Mitochondria are cellular power plants that supply most of the ATP required in the brain to power neuronal growth, function, and regeneration. Given their extremely polarized structures and extended long axons, neurons face an exceptional challenge to maintain energy homeostasis in distal axons, synapses, and growth cones. Anchored mitochondria serve as local energy sources; therefore, the regulation of mitochondrial trafficking and anchoring ensures that these metabolically active areas are adequately supplied with ATP. Chronic mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark feature of major aging-related neurodegenerative diseases, and thus, anchored mitochondria in aging neurons need to be removed when they become dysfunctional. Investigations into the regulation of microtubule (MT)-based trafficking and anchoring of axonal mitochondria under physiological and pathological circumstances represent an important emerging area. In this short review article, we provide an updated overview of recent in vitro and in vivo studies showing (1) how mitochondria are transported and positioned in axons and synapses during neuronal developmental and maturation stages, and (2) how altered mitochondrial motility and axonal energy deficits in aging nervous systems link to neurodegeneration and regeneration in a disease or injury setting. We also highlight a major role of syntaphilin as a key MT-based regulator of axonal mitochondrial trafficking and anchoring in mature neurons. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.We read with interest the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis interim guidance on recognition and management of coagulopathy in COVID-19 (1). We applaud this group's efforts in releasing a timely article on the pandemic impacting all regions of the globe. While we agree that this interim guidance addresses important considerations for monitoring the disease process, we believe that the proposed treatment strategy of prophylactic low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) to treat severe COVID-19 coagulopathy is an unconvincing strategy. Patients that are critically ill with COVID-19 have hallmark signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)(2), and as noted in the ISTH interim guidance and our own clinical practice, thrombosis is the overwhelming phenotype with rare bleeding complications. We address this concern with the existing data on the severe hypercoagulable state of COVID-19 victims and advocate for consideration of systemic anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin to prevent life threatening micro- and macrovascular thrombosis to mitigate their associated consequences, up to and including progression of respiratory and organ failure. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Technical crystallization is an attractive method to purify recombinant proteins. However, it is rarely applied due to the limited crystallizability of many proteins. To overcome this limitation, single amino acid exchanges were rationally introduced to enhance intermolecular interactions at the crystal contacts of the industrially relevant biocatalyst Lactobacillus brevis alcohol dehydrogenase (LbADH). The wildtype (WT) and the best crystallizing and enzymatically active LbADH mutants K32A, D54F, Q126H, and T102E were produced with E. coli and subsequently crystallized from cell lysate in stirred-tank crystallizers. Notwithstanding the high host cell protein (HCP) concentrations in the lysate, all mutants crystallized significantly faster than the WT. Combinations of mutations resulted in double mutants with faster crystallization kinetics than the respective single mutants, demonstrating a synergetic effect. We observed the almost entire depletion of the soluble LbADH fraction at crystallization equilibrium, proving high yields. The HCP concentration was reduced to below 0.5% after crystal dissolution and recrystallization, and thus a 100-fold HCP reduction was achieved after two successive crystallization steps. The combination of fast kinetics, high yields, and high target protein purity highlights the potential of crystal contact engineering to transform technical crystallization into an efficient protein capture and purification step in biotechnological downstream processes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.BACKGROUND Ozone gas is commercially used for deodorization and microbial control. Its efficacy against stored product insect pests is well documented. In the midst of the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius L.) outbreak, claims were made that ozone gas was effective for their control. This study was conducted to determine baseline ozone concentrations and exposure times required for the control of an insecticide-susceptible C. lectularius strain under laboratory conditions. Dichlorvos (DDVP), an organophosphate class fumigant insecticide was used as a positive control. RESULTS Nymphs and adults were more susceptible to ozone than eggs. Complete (100%) nymph and adult mortality was achieved at an ozone concentration (C) of 1500 ppm and exposure time (T) of 180 min, or concentration × time product (CT) of 270 000 ppm-min, whereas eggs required an eightfold higher CT (2 040 000 ppm-min). DDVP vapor was 2070-, 2542- and 450-fold more potent than ozone, against nymphs, adults and eggs, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Baseline ozone toxicity data provide insights on the practicality of using this gas for the management of common bed bugs. High ozone CT products required for C. lectularius control, particularly eggs, suggest that its use for treating infested human dwellings is not feasible due to logistic, safety and monetary concerns. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.We present a putative link between maternal COVID19 infection in the peripartum period and rapid maternal deterioration with early organ dysfunction and coagulopathy. The current pandemic with SARS-CoV-2 has already resulted in high numbers of critically ill patients and deaths in the non-pregnant population, mainly due to respiratory failure. During viral outbreaks, pregnancy poses a uniquely increased risk to women due to changes to immune function, alongside physiological adaptive alterations, such as increased oxygen consumption and edema of the respiratory tract. The laboratory derangements may be reminiscent of HELLP syndrome, and thus knowledge of the COVID19 relationship is paramount for appropriate diagnosis and management. In addition to routine measurements of D-dimers, prothrombin time, and platelet count in all patients presenting with COVID19 as per ISTH guidance, monitoring of APTT and fibrinogen levels should be considered in pregnancy, as highlighted in this report. These investigations in SARS-CoV-2-positive pregnant women are vital, as their derangement may signal a more severe COVID19 infection, and may warrant pre-emptive admission and consideration of delivery to achieve maternal stabilization.