Provocative maneuvers assess dynamic EGJ function during physiological or pharmacologic stress. The most useful of these maneuvers, the rapid drink challenge, assesses for latent obstruction, while multiple rapid swallows evaluate adequacy of deglutitive inhibition. Amyl nitrate and cholecystokinin administration can segregate motor from structural obstruction. Newer provocative tests (straight leg raise maneuver, abdominal compression) and novel diagnostic tools (functional lumen imaging probe) complement HRM evaluation of the EGJ. Although current HRM metrics and maneuvers show promise in identifying clinically relevant EGJ abnormalities, future investigations evaluating management outcomes will improve segregation of normal from abnormal EGJ morphology and function. This study aims to evaluate the quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer) resources by using a validated tool to determine the strengths and limitations of hepatocellular carcinoma Web sites designed for patient education. In recent years, online health information-seeking behavior has become more prevalent. Meanwhile, hepatocellular carcinoma incidence rates have also increased. However, there is currently limited literature assessing the quality of online hepatocellular carcinoma information. The term "hepatocellular carcinoma" was searched using the search engine Google and the meta-search engines Dogpile and Yippy. A validated rating tool was used to assign quality scores to 100 Web sites based on the domains of Web site affiliation, accountability, interactivity, structure and organization, readability, and content quality. Overall quality scores were tallied for all Web sites. Noncommercial hepatocellular carcinoma Web sites received significantly higher overall quality scores compared with their commercial counterparts. Overall, 30% of the Web sites identified their author(s), 42% cited sources, and 33% were updated wit