Recent figures suggest gun violence in New Zealand is on the rise. Between 6,000 and 8,000 shotguns are imported annually. The challenge specific to managing shotgun injury is the wide field of damage caused by multiple pellets. It is easy to overlook a single pellet when assessing a patient with distracting injuries. This case highlights this lesson and the significant injury that can arise from a single pellet.Serology is now a well-established diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of COVID-19 infections in New Zealand. Using local and international experience, we provide an overview of serological response to infection and vaccination as well as the use and interpretation of antibody tests in our setting. We also discuss the potential future role of post-vaccination serology testing as a correlate of immunity. We conclude that, given the pitfalls of testing, clinical microbiologist advice is necessary for interpretation of high-consequence cases.173,766 New Zealanders suffer from visual impairment. The associated health-system costs are $523 million in total, or $3,008 per person. Yet eighty percent (80%) of blindness is avoidable if detected on time. Public health services have an increasing workload but are also limited by material and technical resources. Optometry practices continually increase referrals (up to 100% in one year) that cannot be solved on time, reducing the efficiency of the service. Teleophthalmology works by improving the efficiency of screening and monitoring and integrating eye healthcare and by decreasing referrals by up to 40%.Medical students from the University of Otago, Christchurch Department of Medicine were involved in their local COVID-19 response. A group of ten students helped with the assessment of individuals at community-based assessment centres or mobile testing units. They primarily helped assess and test individuals alongside experienced healthcare workers. The students gained valuable clini