We found that higher values of internalizing problems at T1 were related to a lower decrease in sigma power from T1 to T2 at frontal and central derivations. Furthermore, higher values of internalizing problems at T1 as well as at T2 were related to higher sigma power ratios at T2. We suggest that sigma power may reflect maturational processes (e.g. network efficiency, integrity) related to the development of internalizing problems. In particular, a stronger decrease in frontal sigma power from childhood to adolescence may indicate a healthier development. Thus, our results emphasize the role of sigma power as a useful marker for internalizing problems during adolescence.Fear conditioning and generalization are well-known mechanisms in the pathogenesis of anxiety disorders. Extinction of conditioned fear responses is crucial for the psychotherapeutic treatment of these diseases. Anxious depression as a subtype of major depression shares characteristics with anxiety disorders. We therefore aimed to compare fear learning mechanisms in patients with anxious versus non-anxious depression. Fear learning mechanisms in patients with major depression (n = 79; for subgroup analyses n = 41 patients with anxious depression and n = 38 patients with non-anxious depression) were compared to 48 healthy participants. We used a well-established differential fear conditioning paradigm investigating acquisition, generalization, and extinction. Ratings of valence, arousal and probability of expected threat were assessed as well as skin conductance response as an objective psychophysiological measure. Patients with major depression showed impaired acquisition of conditioned fear. In addition, depressed patients showed impaired extinction of conditioned fear responses after successful fear conditioning. Generalization was not affected. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/sb225002.html However, there was no difference between patients with anxious and non-anxious depression. Results differed between objective and subjective measures. Our findings show altered fear acquisition and extinction in major depression as compared to healthy controls, but they do not favor differential fear learning and extinction mechanisms in the pathogenesis of anxious versus non-anxious depression. The results of impaired extinction warrant future studies addressing extinction learning elements in the treatment of depression.Induced pluripotent stem cells play vitally essential roles in regenerative medicines for disease modeling and drug screening. Here, we successfully generated an iPSC line from PBMC of a 60-year-old female with mild cognitive impairment in an APOE 4/4 background to better understand studies relating to MCI and other cognitive diseases. In the newly-developed hiPSC line SIAISi009-A, all pluripotent markers were well expressed. Moreover, cells displayed a normal karyotype and have differentiation potential proven by in vitro trilineage differentiation method.SNTA1 encodes α1-syntrophin, a scaffold protein, which is a component of the dystrophin-associated protein complex. Additionally, α1-syntrophin interacts with SCN5A and nNOS-PMCA4b complex in cardiomyocytes. SNTA1 is a susceptibility locus for arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. We generated a homozygous SNTA1 knockout human embryonic stem cell (H9SNTA1KO) using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. H9SNTA1KO maintained pluripotency and a normal karyotype and differentiated into three germ layers in vivo.Autism is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder defined by significant challenges in communication skills and social behavior as well as repetitive conduct and interests. Recent advances in stem cell technologies allow in vitro modeling of the underlying molecular disease mechanisms. Using integration-free episomal plasmids, we have generated a novel iPS cell line (SDUKIi006-A) from a patient diagnosed with atypical autism ("FYNEN cohort" of Southern Denmark). Characterization of the established cell line validated its expression of pluripotency markers, differentiation into the three germ layers, and the absence of chromosomal abnormalities.A human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line (UCLi013-A) was generated from fibroblast cells of a 34-year-old donor with multiple ocular conditions including severe microphthalmia and aniridia. The patient had a heterozygous missense mutation in PAX6 c.372C>A, p.(Asn124Lys), validated in the fibroblasts through Sanger sequencing. Fibroblasts derived from a skin biopsy were reprogrammed using integration free episomal reprogramming. The established iPSC line was found to express pluripotency markers, exhibit differentiation potential in vitro and display a normal karyotype. This cell line will act as a tool for disease modelling of microphthalmia and aniridia, identification of therapeutic targets and drug screening.Low-concentration photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (LC-photo-CIDNP) has recently emerged as an effective tool for the hyperpolarization of aromatic amino acids in solution, either in isolation or within proteins. One factor limiting the maximum achievable signal-to-noise ratio in LC-photo-CIDNP is the progressive degradation of the target molecule and photosensitizer upon long-term optical irradiation. Fortunately, this effect does not cause spectral distortions but leads to a progressively smaller signal buildup upon long-term data-collection (e.g. 500 nM tryptophan on a 600 MHz spectrometer after ca. 200 scans). Given that it is generally desirable to minimize the extent of photodamage, we report that low-μM amounts of the reductive radical quenchers vitamin C (VC, i.e., ascorbic acid) or 2-mercaptoethylamine (MEA) enable LC-photo-CIDNP data to be acquired for significantly longer time than ever possible before. This approach increases the sensitivity of LC-photo-CIDNP by more than 100%, with larger enhancement factors achieved in experiments involving more transients. Our results are consistent with VC and MEA acting primarily by reducing transient free radicals of the NMR molecule of interest, thus attenuating the extent of photodamage. The benefits of this reductive radical-quencher approach are highlighted by the ability to collect long-term high-resolution 2D 1H-13C LC-photo-CIDNP data on a dilute sample of the drkN SH3 protein (5 μM).