The subsequent anesthetic course was uneventful. Safety equipment for recreational cycling is commonly designed to protect the calvarium, but not the face, in the event of a crash. The purpose of this study is to identify the prevalence of facial injuries and their most common subcategories due to cycling injuries and to serve as an anatomical guide of what facial structures most need protection. We report a cross-sectional study of consecutive patients reported to the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2019. Patients were included in our study if they were evaluated in the emergency department (ED) for an injury due to cycling trauma. Primary outcome was injury to the face. Other variables of interest include age, sex, race, ED disposition, type of facial injury, location of facial injury, and presence of additional injuries. Descriptive and univariate statistics of the primary outcome were computed with these variables. There were 138,078 total patients injured due to cycling trauma reported by Nations were facial fractures. With this high prevalence, there is a need for cycling helmets that include facial protection or faceguards, and we outline the commonly fractured anatomical areas that need the most protection. To assess the condylar hypoplasia and its correlation with craniofacial deformities in adults with unilateral craniofacial microsomia (CFM). Pretreatment cone-beam computed tomography scans of consecutive adults (mean age 20.4 ± 3.0 years; range 17.3 to 31.4 years) with Pruzansky-Kaban type I and IIA CFM were reconstructed in 3D. Both condyles were segmented. Asymmetry ratios (affected side/contralateral side) of condylar volume were calculated to indicate the extent of condylar hypoplasia. 3D cephalometry was performed to quantify the maxillomandibular morphology and facial asymmetry. The correlations in between were assessed by using Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficients. Thirty-six subjects were enrolled, consisting of 22 subjects with Pruzansky-Kaban type I and 14 subjects with type IIA. The condyles in type IIA group were significantly more hypoplastic in height (asymmetry ratio 40.69 vs 59.95%, P = .006) and volume (18.16 vs 47.84%, P < .001) compared to type I group. Type IIA group A). These quantitative distinctions are expected to enhance the diagnostic reliability of CFM. Since WHO recommended introduction of at least a single dose of inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in routine immunisation schedules, there have been global IPV shortages. Fractional-dose IPV (fIPV) administration is one of the strategies to ensure IPV availability. We reviewed studies comparing the effects of fractional with full-dose IPV vaccination to determine when seroconversion proportions with each strategy become similar in children aged 5 years and younger. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched 16 databases in July, 2019, for trials and observational studies, including ongoing studies that compare immunogenicity and adverse events of fractional-dose (0·1 mL) to full-dose (0·5 mL) IPV in healthy children aged 5 years or younger regardless of study design, number of doses, and route of administration. Screening, selection of articles, data extraction, and risk of bias assessment were done in duplicate, and conflicts were resolved by discussion or arbitration by a third author. e comparisons and moderate for the rest of the comparisons. There is no substantial difference in seroconversion between three doses of fIPV and three doses of full-dose IPV, although the full dose gives higher titres of antibodies for poliovirus type 1, 2, and 3. Use of fractional IPV instead of the full dose can stretch supplies and possibly lower the cost of vaccination. South African Medical Research Council and the National Research Foundation of South Africa. South African Medical Research Council and the National Research Foundation of South Africa. Medical male circumcision (MMC) reduces HIV infection among heterosexual men. There are concerns MMC might prompt higher-risk sexual behaviours because of lower self-perceived risk of HIV infection. We reviewed the published literature to examine associations between MMC and both condom use and number of sex partners among heterosexual men. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library for studies published before Nov 15, 2020. Interventional and observational studies were included if they contained original quantitative data describing the association between MMC and condom use or number of sex partners among heterosexual men. We excluded data from men whose circumcisions were ritual or religious and data from men who have sex with men. We extracted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs for the associations between MMC and condomless sex and MMC and multiple sex partners directly from the publications if available, selecting adjusted ORs when provided; when necalth education should be maintained as a vital component of effective MMC programmes. National Science and Technology Major Project of China, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Basic Research Program. National Science and Technology Major Project of China, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Basic Research Program. Hemoglobin fractionation by capillary zone electrophoresis (CE) is becoming a popular method for the identification of hemoglobin variants that can cause hemoglobinopathies. The goal of this study was to compare the performance of capillary electrophoresis using Sebia Capillarys 2 Flex Piercing system (CE-S) with high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) using Primus Ultra2 Resolution Variants System (HPLC-P) as a primary method in hemoglobinopathy work-up. A total of 306 blood specimens submitted for evaluation of hemoglobinopathies were studied using HPLC-P and CE-S. The reference ranges for Hb A, A and F agreed well between methods. All common variants containing Hb S and Hb C were detected by both methods. Quantification of Hb A with HPLC-P required a correction in the presence of Hb S, while quantification of Hb A was slightly overestimated by CE-S in the presence of Hb C. Of 41 samples containing other variants, 2 were not identified by HPLC-P and 3 were not identified by CE-S. CE-S provides comparable information to that obtained by HPLC-P and it is a reliable primary method for the evaluation of hemoglobin variants.