To analyze the genetic causes of congenital hypothyroidism through the targeted exome sequencing of pediatric patients with congenital hypothyroidism with thyroid gland METHOD The study population included 20 patients diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism with thyroid gland at the Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic of Pusan National University Hospital. Targeted exome sequencing was performed on eight causative genes, including thyroid stimulating hormone receptor ( ), mutation in which can cause hypothyroidism with a small or normal sized thyroid gland, and thyroglobulin ( ), thyroid peroxidase ( ), dual oxidase 2 ( ), dual oxidase maturation factor 2 ( ), iodotyrosine deiodinase ( ), solute carrier family 26 member 4 (SLC26A4), and solute carrier family 5 member 5 ( ), mutations in which are known to cause thyroid dyshormonogenesis. Permanent, subclinical, and transient hypothyroidism were diagnosed in 15 (75%), three (15%), and two (10%) patients, respectively. Genetic mutations were identi. Targeted exome sequencing identified the genetic causes of congenital hypothyroidism with thyroid gland in situ in 80% of the patients studied, with DUOX2 and TSHR mutations being the most common. As many of the identified variants were novel, additional studies on the genetic causes of congenital hypothyroidism are warranted. Conventional karyotyping of multiple myeloma (MM) is hampered by the low mitotic index of plasma cells (PCs), and low proportion of PCs in some specimens may lead to false negative results in fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) detection. Bone marrow cells were cultured in an ordinary medium for 24 h or in a medium containing 10 ng/mL IL-6 and 40 ng/mL GM-CSF for 6 d. Fluorescence immunophenotyping and interphase cytogenetics as a tool for the investigation of neoplasms (FICTION) was also conducted, combining CD138 fluorescent immunophenotype and FISH. Under modified culture conditions, the successful rate of culture and abnormality detection rate during karyotype analysis increased to 86.4% and 40.9%, respectively. The abnormality detection rate of FICTION (89.5%) was significantly higher than that of FISH (60.0%). The genetic abnormality detection rate increased to 92.3% when FICTION and karyotyping were conducted under modified culture conditions. The established modified culture system could improve karyotyping quality in MM. Due to its obvious advantages compared with FISH, FICTION is recommended for detecting genetic abnormalities in MM. The established modified culture system could improve karyotyping quality in MM. Due to its obvious advantages compared with FISH, FICTION is recommended for detecting genetic abnormalities in MM.Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent cancers with over 1.3 million new cases annually. CircularRNAs (circRNAs) are involved in different cancer cells' malignancy regulation. Nevertheless, the clinical values of circRNAs in colorectal cancer (CRC) remains unclear. In this study, we investigated circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 expressions in the CRC and healthy controls' plasma. Furthermore, we used the CRC clinical data to determine the effect of the circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 eccentric expressions. Finally, we determined the circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 diagnostic and prognostic values by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and the 5-year survival rate analysis. Compared to the healthy controls, circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 expressions were significantly upregulated in the CRC patients' plasma, in a significant fold change of 1.997 and 2.738. Meanwhile, circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 expressions were correlated with tumor node metastasis (TNM) stage, tumor size, and lymph node metastasis. The area under the curves (AUC) of circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 were 0.8389 (95% CI, 0.7889-0.8890) and 0.9016 (95%CI, 0.8588-0.9444). Higher circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 expressions correlated to CRC patients' poor prognosis more than those with lower expressions. In summary, circ_PVT1 and circ_001569 were found to be remarkably up-regulated in CRC patients and may function as a potential diagnostic and prognostic marker for CRC. The question of whether the tumor mutation burden (TMB) is associated with either improved survival outcomes or improvement of immunotherapies remains controversial in various malignancies. The aim of this study is to investigate the genomic landscape of the relationship between TMB and immune cell infiltration in thymic epithelial tumors (TETs). We downloaded somatic mutation data, transcriptome sequencing data, and clinical information of TETs from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database. We assessed the abundance of 22 immune fractions between low-TMB (TMB-L) and high-TMB (TMB-H) groups using the "CIBERSORT" package. Missense mutation had the highest frequency of mutation among the nine variant classifications in TETs. Higher TMB levels were associated with poor survival outcomes ( <0.05), and higher Masaoka stages ( <0.05). More importantly, TMB levels were much higher in the thymic cancer than in thymoma ( <0.01). The infiltration levers of naive CD4(+) T cells and regulatory T cells were significantly higher in the TMB-L group than in the TMB-H group, and this was further associated with better overall survival (OS) in patients with TETs. The present study indicates that the prognosis of TMB-H patients with TETs is significantly poorer than is that of TMB-L patients, which might result from the different levels of infiltration of naive CD4(+) T cells and regulatory T cells. The present study indicates that the prognosis of TMB-H patients with TETs is significantly poorer than is that of TMB-L patients, which might result from the different levels of infiltration of naive CD4(+) T cells and regulatory T cells.Downregulation of the myeloid master regulator Spi1/PU.1 plays a pivotal role in leukemogenesis, and we previously showed that Spi1/PU.1 directly represses metallothionein (MT)-1G through the epigenetic activity of PU.1. Furthermore, we recently demonstrated that overexpression of MT-1G inhibits retinoic acid-induced differentiation of acute promyelocytic leukemia NB4 cells. As PU.1 is a master regulator of growth and differentiation in myeloid cells, we examined its effects on cell proliferation of MT-1G-overexpressing NB4 (NB4MTOE) cells in the present study. Although there were no significant differences in total viable cell numbers between NB4MTOE cells and control cells during the time course examined, the proportion of S-phase cells was obviously increased in all NB4MTOE cells at 16-24 h after serum stimulation. Consistent with these findings, real-time PCR analyses revealed marked increases in the expression of cyclin E (G1/S-phase cyclin) and cyclin A (S-phase cyclin) in NB4MTOE cells during the same time period.