The continuous cropping barrier is an important factor leading to the decline of watermelon quality and yield. In this study, we focused on a bio-organic fertilizer prepared with one bacterial strain, Bacillus sp. XG-1, to prevent the occurrence of the continuous cropping barrier. The strain XG-1 was isolated from watermelon rhizosphere soil, and promoted the growth of watermelon by producing phytase (0.19 U/mL), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 7.31 mg/L), and gibberellins (GA3, 2.47 mg/L). In addition, the strain also possessed a strong antagonistic effect against the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum (Fon) by inhibiting conidia germination with an inhibition ratio of 85.3% and mycelium growth. The bio-organic fertilizer fermented by XG-1, based on cow manure compost and rapeseed meal (8515, w/w) under optimal conditions, was mixed in soil (watermelon had been planted for two consecutive years). After the cultivation of watermelon for 50 d, a higher density of XG-1 (9.79 × 105 colony-forming units (CFU)/gWe developed a comprehensive composition database of 629 cereal-based gluten free (GF) products available in Spain. Information on ingredients and nutritional composition was retrieved from food package labels. GF products were primarily composed of rice and/or corn flour, and 90% of them included added rice starch. The most common added fat was sunflower oil (present in one third of the products), followed by palm fat, olive oil, and cocoa. Only 24.5% of the products had the nutrition claim "no added sugar". Fifty-six percent of the GF products had sucrose in their formulation. Xanthan gum was the most frequently employed fiber, appearing in 34.2% of the GF products, followed by other commonly used such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (23.1%), guar gum (19.7%), and vegetable gums (19.6%). Macronutrient analysis revealed that 25.4% of the products could be labeled as a source of fiber. Many of the considered GF food products showed very high contents of energy (33.5%), fats (28.5%), saturated fatty acids (30.0%), sugars (21.6%), and salt (28.3%). There is a timid reformulation in fat composition and salt reduction, but a lesser usage of alternative flours and pseudocereals.The amount of intramuscular fat (IMF) present in the loin eye area is one of the most important characteristics of high-quality pork. IMF measurements are currently impractical without a labor-intensive process. Metabolomic profiling could be used as an IMF indicator to avoid this process; however, no studies have investigated their use during the fattening period of pigs. This study examined the metabolite profiles in the plasma of two groups of pigs derived from the same Duroc genetic line and fed the same diet. Five plasma samples were collected from each individual the day before slaughter. Capillary electrophoresis-time of flight mass spectrometry (CE-TOFMS) was used to analyze the purified plasma from each sample. Principle component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares (PLS) were used to find the semi-quantitative values of the compounds. The results indicate that branched-chain amino acids are significantly associated with high IMF content, while amino acids are associated with low IMF content. These differences were validated using the quantification analyses by high-performance liquid chromatograph, which supported our results. These results suggest that the concentration of branched-chain amino acids in plasma could be an indicative biomarker for the IMF content in the loin eye area.The development and evaluation of a Boc-AL(Boc)Q(Trt)-AMC fluorophore to detect 3C Protease, produced by Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) is reported, with a view to a potential use as a rapid screen for FMDV infected livestock The peptide-linked conjugate fluorophore is evaluated in vitro for sensitivity, specificity, stability and rapidity and shows statistically significant increases in fluorescence when exposed to physiologically relevant concentrations of 3C Protease and selectivity when compared with other common proteases likely to be located, typically in the absence of FMDV. The stability of deprotected Boc-AL(Boc)Q(Trt)-AMC is reported as a limitation of this probe.This study aimed to evaluate the validity and reliability of our new multi-segment foot model by measuring a dummy foot, and examine the kinematic characteristics of our new multi-segment foot model by measuring the living body. Using our new model and the Rizzoli model, we conducted two experiments with a dummy foot that was moved within a range from -90 to 90 degrees in all planes; for the living body, 24 participants performed calf raises, gait, and drop jumps. Most three-dimensional (3D) rotation angles calculated according to our new models were strongly positively correlated with true values (r > 0.8, p less then 0.01). Most 3D rotation angles had fixed biases; however, most of them were in the range of the limits of agreement. Temporal patterns of foot motion, such as those in the Rizzoli model, were observed in our new model during all dynamic tasks. We concluded that our new multi-segment foot model was valid for motion analysis and was useful for analyzing the foot motion using 3D motion capture during dynamic tasks.The aim of the current study was to determine the effectiveness of two surgical techniques regarding cow respiratory rates, heart rates, and rumination time using two sensors an experimental device created by the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) and the Hi-Tag rumination monitoring system (SCR) produced by SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel. The cows were divided into two groups the PA1 group, containing cows treated by percutaneous abomasopexy (n = 10), and the RSO2 group, containing cows treated by right side omentopexy (n = 8). For the control group (KH), according to the principle of analogs (number of lactations, breed, and days in milk), we selected clinically healthy cows (n = 9). After the surgical treatment for the abomasal displacement, the experimental device was applied for the recording of the heart and breathing rates, 12 h tracking of the rumination time was implemented using the SCR, and the body temperature was measured. After 12 h, the blood was taken for biochemical and morphological tests.