Philosophical Assumptions Employed in Investigation about Boundaries for Successful Cancers Pain Administration: A new Scoping Review. Part of bacteria in planktonic state are damaged/killed by ultrasound, which is demonstrated by lower CFU count in sonicated samples versus control group. Optimal ultrasound frequencies for sonication of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli are 35 kHz and 40 kHz. Ultrasound frequencies used in sonication process (35 kHz, 40 kHz, 53 kHz) of E. coli showed same impact on bacteria survival. It is crucial to perform further assessment of ultrasound parameters on clinical effects of sonication used in PJI diagnostics. Optimal ultrasound frequencies for sonication of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli are 35 kHz and 40 kHz. Ultrasound frequencies used in sonication process (35 kHz, 40 kHz, 53 kHz) of E. coli showed same impact on bacteria survival. It is crucial to perform further assessment of ultrasound parameters on clinical effects of sonication used in PJI diagnostics.Adverse reproductive effects associated with gonadal intersex among freshwater fish could hold considerable implications for population sustainability. Presence of testicular oocytes (TO) is the most common form of intersex and is widespread among centrarchids (sunfishes) of North America and other freshwater teleosts. Placing TO within the toxicological context of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) to assess ecological risk is a priority for ecotoxicologists due to the association of TO with harmful chemical exposure and adverse reproductive effects in some cases. However, key event relationships between EDC exposure, incidence of TO, and apical outcomes have yet to be fully elucidated - in part due to a lack of knowledge of relationships between intersex gonad physiology and fish health. Understanding the physiological status of intersex fish is critical to assess ecological risk, understand mechanisms of induction, and to establish biomarkers of intersex in fish. In the present study, features of gonad metabolite profiles associated with TO in largemouth bass (LMB, Micropterus salmoides) from an impoundment in Georgia (USA) were determined using GC-MS-based metabolomics. Clinical blood biochemical screens were used to evaluate markers of fish health associated with TO. Results suggest that physiological changes in energy expenditure as well as relatively 'feminized' gonad lipid and protein metabolism may be related to the occurrence of TO in male LMB, and highlight the need to understand relationships between intersex and physical stressors such as elevated temperature and hypoxia. These results provide novel insight to AOPs associated with TO and identify candidate analytes for biomarker discovery. The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has directly and indirectly impacted health care systems, including residency programs. Social distancing, cancellation of elective cases, and staff re-deployment have compromised clinical and academic teaching. We describe the neurosurgical experience at Emory University during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of COVID-19-related policies on resident experience. We retrospectively reviewed all neurosurgical cases performed at Emory University Hospital between March 16, the day cancellation of elective cases was effective, and April 15, 2020, and the same period in the preceding 3 years. For the study period, we collected the number of cases and their distribution by subspecialty along with total hospital charges. Compared with an average of 606 cases performed during the study period over the past 3 years, only 145 neurosurgical cases were performed between March 16 and April 15, 2020, which corresponds to an 80% reduction in case volume and 66% decrease in hospital revenue in 2020. When divided by subspecialty, the most significant reduction was observed in functional (84%; P < 0.01) followed by spine (78%; P < 0.01) surgery, although all subspecialties were significantly impacted. Assessing junior resident experience, we observed a significant reduction in number of neurosurgical admissions (47%; P < 0.01) and bedside procedures (59%; P < 0.01) in the study period in 2020 compared with the past 3 years, with no significant reduction in number of consultations (17%; P > 0.1). Even at academic centers that were not hugely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, prophylactic and preparedness measures still exhibited an unprecedented toll on neurosurgical resident and fellow experience. Even at academic centers that were not hugely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, prophylactic and preparedness measures still exhibited an unprecedented toll on neurosurgical resident and fellow experience. We sought to analyze the safety and feasibility of elective sonolucent cranioplasty in the setting of extracranial-to-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery to monitor bypass patency using ultrasound. Patients who underwent direct EC-IC bypass surgery agreed to sonolucent cranioplasty at the time of surgery and received a sonolucent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) implant. Besides monitoring clinical outcome, all patients received transcranioplasty ultrasound (TCUS) on postoperative day 1 and at last follow-up. In addition, bypass patency was confirmed using catheter angiogram and fit of implant using computed tomography. Patient-rated outcome was assessed through phone questionnaire. EC-IC bypass surgery with PMMA cranioplasty was successful in all 7 patients with patent bypasses on postoperative angiogram. Direct TCUS was feasible in all patients, and bypass patency was monitored. There were no complications such as postoperative hemorrhagic/ischemic complications related to the bypass procedure in this patient population, as well as no complications related to the PMMA implant. Postoperative computed tomography showed favorable cosmetic results of the PMMA implant in both the pterional area for superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses and parietooccipital area for occipital artery-middle cerebral artery bypasses as confirmed by high-rated overall patient satisfaction with favorable cosmetic, pain, and sensory patient-rated outcomes. In this study we were able to show that this novel technique is safe, allows for patency assessment of the EC-IC bypass using bedside TCUS technique, and is cosmetically satisfying for patients. In this study we were able to show that this novel technique is safe, allows for patency assessment of the EC-IC bypass using bedside TCUS technique, and is cosmetically satisfying for patients.