Irrigation with 200 mM NaCl significantly increases vegetative and reproductive growth of the extreme halophyte Suaeda salsa. However, little is known about how the progeny of S. salsa plants grown under a continuous NaCl supply behave in terms of growth and seed set parameters. We investigated various plant growth and reproductive parameters of the progeny that germinated from seeds harvested from mother plants grown under 0 or 200 mM NaCl over three generations. Seedling emergence, plant height, stem diameter, total branch length, flowering branch length, flowering branch ratio, and seed production were all significantly enhanced in the progeny produced by mother plants grown with 200 mM NaCl compared to progeny of mother plants grown on low salinity conditions. Therefore, irrigation with 200 mM of NaCl is beneficial to seed development in the halophyte S. salsa and possibly contributes to population establishment in high salinity environments. Likewise, the prolonged absence of NaCl in the growth environment inhibits seed development, results in lower seed quality, and thus limits seedling growth of the progeny, thereby restricting S. salsa to a high salinity ecological niche.Climate change is expected to intensify water restriction to crops, impacting on the yield potential of crops such as popcorn. This work aimed to evaluate the performance of 10 field cultivated popcorn inbred lines during two growing seasons, under well-watered (WW) and water stressed (WS) (ψsoil≥ -1.5 MPa) conditions. Water stress was applied by withholding irrigation in the phenological phase of male pre-anthesis. Additionally, two contrasting inbred lines, P7 (superior line) and L75 (low performer) were compared for grain yield (GY) and expanded popcorn volume (EPV), selected from previous studies, were tested under greenhouse conditions. In the field, no genotype x water condition x crop season (G×WC×CS) interaction was observed, whereas GY (-51%), EPV (-55%) and leaf greenness (SPAD index) measured 17 days after anthesis (DAA) (> -10%) were highly affected by water limitation. In general, root traits (angles, number, and density) presented G×WC×CS interaction, which did not support their use as selectionf photosynthetic status, and stomatal conductance were shown to be good indicators of the agronomic performance of popcorn under water constraint.Bud dormancy in temperate perennials ensures the survival of growing meristems under the harsh environmental conditions of autumn and winter, and facilitates an optimal growth and development resumption in the spring. Although the molecular pathways controlling the dormancy process are still unclear, DORMANCY-ASSOCIATED MADS-BOX genes (DAM) have emerged as key regulators of the dormancy cycle in different species. In the present study, we have characterized the orthologs of DAM genes in European plum (Prunus domestica L.). Their expression patterns together with sequence similarities are consistent with a role of PdoDAMs in dormancy maintenance mechanisms in European plum. Furthermore, other genes related to dormancy, flowering, and stress response have been identified in order to obtain a molecular framework of these three different processes taking place within the dormant flower bud in this species. This research provides a set of candidate genes to be genetically modified in future research, in order to better understand dormancy regulation in perennial species.Black dot is a blemish disease of potato tubers caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum coccodes. Qualitative resistance (monogenic) that leads to the hypersensitive response has not been reported against black dot, but commercial potato cultivars show different susceptibility levels to the disease, indicating that quantitative resistance (polygenic) mechanisms against this pathogen exist. Cytological studies are essential to decipher pathogen colonization of the plant tissue, and untargeted metabolomics has been shown effective in highlighting resistance-related metabolites in quantitative resistance. In this study, we used five commercial potato cultivars with different susceptibility levels to black dot, and studied the structural and biochemical aspects that correlate with resistance to black dot using cytological and untargeted metabolomics methods. The cytological approach using semithin sections of potato tuber periderm revealed that C. coccodes colonizes the tuber periderm, but does not peoperties.Monilinia laxa is a necrotrophic plant pathogen able to infect and produce substantial losses on stone fruit. Three different isolates of M. laxa were characterized according to their aggressiveness on nectarines. M. laxa 8L isolate was the most aggressive on fruit, 33L isolate displayed intermediated virulence level, and 5L was classified as a weak aggressive isolate. Nectarine colonization process by the weak isolate 5L was strongly delayed. nLC-MS/MS proteomic studies using in vitro peach cultures provided data on exoproteomes of the three isolates at equivalent stages of brown rot colonization; 3 days for 8L and 33L, and 7 days for 5L. A total of 181 proteins were identified from 8L exoproteome and 289 proteins from 33L at 3 dpi, and 206 proteins were identified in 5L exoproteome at 7 dpi. Although an elevated number of proteins lacked a predicted function, the vast majority of proteins belong to OG group "metabolism", composed of categories such as "carbohydrate transport and metabolism" in 5L, and "energy production and conversion" most represented in 8L and 33L. Among identified proteins, 157 that carried a signal peptide were further examined and classified. Carbohydrate-active enzymes and peptidases were the main groups revealing different protein alternatives with the same function among isolates. Our data suggested a subset of secreted proteins as possible markers of differential virulence in more aggressive isolates, MlPG1 MlPME3, NEP-like, or endoglucanase proteins. A core-exoproteome among isolates independently of their virulence but time-dependent was also described. This core included several well-known virulence factors involved in host-tissue factors like cutinase, pectin lyases, and acid proteases. The secretion patterns supported the assumption that M. laxa deploys an extensive repertoire of proteins to facilitate the host infection and colonization and provided information for further characterization of M. laxa pathogenesis.