However, in support of previous findings, changes were seen in a small subset of oxylipins including 12-HETE, TXB2, 14-HDHA, and 18-HEPE. Overall, this study showed that accurate measurements of most oxylipins can be obtained from stored EDTA or heparin plasma samples using LC/MS/MS.Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a life-threatening systemic fungal infection caused by members of the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis complex and P. lutzii. Routine diagnoses of PCM down to the species level using classical mycological approaches are unspecific due to overlapping phenotypes. There is an urgent need for specific, sensitive, and cost-effective molecular tools to diagnose PCM. Variation among the exon-2 of the gp43 gene was exploited to design species-specific primer pairs to discriminate between members of the P. brasiliensis complex and P. lutzii in a duplex PCR assay. Primer-BLAST searches revealed highly species-specific primers, and no significant region of homology was found against DNA databases except for Paracoccidioides species. Primers PbraCx-F and PbraCx-R targeting P. brasiliensis DNA produced an amplicon of 308 bp, while primers Plu-F and Plu-R targeting P. lutzii DNA generated an amplicon of 142 bp. The lower limit of detection for our duplex PCR assay was 1 pg of gDNA. A panel of 62 Paracoccidioides revealed 100% specificity (AUC = 1.000, 95%CI 0.972-1.000, p less then 0.0001) without cross-reacting with other medically relevant fungi or human DNA. As a proof of concept, we demonstrated the accurate identification of the P. brasiliensis complex (n = 7) or P. lutzii (n = 6) from a broad range of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues of PCM patient's organs. In four cases, FFPE PCR results confirmed, for the first time, co-infection due to P. brasiliensis (S1) and P. lutzii in the same biopsy. Our duplex PCR assay is useful to detect and differentiate members of the P. brasiliensis complex and P. lutzii, providing clinical laboratories with an important tool to be applied routinely, especially in atypical cases such as those featuring negative serology and positive mycological examination of clinical specimens as well as for the investigation of putative co-infection cases. This will likely benefit thousands of infected patients every year in a wide area of the Americas.The potential benefits of the scientific insights gleaned from years of treating ME/CFS for the emerging symptoms of COVID-19, and in particular Longhaul- or Longhauler-COVID-19 are discussed in this opinion article. Longhaul COVID-19 is the current name being given to the long-term sequelae (symptoms lasting beyond 6 weeks) of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Multiple case definitions for ME/CFS exist, but post-exertional malaise (PEM) is currently emerging as the 'hallmark' symptom. The inability to identify a unique trigger of ME/CFS, as well as the inability to identify a specific, diagnostic laboratory test, led many physicians to conclude that the illness was psychosomatic or non-existent. However, recent research in the US and the UK, championed by patient organizations and their use of the internet and social media, suggest underlying pathophysiologies, e.g., oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. The similarity and overlap of ME/CFS and Longhaul COVID-19 symptoms suggest to us similar pathological processes. We put forward a unifying hypothesis that explains the precipitating events such as viral triggers and other documented exposures For their overlap in symptoms, ME/CFS and Longhaul COVID-19 should be described as Post Active Phase of Infection Syndromes (PAPIS). We further propose that the underlying biochemical pathways and pathophysiological processes of similar symptoms are similar regardless of the initiating trigger. Exploration of the biochemical pathways and pathophysiological processes should yield effective therapies for these conditions and others that may exhibit these symptoms. ME/CFS patients have suffered far too long. Longhaul COVD-19 patients should not be subject to a similar fate. We caution that failure to meet the now combined challenges of ME/CFS and Longhaul COVID-19 will impose serious socioeconomic as well as clinical consequences for patients, the families of patients, and society as a whole.Resistance mediated by β-lactamases is a globally spread menace. The aim of the present study was to determine the occurrence of Escherichia coli producing plasmid-encoded AmpC β-lactamases (pAmpC) in animals. Fecal samples from chickens (n = 159), cattle (n = 104), pigs (n = 214), and various wild bird species (n = 168), collected from different Greek regions during 2018-2020, were screened for the presence of pAmpC-encoding genes. Thirteen E. coli displaying resistance to third-generation cephalosporins and a positive AmpC confirmation test were detected. blaCMY-2 was the sole pAmpC gene identified in 12 chickens' and 1 wild bird (Eurasian magpie) isolates and was in all cases linked to an upstream ISEcp1-like element. The isolates were classified into five different sequence types ST131, ST117, ST155, ST429, and ST1415. Four chickens' stains were assigned to ST131, while five chickens' strains and the one from the Eurasian magpie belonged to ST117. Seven pAmpC isolates co-harbored genes conferring resistance to tetracyclines (tetM, tetB, tetC, tetD), 3 carried sulfonamide resistance genes (sulI and sulII), and 10 displayed mutations in the quinolone resistance-determining regions of gyrA (S83L+D87N) and parC (S80I+E84V). This report provides evidence of pAmpC dissemination, describing for the first time the presence of CMY-2 in chickens and wild birds from Greece.Tick-borne diseases are a major threat to both humans and their pets; therefore, it is important to evaluate the prevalence of pathogens carried by ticks on companion animals. In this study, attached and unattached Ixodid ticks were removed from companion animals by a veterinary practice in Hall County, Georgia. DNA was extracted from unengorged adult ticks and each was screened for the presence of Rickettsia spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced to determine the species present. Two hundred and four adult hard-bodied ticks were identified to species and Rickettsia spp. were found in 19.6% (n = 38) of the 194 analyzed DNA extracts. Rickettsia montanensis was found in Dermacentor variablis (14.7%; n = 25), Amblyomma maculatum (33.3%; n = 2), and Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. ticks (25%; n = 4). One Amblyomma americanum tick contained Rickettsia amblyommatis, while Rickettsia felis was found in one Dermacentor variablis tick, serving as the first report of Rickettsia felis in a tick in this region and within this tick vector.