumo model to a single-component model with long-range connection is considered on general networks. The reduced model describes a single chemical species reacting on the nodes and diffusing across the links with weighted long-range connections, which can be interpreted as a class of networked dynamical systems on a multigraph with local and nonlocal Laplace matrices that self-consistently emerge from the adiabatic elimination. We study the conditions for the instability of homogeneous states in the original and reduced models and show that Turing patterns can emerge in both models. We also consider generality of the adiabatic elimination for a wider class of slow-fast systems and discuss the peculiarity of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model.We report measurements of K-shell fluorescence lines induced by fast electrons in ramp-compressed Co targets. The fluorescence emission was stimulated by fast electrons generated through short-pulse laser-solid interaction with an Al target layer. Compression up to 2.1× solid density was achieved while maintaining temperatures well below the Fermi energy, effectively removing the thermal effects from consideration. We observed small but unambiguous redshifts in the Kβ fluorescence line relative to unshifted Cu Kα. Redshifts up to 2.6 eV were found to increase with compression and to be consistent with predictions from self-consistent models based on density-functional theory.We analyze the onset of social-norm-violating behaviors when social punishment is present. To this aim, a compartmental model is introduced to illustrate the flows among the three possible states honest, corrupt, and ostracism. With this simple model we attempt to capture some essential ingredients such as the contagion of corrupt behaviors to honest agents, the delation of corrupt individuals by honest ones, and the warning to wrongdoers (fear like that triggers the conversion of corrupt people into honesty). In nonequilibrium statistical physics terms, the former dynamics can be viewed as a non-Hamiltonian kinetic spin-1 Ising model. After developing in full detail its mean-field theory and comparing its predictions with simulations made on regular networks, we derive the conditions for the emergence of corrupt behaviors and, more importantly, illustrate the key role of the warning-to-wrongdoers mechanism in the latter.Recent experiments support the adder model for E. coli division control. This model posits that bacteria grow, on average, a fixed size before division. It also predicts decorrelation between the noise in the added size and the size at birth. Here we develop a theory based on stochastic hybrid systems which could explain the main division strategies, including not only the adder strategy but the whole range from sizer to timer. We use experiments to explore the division control of E. coli growing with glycerol as carbon source. In this medium, the division strategy is sizerlike, which means that the added size decreases with the size at birth. We found, as our theory predicts, that in a sizerlike strategy the mean added size decreases with the size at birth while the noise in added size increases. We discuss possible molecular mechanisms underlying this strategy and propose a general model that encompasses the different division strategies.