Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have been extensively used for decades in biosensing-related development due to outstanding optical properties. Peptides, as newly realized functional biomolecules, are promising candidates of replacing antibodies, receptors, and substrates for specific molecular interactions. Both peptides and AuNPs are robust and easily synthesized at relatively low cost. Hence, peptide-AuNP-based bio-nano-technological approaches have drawn increasing interest, especially in the field of molecular targeting, cell imaging, drug delivery, and therapy. Many excellent works in these areas have been reported demonstrating novel ideas, exploring new targets, and facilitating advanced diagnostic and therapeutic technologies. Importantly, some of them also have been employed to address real practical problems, especially in remote and less privileged areas. This contribution focuses on the application of peptide-gold hybrid nanomaterials for various molecular interactions, especially in biosensing/diagnostics and cell targeting/imaging, as well as for the development of highly active antimicrobial/antifouling coating strategies. Rationally designed peptide-gold nanomaterials with functional properties are discussed along with future challenges and opportunities. To develop a wet laboratory training model for learning core laparoscopic surgical skills and evaluating learners' competency level outside the operating room. Participants completed three tasks (task1 tissue dissection around the aorta; task2 tissue dissection and division of the renal artery; task3 renal parenchymal closure). Each performance was video recorded and subsequently evaluated by two experts, according to the Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills and task-specific metrics that we developed (Assessment Sheet of Laparoscopic Skills in Wet Lab score). Mean scores were used for analyses. The subjective mental workload was also assessed (NASA Task Load Index). The 54 participants included 32 urologists, eight young trainees and 14 medical students. A total of 13 participants were categorized as experts (≥50 laparoscopic surgeries), eight as intermediates (10-49) and 33 as novices (0-9). There were significant differences in the Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills and how the ability to assess both laparoscopic surgical skills and mental workloads, which could help educators comprehend trainees' level outside the operating room. Given the decreasing opportunity to carry out pure laparoscopic surgeries because of the dissemination of robotic surgery, especially in urology, our model can offer practical training opportunities. This study aims to investigate the presence and spatial-seasonal variability of human and fish viruses in coastal marine systems using Ravenna's harbour area (Adriatic Sea, Italy) as a model. Human viruses (noroviruses and hepatitis A virus) and one of the most threatening finfish pathogens, the nervous necrosis virus (NNV), were investigated in mussels living inside and offshore Ravenna's harbour. Thirty-three and 36·7% of tested mussel samples resulted contaminated by human and fish viruses respectively. A different spatial-seasonal distribution was observed. Human viruses were detected mainly in inner port sites during colder months, while NNV was detected in both inside and offshore of Ravenna's harbour, mainly during warmer months. The presence of human viruses in the inner port close to the city centre could be attributed to wastewaters carrying pathogens in the port environment and this arises public health concerns, however, the presence of these viruses limited to the canal port during the wintnal and commercial activities such as the Ravenna's harbour area. Particularly, this study could represent a novel starting point for the development of a more structured bio-monitoring program, in order to ensure improved environmental management and safety of coastal areas. Although dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is characterized by a variety of initial symptoms, there are almost no reports of the initial symptoms of DLB assessed in a large number of cases. We retrospectively evaluated the initial symptoms of 234 participants with DLB and DLB-related symptoms at diagnosis and characterized any gender differences in the symptom profiles. This study consisted of 234 participants with probable DLB who met the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Fourth Consensus Report of the DLB Consortium (2017). DLB was confirmed based on several characteristic biomarkers for dopamine transporter imaging with I-N-omega-fluoropropyl-2-beta-carbomethoxy-3-beta (4-iodophenyl) nortropane single-photon emission computed tomography, I-metaiodobenzylguanidine myocardial scintigraphy, and brain perfusion measured with single photon emission computed tomography. In addition, core and supportive clinical features were considered in the diagnosis. Initial symptoms included cognitive impairment the presentation of subsequent symptoms observed at diagnosis. There was a higher incidence of RBD in men, whereas women had a higher incidence of psychotic symptoms. Coloring dental biofilm and plaque with a dental disclosing solution is visually effective in dental treatment and oral hygiene education. Despite continuous reports of the risk of the product ingredients, dental disclosing solution are widely used in dentistry. However, the cytotoxic mechanism of dental disclosing solution is not known. Here we elucidated the tissue dyeing range and investigated the cytotoxic mechanism of dental disclosing solution. Gingival epithelial cells and mouse head and neck tissue were stained with dental disclosing solution. Changes in the cell cycle distribution by the dental disclosing solution treatment were analyzed. A deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick and labeling (TUNEL) assay was performed to examine the apoptotic features of the gingival epithelial cells. Dental disclosing solution stained the chromosome strongly, as well as both the hard and soft tissue of the mouse head and neck. The results of flow cytometric analysis and TUNEL analyses revealed that the cytotoxicity associated with dental disclosing solution was related to the induction of apoptosis.