Treatment guidelines are primarily based on randomized clinical trials (RCTs). RCTs tend to some extent to exclude older adults despite the fact that physicians need guidance when treating this patient group. By summarizing existing literature, we aimed to (a) quantify the proportion of RCTs and other clinical studies (CTs) that did not adequately include older adults; (b) identify the main barriers for this non-inclusion; and (c) identify suggested solution for inclusion of older adults in RCTs and other CTs. In this umbrella review, Embase and PubMed were searched for relevant papers, and 2701 papers were identified. The subsequent screening resulted in 22 papers. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program was used as quality assessment tool to evaluate these 22 papers. We found that (a) The most frequent outcome designating missing inclusion of older adults was the use of age limit as exclusion criterion in studies-the proportion of this was 10%-60%; (b) barriers for inclusion were mainly exclusion criteria, logistic challenges and financial constraints; and (c) more extensive inclusion would require more explicit inclusion criteria, merely application of exclusion criteria when absolutely needed, change of researchers' attitude, further inclusion of supporting relatives to overcome the logistical challenges and more financial funding.Dynamic functional connectivity (DFC) analysis can capture time-varying properties of connectivity. However, studies on large samples using DFC to investigate transdiagnostic dysconnectivity across schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BD), and major depressive disorder (MDD) are rare. In this study, we used resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and a sliding-window method to study DFC in a total of 610 individuals (150 with SZ, 100 with BD, 150 with MDD, and 210 healthy controls [HC]) at a single site. Using k-means clustering, DFCs were clustered into three functional connectivity states one was a more frequent state with moderate positive and negative connectivity (State 1), and the other two were less frequent states with stronger positive and negative connectivity (State 2 and State 3). Significant 4-group differences (SZ, BD, MDD, and HC groups; q  less then  .05, false-discovery rate [FDR]-corrected) in DFC were nearly only in State 1. Post hoc analyses (q  less then  .05, FDR-corrected) in State 1 showed that transdiagnostic dysconnectivity patterns among SZ, BD and MDD featured consistently decreased connectivity within most networks (the visual, somatomotor, salience and frontoparietal networks), which was most obvious in both range and extent for SZ. Our findings suggest that there is more common dysconnectivity across SZ, BD and MDD than we previously expected and that such dysconnectivity is state-dependent, which provides new insights into the pathophysiological mechanism of major psychiatric disorders.Nano-electrochemical tools to assess individual catalyst entities are critical to comprehend single-entity measurements. The intrinsic electrocatalytic activity of an individual well-defined Co3 O4 nanoparticle supported on a carbon-based nanoelectrode is determined by employing an efficient SEM-controlled robotic technique for picking and placing a single catalyst particle onto a modified carbon nanoelectrode surface. The stable nanoassembly is microscopically investigated and subsequently electrochemically characterized. The hexagonal-shaped Co3 O4 nanoparticles demonstrate size-dependent electrochemical activity and exhibit very high catalytic activity with a current density of up to 11.5 A cm-2 at 1.92 V (vs. RHE), and a turnover frequency of 532±100 s-1 at 1.92 V (vs. RHE) towards catalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction. The vast majority of metastatic cancers cannot be cured. Palliative treatment may relieve disease symptoms by stopping or slowing cancer growth and may prolong patients' lives, but almost all patients will inevitably develop disease progression after initial response. However, for reasons that are not fully understood, a very few patients will have extraordinary durable responses to standard anticancer treatments. We analyzed exceptional responders treated at Fox Chase Cancer Center between September 2009 and November 2017. An exceptional response was defined as a complete response lasting more than 1 year or a partial response or stable disease for more than 2 years. Tumor samples were analyzed using an Ambry Genetics test kit with a 142-gene panel. Messenger RNA expression was evaluated using NanoString's nCounter PanCancer Pathways Panel and Immune Profiling Panel and compared with matched controls for gender, age, and cancer type. Twenty-six exceptional responders with metastatic bladder, kidney, br of outlier responses will become a standard component of drug development in the future.The carbon suboxide anion C3 O2- is generated in solid neon matrix. It is characterized by infrared absorption spectroscopy as well as quantum chemical calculations to have a planar Cs structure where two CO groups with significantly different bond lengths and angles are attached in a zigzag fashion to the central carbon atom. Bonding analysis indicates that it is best described by the bonding interactions between a neutral CO in a triplet excited state and a doublet excited state of CCO- . Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) has been widely applied to detect brain activations. Recent advances in multiband (MB) and multiecho (ME) techniques have greatly improved fMRI methods. MB imaging improves temporal and/or spatial resolution, while ME imaging has been shown to improve BOLD sensitivity. This study aimed to evaluate the novel MBME echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence utilizing MB and ME simultaneously to determine if the MBME outperform the MB single echo (MBSE) sequence for task fMRI. To compare the performance of MBME with MBSE in a task fMRI study. Prospective. A total of 29 healthy volunteers aged 20-46 years (9 male, 20 female). MBSE and MBME gradient-echo EPI sequences were applied at 3T. Additional T -weighted magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) was collected. A checkerboard visual task was presented during the functional MBSE and MBME scans. The MBME or MBSE signal was evaluated using the temporal signal-to-noise ratio (tSNR).