mucogenicum, B. aryabhattai and S. novella species. The production of maculosin and its antibiotic activity against Rhizoctonia solani has been reported for first time from S. novella. Our results highlight the importance of multidisciplinary approaches to achieve a consistent selection of bacterial strains useful for plant protection and bioremediation purposes.Ribose-cysteine is a synthetic compound designed to increase glutathione (GSH) synthesis. Low levels of GSH and the GSH-dependent enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) in both mice and humans. Here we investigate the effect of ribose-cysteine on GSH, GPx, oxidised lipids and atherosclerosis development in apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE-/-) mice. Female 12-week old apoE-/- mice (n = 15) were treated with 4-5 mg/day ribose-cysteine in drinking water for 8 weeks or left untreated. Blood and livers were assessed for GSH, GPx activity and 8-isoprostanes. Plasma alanine transferase (ALT) and lipid levels were measured. Aortae were quantified for atherosclerotic lesion area in the aortic sinus and brachiocephalic arch and 8-isoprostanes measured. Ribose-cysteine treatment significantly reduced ALT levels (p50% in both the aortic sinus and brachiocephalic branch (p less then 0.05). Ribose-cysteine promotes a significant GSH-based antioxidant effect in multiple tissues as well as an LDL-lowering response. These effects are accompanied by a marked reduction in atherosclerosis suggesting that ribose-cysteine might increase protection against CVD.Secreted autotransporter toxin (Sat) is a 107-kDa serine protease autotransporter of Enterobacteriaceae (SPATE) presenting cytotoxic activity in renal and bladder cells. Further studies have detected the Sat-encoding gene (sat) in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) and in E. coli strains isolated from neonatal septicemia and meningitis. Here, we investigated the role of Sat as a cytotoxin of EAEC. Sat was purified from a strain of E. coli harboring sat (DEC/Sat+, O126H2) and used to raise antibodies in rabbit. The presence of Sat was detected by ELISA in the supernatant of 93.7% of EAEC strains harboring sat and in none lacking the gene. The effect of Sat during infection was investigated in polarized Caco-2 cells infected with Sat-producing EAEC (CV323/77, O125abH21). This strain induced intense cell detachment, which was inhibited by PMSF or Sat antiserum. Also, sat transcription and Sat production were detected during infection. Here we demonstrate that Sat is internalized in polarized cells leading to F-actin disruption which preceded cell detachment. A comparative study of the toxin action in cell lines corresponding to the infection sites in which bacteria carrying the sat gene have been isolated was performed. Cells originating from the gastrointestinal tract (Caco-2), urinary (LLC-PK1) and endothelium (HUVEC) were incubated with purified Sat. The time required for observation of cell damage differed according to the cell line. HUVEC cells were more sensitive to Sat than cells derived from urinary and intestinal tracts. The intense activity of Sat on the endothelial cells suggests that Sat could also be a virulence factor for the bacteria in the bloodstream. In addition, this is the first work demonstrating that Sat induces cytotoxic effect during EAEC infection in vitro. The cell damage observed during infection indicates that Sat may be another toxin with cytotoxic role in the EAEC pathogenesis.BACKGROUND Among prostate cancer (PC) patients, over 90% of distant metastases occur in the bone. PC treatments may be associated with side effects, including second primary malignancies (SPM). There is limited information on the incidence of SPM among men with bone metastatic PC (mPC) and among men with bone metastatic castration-resistant PC (mCRPC). We estimated overall survival and the incidence of SPM in men with mPC and mCRPC. METHODS In the Prostate Cancer data Base Sweden, the National Prostate Cancer Register was linked to other national health care registers, 15,953 men with mPC in 1999-2011 were identified. Further, 693 men with mCRPC were identified. Outcomes were evaluated using stratified incidence rates, Kaplan-Meier estimators and Cox models. RESULTS The mean age among men with mPC was 73.9 years and in men with mCRPC 70.0 years. The median respective survivals were 1.5 (13,965 deaths) and 1.14 years (599 deaths), and average times since PC diagnosis 1.8 and 4.7 years. We observed 2,669 SPMs in men with mPC and 100 SPMs in men with mCRPC. The incidence rate of SPM per 1,000 person-years was 81.8 (78.8-85.0) for mPC and 115.6 (95.1-140.7) for mCRPC. High age, prior neoplasms, urinary tract infection, congestive heart failure, diabetes and renal disease were most strongly associated with increased mortality risk. Prior neoplasms and prior use of antineoplastic agents were most strongly associated with increased SPM risk. Several factors associated with increased mortality and SPM risks were more prevalent in the mCRPC cohort. CONCLUSIONS Our results on mortality for men with mPC and mCRPC are in line with previous studies from the same time period. Investigation of factors associated with mortality and SPM in men with mPC and mCRPC can help to further understand these outcomes in the era prior to several new treatments have come available.A wireless photovoltaic retinal prosthesis is currently being studied with the aim of providing prosthetic vision to patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The major challenge of a photovoltaic device is its limited power efficiency. Our retinal prosthetic design implements a unique divisional power supply scheme (DPSS) system that provides the electrical power generated by all of the solar cells to only a subset of electrodes at any moment in time. The aim of the present study was to systematically characterize the spatiotemporal integration performance of the system under various DPSS conditions using human subjects and a psychophysical approach. A 16x16 pixels LED array controlled by Arduino was used to simulate the output signal of the DPSS design, and human performance under different visual stimulations at various update frequencies was then used to assess the spatiotemporal capability of retinal prostheses. The results showed that the contrast polarity of the image, image brightness, and division number influenced the lower limit of the update frequency of the DPSS system, while, on the other hand, visual angle, ambient light level, and stimulation order did not affect performance significantly.