Intravital microscopy (IVM) allows the real-time, direct visualization of microscopic blood vessels. This pilot clinical trial will elucidate the physical and functional characteristics of vessels associated with solid tumors. The main objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of performing IVM in patients with solid tumors during the standard course of surgical resection. IVM will also be performed when vasopressors or fluid boluses are administered during the standard course of the operation. This is an open-label, nonrandomized, single-center, pilot study of IVM observation in subjects with solid tumors undergoing surgical resection. This study was active on January 1, 2019 (NCT03823144) and funded by the Mayo Clinic Florida Cancer Focused Research Team Award. As of September 27, 2020, we had enrolled 20 patients. Accrual period is expected to end by December 31, 2021. This trial will support the development of interventions to improve patient treatment by extending the application of IVM to the tumor microenvironment. IVM observations during volume and pressor management at the time of surgery may aid in the development of strategies to augment responses to systemic treatments. PRR1-10.2196/15677. PRR1-10.2196/15677.Sex differences and social context independently contribute to the development of stress-related disorders. However, less is known about how their interplay might influence behavior and physiology. Here we focused on social hierarchy status, a major component of the social environment in mice, and whether it influences behavioral adaptation to chronic stress in a sex-specific manner. We used a high-throughput automated behavioral monitoring system to assess social dominance in same-sex, group-living mice. We found that position in the social hierarchy at baseline was a significant predictor of multiple behavioral outcomes following exposure to chronic stress. Crucially, this a