Although candidate gene and genome-wide association studies have investigated relationships between genetic variability and anthracycline pharmacokinetics or clinical outcomes, there have been few clinically significant reproducible associations. Precision-dosing of anthracyclines is currently hindered by lack of clinically useful pharmacokinetic targets and models that predict cumulative anthracycline exposures. Combined with known risk factors for cardiotoxicity, the use of advanced echocardiography and biomarkers, future validated pharmacokinetic targets and predictive models could facilitate anthracycline precision dosing that truly maximises efficacy and provides individualised early intervention with cardioprotective therapies in patients at risk of cardiotoxicity.Most land plants, from liverworts to angiosperms, form mutualistic mycorrhizal symbioses with fungal partners. However, several plants known as mycoheterotrophs exploit fungal partners by reversing the polarity of carbon movement, which usually moves from plant to fungus. We investigated the physiological ecology of a photosynthetic orchid, Apostasia nipponica, which belongs to the first branching group within the Orchidaceae, to improve our understanding of mycoheterotrophic evolution in orchids. The fungal symbionts and nutrition modes of A. nipponica were investigated using molecular barcoding and carbon-13 (13 C) and nitrogen-15 (15 N) measurements, respectively. Community profiling based on a metabarcoding technique revealed that A. nipponica associates with specific Ceratobasidium spp. within ectomycorrhizas-forming clades, whereas isotope analysis revealed that A. nipponica was similar to fully mycoheterotrophic orchids in its 13 C signature and was even more enriched in 15 N than most of the fully mycoheterotrophic orchids that exploit ectomycorrhizal fungi. Our molecular and mass-spectrometric approaches demonstrated, for the first time, that a member of the Apostasioideae, the earliest-diverging lineage of the Orchidaceae, gains carbon through both photosynthesis and fungal cheating (i.e. partial mycoheterotrophy) during the adult stage. To estimate the risk of concurrent endometrial cancer in endometrium when endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) is found within an endometrial polyp and to identify the possible predictive factors for concurrent endometrial cancer. Histopathologic data of women who underwent hysteroscopy for resection of endometrial polyps at Ankara Baskent University Hospital, between 2011 and 2019 were screened. Patients whose polypectomy report was EIN in a polyp, and who had a final report of the hysterectomy specimen were included. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of concurrent cancer in the hysterectomy material group 1, concurrent cancer present and group 2, concurrent cancer absent. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS. A total of 4125 women underwent hysteroscopy for the resection of endometrial polyps. Of those women, 161 (3.9%) were diagnosed as having EIN and 115 met the criteria. The rate of concurrent endometrial cancer was 28.6% (33/115). According to multivariate analysis, nulliparity (odds ratio [OR] 0.38; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-3.67; p=0.036) and postmenopausal status (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.42-0.98; p=0.042) were found to be independent factors significantly associated with concurrent endometrial cancer. The incidence of concurrent cancer is higher in postmenopausal or nulliparous women when EIN is detected in a polyp. The incidence of concurrent cancer is higher in postmenopausal or nulliparous women when EIN is detected in a polyp.Evergreen conifer forests are the most prevalent land cover type in North America. Seasonal changes in the color of evergreen forest canopies have been documented with near-surface remote sensing, but the physiological mechanisms underlying these changes, and the implications for photosynthetic uptake, have not been fully elucidated. Here, we integrate on-the-ground phenological observations, leaf-level physiological measurements, near surface hyperspectral remote sensing and digital camera imagery, tower-based CO2 flux measurements, and a predictive model to simulate seasonal canopy color dynamics. We show that seasonal changes in canopy color occur independently of new leaf production, but track changes in chlorophyll fluorescence, the photochemical reflectance index, and leaf pigmentation. We demonstrate that at winter-dormant sites, seasonal changes in canopy color can be used to predict the onset of canopy-level photosynthesis in spring, and its cessation in autumn. Finally, we parameterize a simple temperature-based model to predict the seasonal cycle of canopy greenness, and we show that the model successfully simulates interannual variation in the timing of changes in canopy color. These results provide mechanistic insight into the factors driving seasonal changes in evergreen canopy color and provide opportunities to monitor and model seasonal variation in photosynthetic activity using color-based vegetation indices.Desert truffles are edible hypogeous fungi forming ectendomycorrhizal symbiosis with plants of Cistaceae family. Knowledge about the reproductive modes of these fungi and the molecular mechanisms driving the ectendomycorrhizal interaction is lacking. Genomes of the highly appreciated edible desert truffles Terfezia claveryi Chatin and Tirmania nivea Trappe have been sequenced and compared with other Pezizomycetes. Transcriptomes of T. claveryi × Helianthemum almeriense mycorrhiza from well-watered and drought-stressed plants, when intracellular colonizations is promoted, were investigated. We have identified the fungal genes related to sexual reproduction in desert truffles and desert-truffles-specific genomic and secretomic features with respect to other Pezizomycetes, such as the expansion of a large set of gene families with unknown Pfam domains and a number of species or desert-truffle-specific small secreted proteins differentially regulated in symbiosis. A core set of plant genes, including carbohydrate, lipid-metabolism, and defence-related genes, differentially expressed in mycorrhiza under both conditions was found.