LIMITATIONS The study sample was predominantly male veterans with either chronic pain (2 trials) or previous stroke (1 trial). The severity of depression was mild to moderate. CONCLUSION A T-score of 3 to 4 points is a reasonable MID for PROMIS depression scales and can be used to assess treatment effects in both practice and research as well to calculate sample sizes for clinical trials. Severity cut-points can help interpret the meaning of scores and action thresholds for treatment decisions. V.BACKGROUND Growing attention has been paid to the field of gut microbiota for mental disorders over the last decade. However, to our knowledge, no studies have conducted systematic reviews on the association between gut microbiota and major depressive disorder (MDD) in both interventional and non-interventional studies. METHODS We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 16 studies (10 observational [701 participants] and six interventional trials [302 participants]) examining gut microbiota in patients with MDD. The primary outcome measures were differences in the profile of microbiota in the observational studies, and symptom changes for depression between pre- and post-intervention with probiotics in the interventional trials. RESULTS In the observational studies, significant reductions in several taxa at the family and genus levels were observed in patients with MDD compared to non-depressed controls. In the interventional studies with probiotics, a significant improvement was found in depressive symptomatology compared to controls (SMD = -1.62, 95% CI = -2.73 to -0.51, p less then 0.01). LIMITATIONS Lack of consideration of the effects of diet and pharmacotherapy was a possible limitation. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that several taxa at the family and genus levels, specifically family Prevotellaceae, genus Corprococcus, and Faecalibacterium, were decreased in MDD compared to non-depressed controls in observational studies, and depressive symptoms were improved compared to controls in interventional studies with probiotics. Due to the limited number of studies, further studies considering diet and pharmacotherapy are needed to explore the relationships between gut microbiota and MDD in humans. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill released millions of barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and saw widespread use of the chemical dispersant Corexit. We assessed the role of traits, such as cell size, cell wall, motility, and mixotrophy on the growth and photosynthetic response of 15 phytoplankton taxa to oil and Corexit. We collected growth and photosynthetic data on five algal cultures. These responses could be separated into resistant (Tetraselmis astigmatica, Ochromonas sp., Heterocapsa pygmaea) and sensitive (Micromonas pusilla, Prorocentrum minimum). We combined this data with 10 species previously studied and found that cell size is most important in determining the biomass response to oil, whereas motility/mixotrophy is more important in the dispersed oil. Our analysis accounted for a third of the variance observed, so further work is needed to identify other factors that contribute to oil resistance. This study describes the distribution and composition of litter from the Gulf of Cadiz (Northeastern Atlantic, Spain), a region of confluence between the Atlantic and Mediterranean, with intense maritime traffic. Several geological features, such as canyons, open slopes and contourite furrows and channels, were surveyed by remotely operated vehicle (ROV) observations between depths of 220 and 1000 m. Marine litter was quantified by grouping the observations into six categories. Our results indicate the presence of markedly different habitats in which a complex collection of different types of litter accumulate in relation to bottom current flows and maritime and fishing routes. This result justifies a seascape approach in further anthropogenic impact studies within deep-sea areas. Mangroves are highly susceptible to oil exposure. Depending on the severity, oil exposure can result in initial defoliation and eventual recovery through to mass mortality and complete loss of habitat. Some aspects of the impact of oil on mangroves and their recovery are well studied, but the focus has been on short-term responses, and the understanding of the longer-term trajectory of mangrove recovery from oiling is very limited. Here, we combine field results from sampling in the two years following a significant oiling event, with analysis of canopy cover in aerial images from before the event to 26 years afterwards. Approximately 100 ha of a monospecific stand of Avicenna marina mangroves were oiled as a result of a spill from the Era tanker in Spencer Gulf in southern Australia in September 1992. While lightly oiled trees made a full recovery, trees in heavily oiled areas experienced mass defoliation and ultimately mortality within several months of the oiling event. An analysis of aerial images indicated that there was no recovery in heavily oiled areas for 10 years following the oiling event. Between 10 and 25 years, seedling establishment and growth saw canopy cover increase to 35% of pre-oiling cover within heavily oiled areas. Predictive modelling estimates that complete recovery of mangroves to pre-oiling cover will take 55 years (median prediction in 2047). Our findings indicate that although mangroves can recover following a heavy oiling event, the rate of recovery can be slow, with full recovery in the order of half a century, much longer than has previously been anticipated. Crown All rights reserved.The majority of aquatic toxicity data for petroleum products has been limited to a few intensively studied crude oils and Corexit chemical dispersants, and acute toxicity testing in two standard estuarine test species mysids (Americamysis bahia) and inland silversides (Menidia beryllina). This study compared the toxicity of two chemical dispersants commonly stock piled for spill response (Corexit EC9500A®, Finasol®OSR 52), three less studied agents (Accell Clean®DWD dispersant; CytoSol® surface washing agent; Gelco200® solidifier), and three crude oils differing in hydrocarbon composition (Dorado, Endicott, Alaska North Slope). Consistent with listings on the U.S. National Contingency Plan Product Schedule, general rank order toxicity was greatest for dispersants and lowest for the solidifier. The results indicate that freshwater species can have similar sensitivity as the conventionally tested mysids and silversides, and that the sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) appears to be a reasonable addition to increase taxa diversity in standardized oil agent testing.