Moreover, the presence of the Girard T reagent suppresses ion signals of all the species in the spectrum including TGs. Nano-DESI MSI experiments performed using MeOHAcNtol solvent enable imaging of TGs without any detectable adverse effect on signals of other lipids and metabolites. Specifically, 10 out of 14 TG species were detected exclusively using MeOHAcNtol and the sensitivity towards other TGs was improved by at least an order of magnitude. Although polyunsaturated TGs may be detected using both solvents, saturated and monounsaturated TGs are only detected using MeOHAcNtol. Our results provide a direct path for the improved detection of TGs in tissue imaging experiments using liquid-based ambient ionization techniques.We develop model averaging estimation in the linear regression model where some covariates are subject to measurement error. The absence of the true covariates in this framework makes the calculation of the standard residual-based loss function impossible. We take advantage of the explicit form of the parameter estimators and construct a weight choice criterion. It is asymptotically equivalent to the unknown model average estimator minimizing the loss function. When the true model is not included in the set of candidate models, the method achieves optimality in terms of minimizing the relative loss, whereas, when the true model is included, the method estimates the model parameter with root n rate. Simulation results in comparison with existing Bayesian information criterion and Akaike information criterion model selection and model averaging methods strongly favour our model averaging method. The method is applied to a study on health.We used metabolic modeling to computationally investigate the potential of bacterial coculture system designs for CO conversion to the platform chemical butyrate. By taking advantage of the native capabilities of wild-type strains, we developed two anaerobic coculture designs by combining Clostridium autoethanogenum for CO-to-acetate conversion with bacterial strains that offer high acetate-to-butyrate conversion capabilities the environmental bacterium the human gut bacteriumEubacterium rectale. When grown in continuous stirred tank reactor on a 70/0/30 CO/H2/N2 gas mixture, the C. autoethanogenum-C Kluyveri co-culture was predicted to offer no mprovement in butyrate volumetric productivity compared to an engineered C. autoethanogenum monoculture despite utilizing vinyl acetate as a secondary carbon source for C. kluyveri growth enhancement. A coculture consisting of C. autoethanogenum and C. kluyveri engineered in silico to eliminate hexanoate synthesis was predicted to enhance both butyrate productivity and titer. The C. autoethanogenum-E. rectale coculture offered similar improvements in butyrate productivity without the need for metabolic engineering when glucose was provided as a secondary carbon source to enhance E. rectale growth. A bubble column model developed to assess the potential for large-scale butyrate production of the C. autoethanogenum-E. rectale design predicted that a 40/30/30 CO/H2/N2 gas mixture and a 5 m column length would be preferred to enhance C. autoethanogenum growth and counteract CO inhibitory effects on E. rectale.This paper presents a novel healthcare waste location-routing problem by concentrating on a new perspective in healthcare logistics networks. In this problem, there are healthcare, treatment, and disposal centers. Locations of healthcare centers are known, however, it is required to select appropriate locations for treatment, recycling, and disposal centers. Healthcare wastes are divided into infectious and non-infectious wastes. Since a great volume of healthcare wastes are infectious, the emission of contamination can have obnoxious impacts on the environment. The proposed problem considers a stochastic essence for the emission of contamination which depends on the transferring times. In this respect, transferring times between healthcare and treatment centers have been considered as normal random variables. As transferring time increases, it is more likely for the contamination to spread. Having visited a treatment center, infectious wastes are sterilized and they will no longer be harmful to the environmeulti-Objective Simulated Annealing (MOSA). These experiments also include a real healthcare waste logistic network in Iran. The computational experiments demonstrate that our proposed algorithm prevails these algorithms in terms of some well-known performance evaluation measures.Cognitive empathy (also known as perspective-taking) is an important, teachable, skill. As part of a knowledge translation project, we identified a) interest in an evidence-based cognitive empathy mobile app and b) which faculties believe that cognitive empathy is important for their profession. Students (nā€‰=ā€‰638) and instructors/professors (nā€‰=ā€‰38) completed a university-wide survey. Participants in Education, Social Work, and the Health Sciences were among those most interested in the app. The majority of participants said that they would prefer for the app to be free or less than $3 for students. Most participants preferred a one-time payment option. Across 17 faculties, all but one had 60% or more of its sampled members say that cognitive empathy is important for their profession. Results illuminate perceptions of cognitive empathy instruction and technology. Results also provide insight into issues to consider when developing and implementing an educational communication app.Despite increased research on bullying over the past few decades, researchers still have little understanding of how bullying differentially affects racial and ethnic minority and immigrant youth. To facilitate efforts to better evaluate the impact of bullying among racial and ethnic minority youth and improve interventions, we integrated research from multiple disciplines and conducted a systematic search to review relevant cross-cultural research on the prevalence of bullying, risk and protective factors, and differences in behaviors and outcomes associated with bullying in these populations. Studies measuring differences in bullying prevalence by racial and ethnic groups are inconclusive, and discrepancies in findings may be explained by differences in how bullying is measured and the impact of school and social environments. Racial and ethnic minorities and immigrants are disproportionately affected by contextual-level risk factors associated with bullying (e.g., adverse community, home, and school environments), which may moderate the effects of individual-level predictors of bullying victimization or perpetration (e.