In the past several decades, a number of novel fluorescence image-guided surgery (FGS) contrast agents have been under development, with many in clinical translation and undergoing clinical trials. In this review, we have identified and summarized the contrast agents currently undergoing clinical translation. In total, 39 novel FGS contrast agents are being studied in 85 clinical trials. Four FGS contrast agents are currently being studied in phase III clinical trials and are poised to reach FDA approval within the next two to three years. Among all novel FGS contrast agents, a wide variety of probe types, targeting mechanisms, and fluorescence properties exists. Clinically available FGS imaging systems have been developed for FDA approved FGS contrast agents, and thus further clinical development is required to yield FGS imaging systems tuned for the variety of contrast agents in the clinical pipeline. Additionally, study of current FGS contrast agents for additional disease types and development of anatomy specific contrast agents is required to provide surgeons FGS tools for all surgical specialties and associated comorbidities. The work reviewed here represents a significant effort from many groups and further development of this promising technology will have an enormous impact on surgical outcomes across all specialties.Scleroglucan, a neutral β(1-3) glucan with β(1-6) glucan branches every third residue, is being considered as an alternative rod-like, shear thinning high molecular weight β-glucan based polysaccharide to xanthan gum for the management of patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. It is therefore important to understand more fully its hydrodynamic properties in solution, in particular heterogeneity, molecular weight distribution and its behaviour in the presence of mucin glycoproteins. A commercially purified scleroglucan preparation produced by fermentation of the filamentous fungus Sclerotium ro