This study compared the suicide rates among different groups of occupations in Korea and their changes from 1993 through 2017. The suicide rate tended to be low in the high skill occupations except the manager group. The suicide rates showed increases around the financial crises of 1997 and 2008 in most occupations, and the sharpest increase was observed in the managers. The suicide rate in the manager group, which was the lowest among all occupation groups until the mid 2000s, showed the sharpest increase and became the highest since 2012 among all occupation groups. The sustained reduction in suicide rates among the skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers in Korea, following the implementation of paraquat control since 2005, shows that means restriction is an effective and essential way for reducing suicides. While more efforts should be put into means restriction, policy makers should focus on changing public perceptions of suicide in order that it would not be accepted as a possible solution for the difficulties in life.Identification of fetal location and its relations to abdominal organs is extremely important in reducing fetal and maternal morbidity in rare cases of abdominal pregnancy. Ultrasound examination is inadequate for helping to successfully manage such cases. In this case report, FIESTA sequence MRI is used to provide high-resolution, better contrast, and higher signal-to-noise ratio fetal and abdominal images. A case of advanced abdominal pregnancy with a live fetus is reported. The surgery was conducted successfully on 34 weeks of gestation.Uterine artery embolization (UAE) for symptomatic uterine fibroids is accompanied by transcervical fibroid expulsion in 3-15% of cases. It can be a source of significant patient distress, may require reintervention for removal, and is the most common reason for hospital readmission following UAE. Conversely, the success of hysteroscopic resection decreases with increasing fibroid size while the risk of complications increases. Because certain fibroid features identifiable on preoperative imaging predict need for eventual hysteroscopic resection, it is possible to prospectively identify such patients and employ an alternative management strategy. We present such an approach, illustrated in the case of a woman with a pedunculated broad-based uterine fibroid successfully managed via combination UAE and immediate hysteroscopic resection.The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of tissue heterogeneities on dose distribution in Californium-252(252Cf) neutron brachytherapy. The effect of location and size of heterogeneity on dose distribution was also evaluated. Neutron and photon dose rate distributions were determined in a water phantom in presence of air, lung, soft tissue and bone heterogeneities using MCNPX code. To benchmark the Monte Carlo simulation of the 252Cf source, air kerma strength(SKN), dose rate constant (ɅN) and radial dose function (gN(r)) were calculated and compared with previously reported data. Results showed a considerable reduction of neutron dose rate (up to 66%) inside heterogeneities, especially in air and bone heterogeneities, while the reduction of total photon dose rate was found less significant (up to 10%). In the presence of a heterogeneity, dose rate, fluence and energy spectrum were significantly different with respect to the homogenous phantom. The contribution of photon dose to the total dose in the presence of air and bone was dominant, compared to the neutron dose, whereas this photon contribution was reduced after passing the heterogeneity. As the bone heterogeneity size was increased from 1 × 1 × 1 cm3 to 1 × 3 × 1 cm3, the total dose and neutron energy fluence decreased of about 50% and 70%, respectively.Although self-compassion has been extensively studied in the recent decades, the representation of self-compassion as a unitary measure or the presence of self-warmth (i.e., presence of the positive components self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness) and self-coldness (i.e., presence of the negative components self-judgment, isolation, and mindfulness) remains controversial. Moreover, the differential effects of the six components of self-compassion on mental well-being and psychological distress have not been systematically investigated. To synthesize the differential effects of the six components of self-compassion and to examine how people in different cultures may associate the positive and negative components of self-compassion differentially, the present meta-analysis synthesized 183 effect sizes across 27 cultures. Results showed that the negative components of self-compassion (rs = 0.44 to 0.45) showed greater effect sizes with psychological distress than the positive counterparts (rs = -0.17 to -0.29) whereas the positive components of SCS (rs = 0.29 to.39) showed greater effect sizes with mental well-being than the negative counterparts (rs = -0.29 to -0.36), with the exception of common humanity and isolation (r = 0.29 and - 0.36). Cultural orientation of dialecticism moderated the association between the positive and the negative components of self-compassion, with dialectical cultures showing lower associations between the two opposing components. Findings have implications on the design and implementation of self-compassion interventions cross-culturally. Consensus about a pre-implant preparation protocol adaptable to any graft used in Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction is still lacking. In fact, there is not agreement on reliable metrics that consider both specific graft dimensional characteristics, such as its diameter, and the inherent properties of its constitutive material, i.e. ligaments or tendons. Aim of the present study was to investigate and propose the applied engineering stress as a possible metrics. Preconditioning and pretensioning protocol involved groups of grafts with different section (10 or 32mm ) and materials (i.e. human patellar and hamstring tendons, and synthetic grafts). A 140N load was applied to the grafts and maintained for 100s. Initial stress and following stress-relaxation (a mechanical characteristic that can be related to knee laxity) were specifically analysed. Initial stress, ranging between 4 and 12MPa, was affected primarily by the graft cross-section area and secondarily by the choice of the graft material. In terms of loss of the initial stress, stress-relaxation behaviour varied instead on a narrower range, namely 13-17%.