Design Beast is the ultimate multi-purpose design solution featuring SIX powerful design apps under one roof to outperform your competition and attract new customers with world-class technologies at your fingertips. You can replace multiple complicated design apps, expensive freelancers, and save thousands on subscription fees. There are no monthly fees or recurring subscriptions. This tool will allow you to have ALL the design, graphics, and animation apps you need to elevate your business to new heights and put your marketing on steroids inside ONE easy-to-use dashboard. So now, you can: Get Access Now: This product is produced by Paul Ponna and Sid Diwar who are both gifted software developers and prominent digital marketers. Paul Ponna is an award-winning tech entrepreneur, speaker, author & consultant with over 14 years of experience online from Canada. He is the founder of several million-dollar SAAS companies and the TOP affiliate and vendor on JVZOO and ClickBank. He has got more than 100,000 sales and his launches are always sought after. Sid Diwar is an experienced tech entrepreneur, software developer, and marketing consultant from Canada. He worked behind the scenes designing marketing campaigns and product ideas that went on to become million-dollar ventures! All-In-One Design & Mockup Engine It is on you which design you want and sees within minutes the same imprint is right in front of you. The all-in-one Design & Mockup Engine comes up with ready-to-use and customizable designs that will perfectly suit your requirements. 7000+ designs are there from which a user can choose and make the customization as per their need. 1-Click Background Removal Sometimes the background is not as we always wanted, but with this tool within one click, the same can also be removed. This tool detects the background automatically and helps you to know about the changes required. It is on the user whether they are ready to make the same or not. AI Logo Maker Just by following 3 simple steps, you can create the AI logo. The AI logo Maker is also integrated, which again saves a lot of money and helps you in choosing out the best logo suitable for your business. 3D Live Motion Photos There is no need for you to deal with still photos anymore. This application features 3D live motion photos that will add an extra effect to all the images you are utilizing. The dynamic moving visuals make the content and photographs more engaging, and people love to browse through the stuff posted. Dynamic moving visuals are proven to get up to 10 times more engagement than regular still photos. This is perfect for grabbing more eyeballs, getting more clicks, and slashing your ad costs by half or more. All these amazing effects will help you to stand out among the crowd with the best and relatable content. Magic Object Remover Some objects are there in the images which you wish to remove. Well, with this tool, it is just a task of a few minutes. Within 2 steps, you are all set to remove all the unwanted objects. Just select the same and complete the process. Within a while, the visible results will be there with you. Slick Image Editor The slick image editor is something you will not like to miss at all. It will help you to complete the basic editing in one go. It doesn’t matter whether it is about resizing, cropping, or any filter, the same can be done easily. Get Access Now: