On the basis of archival documents and literary sources the importance of nutrition factors determining the importance of its influence on the level of demographic indicators and morbidity during the famine of the 1920s in the Samara Gubernia is demonstrated. The contribution of foreign public organizations in saving people from starvation is presented.The article considers the features of the impact of epidemics on the course of hostilities and the fate of the states of Antiquity. Three cases are presented as examples. The first one is related to the invasion of the Assyrian King Sennacherib in Judea and the attempt of his troops to take Jerusalem. The second case is related to the epidemic in Athens in the early years of the Peloponnesian war. The third one - with the epidemic in the Roman Empire in the 2nd half of the 2nd century AD. The analysis, based on information from extant sources, permitted to conclude that the intensity and destructive effect of epidemics in the Ancient World increased gradually. To this fact is attributed the effect of "closing" the Oikumena into a single whole. However, the degree of influence of epidemics on the fate of ancient states is greatly exaggerated by the historical tradition, which developed under the influence of emotional descriptions of the tragedies and mass deaths of people.The article analyzes the problems of initial stage of mass production of penicillin in the USSR on the basis of documents of the State archive of the Russian Federation. The analysis covered declassified documents of the funds of the Narkomzdrav of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the A. M. Gorky All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (VIEM). The secret correspondence of the People's Commissar of Health Care with the Government, with the Head of the Department of Biochemistry of Microbes and experimental production laboratory of VIEM Z. V. Ermolieva, with Directors of plants for organization of production of penicillin is analyzed. The transcripts of meetings and orders of the People's Commissar of Health Care are considered. It is demonstrated that development of production facilities and provision of health care with antibiotics was an extremely difficult task. Its solution was complicated by many factors such as the inaccessibility of advanced methods of deep fermentation, general techn and liquid penicillin was produced, except for the A. Mikoyan Moscow meat-packing plant, where the production of drug in dry form was established. The outdated technologies and limited scale of production determined lower productivity of enterprises, which did not allow to cover the needs of health care even approximately.The article considers the condition of medicine in St. Petersburg in 1827-1828 as presented in memoirs of English physician A. B. Granville about his visiting the capital of Russia. The prominent physician and naturalist, familiar with condition of medicine in main countries of Europe, he provided substantial and objective characteristic of condition of medicine and health care in Russia. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mpp-dihydrochloride.html This characteristic, coming from independent and competent observer, permits to correct conceptions about condition of Russian medicine during the period when the results of modernization of the Russian Empire of XVIII-early XIX centuries manifested in full measure effecting becoming of Russian school of medicine.The article considers historical characteristics of process of origin and formation of the health care system in Russia as process of state organizational activities. The starting point of the mentioned process is determined the period of the second half of XVI century that initiated becoming of institutional foundations of the whole health care system in Russia establishing the priority of state power initiative in becoming and development of the given processes. The significant role of foreign factor in development of medicine business in Russia during the given historical period is emphasized. The role of English medical men in popularization of European practice of medical treatment at the Tsar's court and in becoming of state institutions of health care is specially emphasized. At that, the state character of formation of health care system in Russia is stressed and is considered as national feature related to paternalistic character of the state authority itself. The specific facts of history of becoming of national health care system are considered in the context of universal historical development. On the whole, the period of governing of the Russian Tsars of second half of XVI century - Ivan VI the Terrible, Fedor Ioannovich, Boris Godunov, - is considered as unconditionally positive one in the process of becoming of the state medicine in Russia.The colorectal cancer is considered as the third most common malignant disease in the world. During last decade, the problem of colorectal cancer became especially urgent conditioned not only by increasing of number of metastatic tumors of colon and rectum, but also by implementation of high-tech methods of treatment that significantly improved the results of five-year survival period. Along with success of therapy, understanding of genomics of colorectal cancer and owing to extensive application of next generation sequencing, the opportunity of optimal choice of treatment options was offered. METHODS The sampling included tumor material of 332 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer, fixed in formalin and enclosed in paraffin, and treated in oncology dispensaries and centers and in the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology in 2010-2014. After morphological evaluation of the material quality, the molecular genetic analysis was applied to establish mutation of the KRAS gene using polymerase chain reaction in real-time. RESULTS The study established that KRAS mutation rate in patients with colorectal cancer had no reliable dependency with the region of their residence, since statistical analysis of pair "region of residence - all KRAS mutations" had value of correlation coefficient rp = 0.1 (p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS colorectal cancer It was established that there is no reliable dependence of rate of KRAS gene mutation in patients with colorectal cancer in the region of their residence. The high rate of occurrence of mutated type of gene was detected in 3 regions (Kyzyl-Orda, North Kazakhstan and Almaty) within the range of 58.3-76.5% of cases. The wild type of KRAS gene was most frequently detected in patients from the Karaganda region (65.5%), South Kazakhstan (71.4%) and Almaty (60.7%).