This article provides an overview of the evaluation and management of occupational contact dermatitis, including how to evaluate a patient with suspected occupational contact dermatitis. Patch testing, how to perform a site visit, and how to properly manage using preventative measures, prescribed therapies, and patient education are discussed.Pediatric allergic contact dermatitis (Ped-ACD) is an increasingly recognized highly prevalent skin disease that has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and their families. Accurate and appropriate patch testing is vital to diagnosing Ped-ACD. This requires knowledge of the most common allergens in the pediatric population, consideration of concurrent diseases that can complicate the clinical picture, and potential modification of techniques to lessen exposure to irritants and sensitizers while obtaining true positive results. This article reviews the most common pediatric allergens and discusses considerations when performing pediatric patch testing.Allergic contact dermatitis is a delayed type IV hypersensitivity skin reaction to external stimuli. Patterns of dermatitis depend on allergen exposure and patch testing is the gold standard to identify causal agents. The American Contact Dermatitis Society identifies an "Allergen of the Year" in order to highlight facts about particular allergens, which may range from showing increasing prevalence of disease, to documenting low levels of relevant allergic reactions. This article reviews the allergens of the year from 2000 to 2020 with an emphasis on clinical relevance. Categories of allergens include adhesives, dyes, medications, metals, preservatives, rubber accelerators, surfactants, and other skin care product ingredients.The duration of cutaneous inflammation preceding sensitization influences the resulting allergic response; the innate immune system instructs the adaptive immune response. Potent allergens th