ystematically expands the projection space based on predefined inputs. This ensures accuracy in the approximation and an exact analytical solution for the time of interest. The ISP was more effective both in predicting the behavior of the state-space of the system and in performance management, which is a vital step towards modeling large biochemical systems. Vibrio scophthalmi is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen, which is widely distributed in the marine environment. Earlier studies have suggested that it is a normal microorganism in the turbot gut. However, recent studies have confirmed that this bacterial strain can cause diseases in many different marine animals. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate its whole genome for better understanding its physiological and pathogenic mechanisms. In the present study, we obtained a pathogenic strain of V. scophthalmi from diseased half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) and sequenced its whole genome. Its genome contained two circular chromosomes and two plasmids with a total size of 3,541,838 bp, which harbored 3185 coding genes. Among these genes, 2648, 2298, and 1915 genes could be found through annotation information in COG, Blast2GO, and KEGG databases, respectively. Moreover, 10 genomic islands were predicted to exist in the chromosome I through IslandViewer online system. Comparison analysis insistency between phenotype and genotype on drug resistance. These results suggested that the physiological mechanism seemed to be complex. Reconstructing ancestral genomes is one of the central problems presented in genome rearrangement analysis since finding the most likely true ancestor is of significant importance in phylogenetic reconstruction. Large scale genome rearrangements can provide essential insights into evolutionary processes. However, when the genomes are large and distant, classical median solvers have failed to adequately address these challenge