Human gastrointestinal tract harbors a variety of bacteria with vital roles in human health. is considered one of the dominant constituents of gut microflora which can act as an opportunistic pathogen leading to various diseases, including colon cancer, diarrhea, uterine and intrathecal abscesses, septicemia, and pelvic inflammation. In this study, multiple locus variable number of tandem repeats analysis (MLVA) was performed to genetically differentiate 50 isolates. Eight suitable tandem repeats (TRs) were selected by bioinformatics tools and were then subjected to PCR amplification using specific primers. Finally, MLVA profiles were clustered using BioNumerics 7.6 software package. All VNTR loci were detected in all isolates using the PCR method. Overall, isolates were differentiated into 27 distinct MLVA types. The highest diversity index was allocated to TR1, TR2, TR5, TR6, and TR8; with this taken into account, strain type 14 was the most prevalent with 12 strains belonging to this type. Clustering revealed three major clusters of A, B, and C. With regards to the pathogenicity of and the outcomes of infections related to this microorganism, it is imperative to study this microorganism isolated from both patients and healthy individuals. This study aimed at evaluating the efficiency of MLVA for the genetic differentiation of . The results of this study indicate the promising efficiency of MLVA typing for cluster detection of this bacterium. This study aimed at evaluating the efficiency of MLVA for the genetic differentiation of B. fragilis. The results of this study indicate the promising efficiency of MLVA typing for cluster detection of this bacterium. Here we investigated the regulation of Th17 and Treg cells in orthodontic tooth movement during periodontal inflammation. Fifty-six SD rats were divided into a control (24 rats) and a tooth movement group during the recovery stage of periodontitis (RM group, 32 rats). Periodontitis was established by silk ligation and local injection of LPS. Orthodontic tooth movement was achieved by nickel-titanium springs on the maxillary first molars. The proportions of Th17 cells and Treg cells were evaluated by flow cytometry. Gene expression of ROR-γt and Foxp3 was determined by real-time PCR. Expression of ROR-γt, Foxp3, RANK, RANKL, and OPG was detected by immunohistochemical staining. Osteoclasts were detected by TRAP staining. Relationships between Th17/Treg cells, osteoclasts, and related factors were estimated by correlation and regression analysis. During orthodontic tooth movement in the recovery stage of periodontitis, the proportion of Th17 cells, ROR-γt, RANK, osteoclasts, and the RANKL/OPG ratio increased and then decreased. The proportion of Treg cells and Foxp3 increased, then decreased, and increased again. Levels of RANKL and OPG increased, then decreased, then increased, and finally decreased. The Th17/Treg ratio initially decreased, then increased, and decreased again. Th17 cells were positively correlated with RANK and RANKL, the RANKL/OPG ratio, and counts of osteoclasts. Treg cells were negatively correlated with RANK expression and numbers of osteoclasts. The Th17/Treg ratio was positively correlated with RANK expression and numbers of osteoclasts. Under periodontal inflammation conditions, the Th17/Treg ratio might regulate orthodontic tooth movement through changing osteoclasts metabolism. Under periodontal inflammation conditions, the Th17/Treg ratio might regulate orthodontic tooth movement through changing osteoclasts metabolism. Infections by remain an important health problem. The aims were to detect , staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec), , and integrons in and to investigate the relationship of types with antibiotic resistance of isolates. In this cross-sectional study, 70 isolates were collected between December 2017 and May 2018 from clinical specimens of patients in two hospitals of Sanandaj, western Iran. Susceptibility was determined by disk diffusion for 9 antibiotics and by vancomycin E test. The , classes 1-3 integrons, SCC I-V, and I-IV were detected by polymerase chain reaction. A -value<0.05 was considered significant. The most effective antibiotics were linezolid, vancomycin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (above 90% sensitivity). Of the 70 isolates, 17.1% were methicillin-resistant (MRSA), 8.6% carried class 1 integron, 11.4% carried , 17.1% carried I, and 30% carried III. SCC III and SCC V were detected. An association was found between resistance to certain antibiotics and the presence of I ( -value<0.05). Conversely, the prevalence of III in susceptible strains was higher than non-susceptible strains, and no MRSA isolates belonged to III ( -value<0.05). These data suggest that activity may influence the resistance of to antibiotics. Although the prevalence of and integron was relatively low, the identification of such strains calls for serious health concerns; thus highlights the need to monitor drug resistance in . These data suggest that agr activity may influence the resistance of S. aureus to antibiotics. Although the prevalence of mecA and integron was relatively low, the identification of such strains calls for serious health concerns; thus highlights the need to monitor drug resistance in S. aureus. The mechanism via which genistein, the major isoflavone content of soya, adversely influenced placenta and fetal development was evaluated in pregnant laboratory rats. There were control, 2 mg/kg and 4 mg/kg genistein groups of rats with five sub-groups based on gestation termination day. At the end of the experiment, animals were sacrificed by CO and cervical dislocation, while plasma and serum were processed and stored. The abdomen was opened and the amniotic fluid was siphoned from the uterine sacs, processed and stored. The embryonic implants were excised, the placenta was separated from the fetus and weighed separately. Placenta homogenate was prepared from the harvested placenta, while the rest were processed for histological studies. Transforming growth factor (TGf-β1) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were assayed for in all samples. A significant decrease in the placenta and fetal weights, and a significant decrease in serum and placenta homogenate ALP levels were recorded in genistein groups. There was a reduction in the Trophoblast giant cells population (TGCs).