Neuromuscular diseases (NMD) are a heterogeneous group of motor unit disorders. Common to all is the main clinical symptom of muscle weakness. Depending on entity and phenotype, a broad range of disorders of neuronal, junctional or myocytic structures occurs. In addition to a weakness of the skeletal musculature, NMD can also affect throat musculature, respiratory and heart muscles. The possible consequences are immobility, deformities, tendency to aspiration as well as respiratory and cardiac insufficiency. In the context of surgery and anesthesia, complications that can result from the underlying disease and its interaction with anesthesia must be anticipated and averted. This article describes along the treatment pathway how preoperative evaluation, choice of the anesthetic procedure and postoperative care can be effectively and safely tailored to the needs of patients with NMD. Concise and practical recommendations for carrying out anesthesia for the most important NMDs are presented as well as relevant external sources of practice recommendations.For decades local anesthetics have proven to be safe and effective drugs in the clinical practice, crucially promoting the enormous achievements in regional anesthesia. Meanwhile, it is a well-known fact that local anesthetics are much more than just "simple" sodium channel blockers. They also interact with numerous other ion channels and subcellular structures, enhancing nerve blockade and resulting in systemic "alternative" effects, which can sometimes even be clinically used. By the simultaneous administration of various adjuvants (e.g., opioids, corticosteroids and α2-receptor agonists) attempts are made to prolong the time of action of local anesthetics after a single administration in order to achieve the best possible improvement in postoperative analgesia. In this context, ultralong-acting local anesthetics, such as liposomal bupivacaine, which at least theoretically can provide a sensory nerve block for several days, have been developed and clinically introduced. The coming years will show whether these approaches will develop into genuine alternatives to the personnel and cost-intensive continuous nerve blockades.Local anesthetic-induced systemic toxicity is meanwhile rare but still a potentially life-threatening event, frequently resulting from accidental intravascular injection or extensive systemic resorption. Consequently, slow and fractional application of these agents with intermittent aspiration helps to prevent toxic sequelae. If toxic symptoms occur, however, the intravenous infusion of 20% lipid solutions in addition to basic treatment measures can enhance the success of treatment.Approximately one third of all children in Germany are delivered by cesarean section. Depending on the individual patient's condition and the situation, the anesthesiologist has to choose between a general or a regional anesthesia regimen. The decisive factor for the selection is the obstetric urgency (decision-delivery time) after ascertainment of the indications. Furthermore, the need for postoperative analgesia varies depending on the chosen anesthesia regimen.OBJECTIVES The aim was to analyze trends in overweight and obesity in relation to socioeconomic position among Danish adolescents in the 20-year period 1998-2018. METHODS The study used data on self-reported height and weight and parents' occupational social class (OSC) from 11-, 13- and 15-year-old schoolchildren in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018, n = 22,177. The analyses included absolute social inequality in overweight/obesity (prevalence difference between low and high OSC) and relative social inequality (OR for overweight/obesity). RESULTS In the total sample, the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 9.7% and 1.4%, respectively, with significantly higher prevalence in low than high OSC. There were significantly increasing trends in both overweight and obesity 1998-2018 in low OSC and no significant increase in high OSC. The OR for overweight was 1.59 (1.42-1.74) in middle and 2.16 (1.89-2.46) in low OSC, OR for obesity 1.74 (1.29-2.34) in middle and 2.97 (2.15-4.11) in low OSC. Associations were not modified by survey year. CONCLUSIONS There was a persistent absolute and relative social inequality in overweight and obesity 1998-2018 among Danish adolescents.OBJECTIVES Three billion people use biomass fuel for cooking and heating globally. We assessed the association between acute coronary syndromes (ACS) and use of biomass fuel for cooking. METHODS We conducted a case-control study among women living in defined areas that were served by two tertiary care hospitals. A total of 364 women admitted to cardiac care units with ACS were compared with 727 controls, individually matched for age, who were inpatients at the same hospitals with a miscellany of diagnoses. Exposure to biomass fuel and other risk factors was ascertained through a questionnaire and assessed by conditional logistic regression. RESULTS After adjustment, risk of ACS was elevated in women who had ever used biomass for cooking. In comparison with never users, the odds ratio for those who currently cooked with biomass was 4.8 (95% confidence interval 1.7, 13.8). However, among those who had ever used biomass, there was no decline in risk with time since last exposure. CONCLUSIONS The study found increased risk of ACS from use of biomass for cooking. However, full benefits from interventions may not accrue in short term.BACKGROUND Stress fractures are very common in clinical practice. They can be classified into fatigue fractures that affect healthy bone and insufficiency fractures in which the bone is already damaged or weakened. IMAGING MODALITIES Conventional x‑ray images are the standard method in case of a suspected stress fracture. If x‑rays are negative, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be performed, which has a significantly higher sensitivity and can provide further information such as evidence for a pathological fracture. Computed tomography (CT) is suitable for an exact representation of the course of the fracture line and thus for preoperative planning. As a nuclear medicine procedure, bone scintigraphy can be used as bone metabolism in the area of a fracture is increased. KEY IMAGING FINDINGS Typical x‑ray signs are the gray cortex sign, the periosteal reaction and a fracture line that is often oriented perpendicular to the cortex and which shows a parallel sclerotic line. Later on, callus material becomes evident.