The effect of TRPA1-ion channel on thermoregulatory responses depending on the level of its activity was studied in Wistar rats. To activate the TRPA1 ion channel localized in the skin, its agonist allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) was used in different concentrations (0.04, 0.4, 1, and 2.5%). Low concentration of AITC (0.04%) enhanced and high concentrations (1 and 2.5%), on the contrary, inhibited cold-defense responses (decreased their magnitude and led to their later initiation due to an increase in temperature thresholds). With an increase in TRPA1 activation, the increase in temperature thresholds (afferent link) was ahead of the decrease in the magnitude of responses (efferent link), which can attest to different sensitivity of these processes to TRPA1 activation.We studied pharmacokinetics of a new analgesic based on a hexaazaisowurtzitane derivative (thiowurtzine, TWZ). A method for measuring TWZ in organs and tissues by HPLC/MS/MS was developed and validated. The sensitivity of the method under conditions of intragastric administration of TWZ to rats in a dose of 100 mg/kg is 0.5 ng/ml (calibration curve 0.5-400 ng/ml). The concentrations of the substance (Cmax) in the plasma, organs, and tissues of animals were 20-100 ng/ml, the time to reach the maximum concentration after a single dose (Tmax) was 2 h. The mean retention time of the substance in the body ranged from 5.67 to 17.15 h after administration. The highest concentrations were found in excretory organs (liver and kidneys), the substance also actively penetrated into muscle tissue. The medium concentrations were found in the brain and adipose tissue. The tropism to the heart tissues was minimal.Wound-healing activity of the crystalline form of dihydroquercetin and its microtubular pseudopolymorphic modification obtained by crystal engineering was compared using the rat model of IIIA degree burn. The rate of wound healing in the group treated with microtubular pseudopolymorphic modification of dihydroquercetin was 4.8±0.1%, which was higher by 11.6% than in the group treated with crystalline form (4.3±0.1%). Bioavailability analysis on MDCK cell culture showed that the apparent permeability coefficient of microtubular pseudopolymorphic modification was higher than that of crystalline form by 31.1% (19.4±0.2×10-4 and 14.8±0.3×10-4 cm/sec, respectively). It was proven that the use of crystal engineering improved the biopharmaceutical parameters of dihydroquercetin and increased its pharmacological efficiency.High biofilm-forming capacity of Staphylococcus spp. strains isolated from biomaterial of patients with infectious complications after primary knee replacement developed within 6-12 months after surgery was experimentally demonstrated. Differential leukocyte counts and some indicators of cell immunity in these patients were compared with those in patients without purulent complications and healthy volunteers. In patients with implant-associated infection, the relative numbers of T cells (both T-helpers and T-suppressors) B cells were significantly (p less then 0.05) reduced, while the number of NK cells was significantly increased in comparison with the corresponding parameters in other groups. The revealed changes attest to cell immunity failure in biofilm infection.The use of lithium drugs in clinical practice requires constant monitoring of lithium plasma concentration, because toxicity is sometimes observed at therapeutic concentrations of lithium. This is often associated with fluctuations of plasma concentration of lithium ions after intake of individual doses. Therefore, the use of a porous carrier providing a stable blood level of the drug is extremely promising and important for clinical practice. We studied activity of a new lithium drug (lithium complex) consisting of aluminum-silicon base and lithium citrate immobilized on its surface. Lithium carbonate served as the reference drug. It was shown that lithium carbonate and lithium complex exhibited no anxiolytic activity in the conflict model, but produced an antidepressant effect and improved exploratory behavior of animals.It was found that male BALB/c and F1(C57BL/6×DBA/2) mice are able to recognize the structure of a complex food-gathering task, when modeling the information loading similar to intellectual work in humans. There were significant differences between linear and hybrid animals in the pattern of learning process formation and prevailing psychoemotional reactions that accompany information load. Factors of information loading (uncertainty of maze environment and solution of the food-gathering task) had a specific influence on the CNS and manifested in individual non-specific features. The presented experimental conditions (changes in the metabolic and functional state) revealed pronounced intergroup differences in the reaction of the functional zones of the adrenal cortex. In hybrid mice, information loading induced a significant decrease in testosterone level and thickness of the zona reticularis producing precursor hormones. This is probably due to disruption of interactions in the adrenal-thyroid system in hybrid mice, whereas in BALB/c mice, these interactions fully protect from suppression of testosterone production, the main anabolic hormone. The individual characteristics of the response to information loading can be formed as a result of unequal involvement of the psychophysiological, psychological, and autonomic systems responsible for adaptation to environmental factors.In this work, we consider a ternary system formed by a surfactant with a lamellar phase (lecithin) that was doped with a solution of Laponite at 1% by volume. The inclusion of nanoparticles in the lamellar phase was investigated by the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) technique, which revealed three types of structures according to the observed scattering pattern. The lamellar period increased linearly with hydration up to a certain limit; this type of behavior is not the same as that found for a similar system using AOT as a surfactant. In the region that corresponds to an isotropic phase, it was observed that the period corresponds to 60 Å, and in the lamellar system of pure lecithin, with the same volumetric fraction (1/φ = 0.66), the corresponding periodicity is 62 Å, indicating that the presence of Laponite nanoparticles increases the attractive interaction, reducing the lamellar period, causing the bilayer to become more rigid, that is, with less fluctuations. In the more diluted region, the periodicity reached a limit value of 64 Å, which is slightly higher than the lamellar system in the absence of Laponite particles, so there was an expansion of the lamellar phase due to the lack of consistency of Laponite nanoparticles.