Generalized parodontal diseases (GPD) consistently occupy one of the leading places in the structure of dental diseases. Early diagnosis of the initial degree of generalized parodontitis (GP) is an effective way of secondary prevention. This is due to the complexity of understanding the etio-pathogenetic mechanisms of the development generalized parodontal diseases (GPD) and the high association of them with a number of diseases of the internal organs and systems with common points of contact between interdependence and mutual influence, in particular with anorexia nervosa (AN). The aim of this research was to develop a protocol for the treatment of GP in patients with AN. The object - 60 patients (mean age 26±3.8 years), with a diagnosis of GP, I-II degree, chronic, and AN, restrictive, which by simple randomization were divided into three groups (randomized by sex, age of patients, underlying and comorbidy diagnosis) to study the clinical effectiveness of our proposed method. Clinical, radiological, hygienic, immunological, biochemical, psychological and statistical methods were used. Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the proposed treatment protocol, the largest number of satisfactory treatment results was observed in group III patients (85.0±8.0%) with the inclusion of drugs that affect the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease, including normalization of local immunity, markers of decline oxidative-antioxidant stress, radiological data of normalization of bone tissue of the alveolar process, a tendency to reduce microbial and tissue sensitization.The goal of the study is assessing the population structure of lymphocytes and the subpopulation composition of NK cells in the peripheral blood of humans in the case of drug-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw for improving the quality of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of osteonecrosis of the jaw. Thirty patients were examined, including 15 patients with drug-induced