reviewed evidence was missing in the majority of instances. In our sample, Apps from the NHS Apps Library were more no more likely to have supporting evidence than popular Apple App Store apps. This is of concern, given that NHS approval may influence uptake of app usage. - Apps that were in higher tiers 3a and 3b, indicating higher clinical risk, were more likely to have an associated article than those in lower categories. However, even in these tiers, supporting peer-reviewed evidence was missing in the majority of instances. In our sample, Apps from the NHS Apps Library were more no more likely to have supporting evidence than popular Apple App Store apps. This is of concern, given that NHS approval may influence uptake of app usage. The Intelligent Medical Diagnosis System (IMDS) has been targeted by the cyber attackers, who aim to damage the Healthcare Critical National Infrastructure (CNI). This research is motivated by the recent cyber attacks happened worldwide that have resulted in the compromise of medical diagnosis records. This study was conducted to demonstrate how the IMDS could be attacked and diagnosis records compromised (i.e. heart disease) and suggest a list of security defence strategies to prevent against such attacks. This research developed an IMDS simulation platform by implementing the OpenEMR system. A Cardiac Diagnosis Component is then added to the IMDS. The IMDS is fed with the ECG data (retrieved from the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2017). This research then launched systematic ethical hacking, which was tailored to target IMDS diagnosis records. The systematic hacking was based on the NIST ethical hacking method and followed an attack pathway, starting from identifying the entry points of thys. It provided novel insights into the protection of IMDS and will benefit researchers in the community to conduct further research in security defence of IMDS.Housing is central to health equity, and mass incarceration is an important but understudied aspect of housing vulnerability and health inequity. One way in which housing can be linked to health and health inequity is through ontological security. Ontological security, or a sense of feeling at home, is comprised of constancy, daily routines, privacy, and a basic security that enables the development of one's identity. It has been theorized as a mechanism by which people reap the health benefits of housing. Based on two waves of interviews in 2017-2018 with a sample of 27 people returning from incarceration in a northeast U.S. city, we describe participants' residential experiences during the first two years after release. Participants lived in residential group settings, with friends, partners and family, or were homeless. They experienced impermanence, punitive place rules, surveillance, and a lack of control. In contrast, participants spoke about their idea of home, imagined from the past or for the future, as a place of privacy, control, and wellbeing. This analysis expands the study of ontological security by detailing its absence among people returning from incarceration. The concept of ontological security holds promise in delineating the ways in which housing provides health benefits, and is particularly useful for understanding the needs and experiences of those returning from prison and seeking to restart their lives in the community. Relatedly, participant narratives point to the expansion of the carceral state beyond prison, including into residential space, with implications for the intersection of housing and health equity.Huge amounts of genomic data produced by researchers around the world undermine data-centred discovery and therapeutic development. This paper considers how researchers make decisions about the actionability of specific datasets and the conditions that allow such data to be trusted. We discuss the case of COSMIC, a leading cancer genomics database which aggregates a large amount of sources. We research what the actionability of cancer data means in different situations of use, contrasting exploratory and diagnostics research. They highlight different questions and concerns upon genomic data use in medical research. At the same time, strategies and justifications pursued to evaluate and re-use can also share important similarities. To explain differences and similarities, we argue for an understanding of actionability and trust in data that depends on the goals and resources within the situation of inquiry, and the social epistemology of standards. A complex system of factors interacting across time shapes community violence. It is not well understood how features of persons, institutions and communities interact as a "system" to produce escalating community violence. We aimed to integrate theoretical and experiential knowledge among young African-American urban males to develop a concept model of key causal structures driving dynamics of community violence escalation over time in a context of historical racism. We analyzed three published sources (two documentary films and one ethnography) containing lived experience perspectives on community violence escalation among African American males in three U.S. cities experiencing civil unrest due to structural racism. Qualitative descriptive analysis identified features in three key thematic categories racialized policies and practices, economic and social disenfranchisement, and intrapsychic factors. We used causal loop diagramming, a system dynamics method designed for depicting dynamic hypotheses abounce escalation, that can be tested in future research to inform action to break observed cycles of community violence. Qualitative system dynamics methods offered an approach to uncover and hypothesize the complex, dynamic relationships between variables shaping violence escalation trends. The resulting causal loop diagram hypothesized dynamic mechanisms capable of creating and perpetuating racial disparities in community violence escalation, that can be tested in future research to inform action to break observed cycles of community violence. Grounded in organizational change theory, the purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program (PYFP) and its association with healthy cultures within schools. Using a qualitative approach, data were collected through interviews, site visits and artifacts across 374 schools. An explanatory collective case study approach was used to identify key events related to implementation. Pivotal antecedents to organizational change included prolonged, continual PD, direct support of PYFP implementation, and recognition. Further, three key themes of leveling of the playing field, strategically overcoming barriers, and recruiting teacher fitness champions were identified. Creating a healthy school culture was an unexpected, but feasible outcome stemming from the implementation of the PYFP. A collective effort, led by physical education teachers and fitness champions and embraced by the administration, faculty, and community, is necessary for the school culture to unfreeze from its present status.