Liver injury was observed histopathologically after MTX. The GBE administration reversed these biochemical alterations and improved liver histopathology. The hepatoprotective mechanism of GBE against MTX-induced hepatotoxicity via the modulation of the IL-6/STAT3 signaling pathway and the downregulation of the miRNA-21 hepatic expression was reported for the first time.We presented a 47-year old male diagnosed as a discal cyst with concurrent isthmic lumbar spondylolisthesis, which was not reported in the literature previously. A cystectomy with two-segmental transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and instruments was performed. The association between concurrent discal cyst and isthmic spondylolisthesis may be illuminated by excessive strain and focal degeneration of the disc. Preoperative discography is probably unnecessary when surgical resection and histopathology are indicated for the patient.Bartter syndrome is a rare disorder that is characterized by weakness and fatigue with laboratory findings of hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis with increased aldosterone and angiotensin. It specifically acts on the ascending loop of Henle, characterized by miscoded proteins affecting NaCl transports and channels. Patients will require replacement of potassium and sometimes magnesium due to the kidneys' inability to reabsorb these ions. So what happens when the body's other primary mechanism of absorption of these elements are taken out? In this article, we present the case of a 47-year-old woman with Bartter syndrome on oral potassium 40 mg BID (twice a day) and magnesium oxide 800 TID (thrice a day), who recently had a small bowel resection that required intravenous potassium and magnesium throughout her hospital admission. Significant questions arose as to how her electrolytes should be managed, given her unusual presentation with rare underlying disorder. We discuss the implications of her bowel resection in the context of Bartter syndrome and our views on her future course based on available literature. Although the literature supports the importance of physical activity in the oncological context, in Italy a large number of patients are not sufficiently active. The present study aimed to explore factors influencing an active lifestyle in cancer patients during oncological treatments. Semi-structured focus groups, including 18 patients with different cancer types, were conducted at the Oncology Unit in the University Hospital Trust of Verona (Italy). The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed with content analysis. According to the Health Belief Model, transcripts were categorized into the following themes benefits, barriers, and cues to action. Patients reported a series of physical, physiological, and psychological benefits deriving from an active lifestyle. The main barriers hampering the physical activity participation were represented by treatment-related side effects, advanced disease, and some medical procedures, for example, ileostomy. Several strategies that can tri program over time, consequently increasing the expected benefits.Both internal (e.g., preferences) and external (e.g., social) factors guide chrononutrition (i.e., the timing of food intake), but the nature and variability of chrononutrition preferences (i.e., preferred timing of food intake) have not been empirically evaluated. The present study aimed to characterize the variability and range of chrononutrition preferences and to evaluate the extent of eating misalignment, defined as the discrepancy between chrononutrition preferences and chrononutrition behaviors. 192 undergraduate students aged 18 to 31 years self-enrolled in an online questionnaire study. Participants provided demographic information and completed the Chrononutrition Profile - Questionnaire to evaluate chrononutrition preferences, chrononutrition behaviors, and eating misalignment. Results indicated high inter-individual variability in chrononutrition preferences and eating misalignment, with extreme cases of eating misalignment across all chrononutrition facets. This study is the first to confirm that when individuals want to eat may differ from when they actually eat. With additional research, these constructs may be meaningful to consider, together with other aspects of chrononutrition, in the development of future chrononutrition-based intervention efforts.Difficulty of implementing kinaesthetics in long-term care institutions - A multiple case-study Abstract.Background Resources have been invested from long-term care institutions for the development of nursing staffs' kinaesthetics competence for years. Recent studies have shown that implementing or sustainably promoting the kinaesthetics competence is problematic, but in-depth knowledge of the causes thereof is lacking. Aim Which barriers impede a sustainable implementation of kinaesthetics in long-term care institutions? Method A "multiple case-study" was carried out in three institutions located in the German-speaking part of Switzerland. The data from guide-based interviews and (case-related) literature on the external context was inductively condensed in the within-case analysis. The results were then compared in the cross-case synthesis and summarized in an abstract way. Results The synthesis showed that the implementation of kinaesthetics can be influenced negatively at three different institutional levels - management, nursing team and individual nursing staff - as well as by external factors. Conclusions In nursing practice and nursing science, as well as in the health care sector, a basic understanding of kinaesthetics in the context of professional nursing care is required. Especially those responsible for management and implementation must be aware of possible barriers in order to develop appropriate strategies.HEPN (Higher Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes Nucleotide-binding) RNases are an emerging class of functionally diverse RNA processing and degradation enzymes. Members are defined by a small α-helical bundle encompassing a short consensus RNase motif. HEPN dimerization is a universal requirement for RNase activation as the conserved RNase motifs are precisely positioned at the dimer interface to form a composite catalytic center. While the core HEPN fold is conserved, the organization surrounding the HEPN dimer can support large structural deviations that contribute to their specialized functions. HEPN RNases are conserved throughout evolution and include bacterial HEPN RNases such as CRISPR-Cas and toxin-antitoxin associated nucleases, as well as eukaryotic HEPN RNases that adopt large multi-component machines. Here we summarize the canonical elements of the growing HEPN RNase family and identify molecular features that influence RNase function and regulation. We explore similarities and differences between members of the HEPN RNase family and describe the current mechanisms for HEPN RNase activation and inhibition.