These five dynamics are differentiated by their temporalities, their profile, the role of their actors and the nature of their activities. The Moroccan experience suggests that it is possible to strengthen health systems by opening up the analysis of temporalities, which affects both decision-making processes and the dynamics of functioning of health systems.Realist evaluations (RE) are increasingly popular in assessing health programmes in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This article reflects on processes of gleaning, developing, testing, consolidating and refining two programme theories (PTs) from a longitudinal mixed-methods RE of a national maternal and child health programme in Nigeria. The two PTs, facility security and patient-provider trust, represent complex and diverse issues trust is all encompassing although less tangible, while security is more visible. Neither PT was explicit in the original programme design but emerged from the data and was supported by substantive theories. For security, we used theories of fear of crime, which perceive security as progressing from structural, political and socio-economic factors. Some facilities with the support of communities erected fences, improved lighting and employed guards, which altogether contributed to reduced fear of crime from staff and patients and improved provision and uptake of health ca and shared understanding of the analytical processes within collaborative REs. The first wave of coronavirus disease 2019 was a global event for which nurses had limited time to prepare before receiving an influx of high-acuity patients and navigating new plans of care. To understand nurses' lived experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak and to examine their resiliency. A convergent mixed methods design was applied in this study. For the quantitative portion, resiliency was measured by using the Brief Resilience Coping Scale. Colaizzi's phenomenological method was used for qualitative analysis. A total of 43 nurses participated in the study. The mean score on the Brief Resilience Coping Scale was 14.4. From 21 robust narratives, Colaizzi's qualitative method yielded 5 themes to describe the experience of being a nurse during the pandemic. Understanding the lived experience provides a unique lens through which to view nursing during a global pandemic, and it serves as a starting point to ensure future safeguards are in place to protect nurses' well-being. Understanding the lived experience provides a unique lens through which to view nursing during a global pandemic, and it serves as a starting point to ensure future safeguards are in place to protect nurses' well-being.Ocular pterygium-digital keloid dysplasia (OPDKD) presents in childhood with ingrowth of vascularized connective tissue on the cornea leading to severely reduced vision. Later the patients develop keloids on digits but are otherwise healthy. The overgrowth in OPDKD affects body parts that typically have lower temperature than 37°C. We present evidence that OPDKD is associated with a temperature sensitive, activating substitution, p.(Asn666Tyr), in PDGFRB. Phosphorylation levels of PDGFRB and downstream targets were higher in OPDKD fibroblasts at 37°C but were further greatly increased at the average corneal temperature of 32°C. This suggests that the substitution cause significant constitutive autoactivation mainly at lower temperature. In contrast, a different substitution in the same codon, p.(Asn666Ser), is associated with Penttinen type of premature aging syndrome. This devastating condition is characterized by widespread tissue degeneration, including pronounced chronic ulcers and osteolytic resorption in distal limbs. In Penttinen syndrome fibroblasts, equal and high levels of phosphorylated PDGFRB was present at both 32°C and 37°C. This indicates that this substitution causes severe constitutive autoactivation of PDGFRB regardless of temperature. In line with this, most downstream targets were not affected by lower temperature. However, STAT1, important for tissue wasting, did show further increased phosphorylation at 32°C. Temperature-dependent autoactivation offers an explanation to the strikingly different clinical outcomes of substitutions in the Asn666 codon of PDGFRB.Differences in defensive traits of tree species may predict why some conifers are susceptible to bark beetle-fungal complexes and others are not. A symbiotic fungus (Leptographium abietinum (Peck) M.J. Wingf.) associated with the tree-killing bark beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis Kirby) is phytopathogenic to host trees and may hasten tree decline during colonization by beetles, but defense responses of mature trees to the fungus have not been experimentally examined. To test the hypothesis that interspecific variation in spruce resistance is explained by defense traits we compared constitutive (bark thickness and constitutive resin ducts) and induced defenses (resin flow, monoterpene composition, concentration, phloem lesion formation and traumatic resin ducts) between two sympatric spruces Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.-a susceptible host) and blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.-a resistant host) in response to fungal inoculation. Four central findings emerged (i) blue spruce has thicker ability to rapidly induce specific monoterpenes in response to L. abietinum inoculation, are phenotypic traits associated with hosts resistant to spruce beetle colonization.The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is one of the worst global health crises of this generation. The core of this pandemic is the rapid transmissibility of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, its high morbidity and mortality, and the presence of infectious asymptomatic carriers. As a result, COVID-19 has dominated this year's headlines and commanded significant research attention. As we consider SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that scientists, governments, the media, and the general population also come to grips with the everyday cost of parasitic diseases. Plasmodium (malaria), schistosomes, filarial worms, hookworms, Ascaris, whipworms, and other protozoan and metazoan parasites take a tremendous toll on local communities. Yet, because most of these diseases are no longer endemic to developed countries, their research and intervention are not funded at levels that are proportional to their global morbidity and mortality. The scientific and public health communities must indeed vigorously fight SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, but while doing so and beyond, it will be essential to demonstrate steadfast resolve toward understanding and combating the parasitic diseases that for centuries have haunted humankind.