able MRI contrasts uncovers FCD Type II variability at a mesoscopic scale and identifies tissue classes with distinct structural dimensions, functional and histopathological profiles. Integrating in vivo staging of FCD traits with automated lesion detection is likely to inform the development of novel personalized treatments.The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), a key structure in the executive system, has consistently emerged as a crucial element in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, the neural primacy of the DLPFC remains elusive in this disorder. We investigated the causal interaction (measured by effective connectivity) between the DLPFC and the remaining brain areas using bivariate Granger causality analysis of resting-state fMRI collected from 88 medication-free OCD patients and 88 matched healthy controls. Additionally, we conducted seed-based functional connectivity (FC) analyses to identify network-level neural functional alterations using the bilateral DLPFC as seeds. OCD patients demonstrated reduced FC between the right DLPFC and right orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and activity in the right OFC had an inhibitory effect on the right DLPFC. Additionally, we observed alterations in both feedforward and reciprocal influences between the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and the DLPFC in patients. Furthermore, activity in the cerebellum had an excitatory influence on the right DLPFC in OCD patients. These findings may help to elucidate the psychopathology of OCD by detailing the directional connectivity between the DLPFC and the rest of the brain, ultimately helping to identify regions that could serve as treatment targets in OCD.Anthracycline antineoplastic drugs (doxorubicin, epirubicin, daunorubicin) are "hazardous drugs for handling" by healthcare professionals. To monitor their occupational exposure, a highly sensitive ESI-UHPLC-MS/MS method for the assay of anthracyclines in urine was developed. The urine extraction consisted of SPE extraction method. A good linearity (r > 0.996), precision (CV less then 14.4%), and accuracy (bias less then 13.6%) were achieved for the three drugs. The lower limit of quantification (LOQ) was 10 ng/L. This LOQ value is equal to the LOQ of published methods except for epirubicin, for which the LOQ value is better by a factor of 10 (best published LOQ value 100 ng/L). Applying this method in routine, more than 77 healthcare professionals occupationally exposed to anthracyclines were monitored and 77 urines were analyzed. Two healthcare professionals (2.6%) were found to be contaminated to doxorubicin and/or epirubicin. The measured concentrations ranged from 17.7 to 218 ng/L. Such an efficient analytical tool, combining both high specificity and sensitivity is essential for reliable highlight of contamination during biological monitoring of healthcare professionals widely exposed to these drugs. This anthracycline antineoplastic drugs exposure monitoring allows healthcare professionals for assessing effectiveness individual and collective protective measures and for ensuring traceability of occupational exposure to these drugs.Information on water requirement of small mammals is sparse and the assessment of daily water consumption is an important aspect of the veterinary practice in exotic pet nutrition. Water and feed daily intake are interlaced, that way the water to feed ratio is a meaningful indication. However, various factors such as ambient temperature or the uptake of substances to be eliminated via the kidney (i.e. calcium) must be taken into account when estimation of water consumption is carried out. Moreover, behavioural abnormalities could affect water consumption, like in the case of water uptake as a substitute action. Adequate water supply for small mammals is indispensable for health reasons (prophylaxis of urolithiasis) and consequences relevant to animal welfare. For this purpose, data from different trials enrolling no. 5 Flemish Belgian (FB) and no. 5 New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits, no. 10 dwarf rabbits, no. 7 guinea pigs and no. 7 chinchilla, were obtained to assess water intake according to feed rationing. Water balance following feed rationing was seen to differ across the species of small mammals considered in these trials. The comparative approach pointed to species-dependent water intake behaviour. Due to the species-related high variation in water uptake, it is not possible to give general recommendations for water supply of small mammals. In addition, water uptake is also influenced by the water content of the food, absolute dry matter uptake and food composition. Nevertheless, an additional supply of drinking water is recommended for all species, since unsatisfactory water supply reduces dry matter intake and may lead to energy undersupply.The adsorption of methanol, ethanol and propan-1-ol at the solution-air and solid-solution interfaces, their aggregation in the aqueous media as well as wetting properties regarding their applications as additives or co-surfactants in the surfactants aqueous solution were discussed based on the literature data. Mutual influence of alcohols and surfactants on the solution-air and solid-solution interface tension was considered. For this purpose there were used different methods allowing to describe or predict changes of water surface tension as a function of alcohols concentration. These, in turn, as a function of alcohol and/or surfactant concentration were also analyzed by means of the methods applied for prediction of surface tension of aqueous solution of the classical surfactants mixture. The same considerations related to the behaviour of alcohol and surfactant at the solid-solution and solution-air interfaces were made. To explain the behaviour of alcohols and surfactants mixture at the solution-air and solid-solution interfaces the components and parameters of water, alcohols, surfactants and solids surface tension as well as the Gibbs free energy changes during the adsorption process were taken into account. It was proved that wettability of some solids can be predicted based on alcohol and surfactants adsorption as well as surface tension components and parameters. As follows the mutual influence of alcohol and surfactant on their adsorption at the solution-air and solid-solution interfaces as well as on the wetting properties at the alcohol concentration from zero to its critical aggregation concentration (CAC) is different from that at its concentration higher than CAC.