Criteria for the preoperative diagnosis of non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) have not yet been confirmed. This study aimed to analyze differences in clinicopathological characteristics between follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (FVPTC) subtypes to determine which parameters are relevant in differentiating NIFTP from other variants. We retrospectively analyzed the records of 199 patients with a preoperative diagnosis of FVPTC who underwent thyroid surgery at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital (Seoul, Korea) from 2011 to 2015. Clinicopathological features were analyzed retrospectively a complete review of medical charts and pathology reports of patients. The NIFTP and invasive encapsulated FVPTC (EFVPTC) groups showed relatively benign features, with a majority of the patients categorized as Bethesda category III (25.8% and 25.6%, respectively) or IV (34.8% and 30.2%, respectively), while the infiltrative FVPTC group showed more malignant featur NIFTP from other subtypes.Several lines of evidence point to the existence of a visual processing advantage for horizontal over vertical orientations. We investigated whether such a horizontal advantage exists in the context of top-down visual search. Inspired by change detection studies, we created displays where a dynamic target -- a horizontal or a vertical group of five dots that changed contrast synchronously -- was embedded within a randomly flickering grid of dots. The display size (total dots) varied across trials, and the orientation of the target was constant within interleaved blocks. As expected, search was slow and inefficient. Importantly, participants were almost a second faster finding horizontal compared to vertical targets. They were also more efficient and more accurate during horizontal search. Such findings establish that the attentional templates thought to guide search for known targets can exhibit