s such as insecticides, paints, and detergents.Many reports have shown a strong association between exposure to neurotoxic air pollutants like heavy metal and particulate matter (PM) as an active participant and neurological disorders. While the effects of these toxic pollutants on cardiopulmonary morbidity have principally been studied, growing evidence has shown that exposure to polluted air is associated with memory impairment, communication deficits, and anxiety/depression among all ages. So, these toxic pollutants in the environment increase the risk of neurodegenerative disease, ischemia, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The precise mechanisms in which air pollutants lead to communicative inability, social inability, and declined cognition have remained unknown. Various animal model studies show that amyloid precursor protein (APP), processing, oxidant/antioxidant balance, and inflammation pathways change following the exposure to constituents of polluted air. In the present review study, we collect the probable molecular mechanisms of deleterious CNS effects in response to various air pollutants.Simultaneous identification of various features of groundwater contamination sources and hydraulic parameters, such as hydraulic conductivities, can result in high-nonlinear inverse problem, which significantly hinders identification. A surrogate model was proposed to relieve computational burden caused by massive callings to simulation model in identification. However, shallow learning surrogate model may show limited fitting ability to high nonlinear problem. Thus, in this study, a simulation-optimization method based on Bayesian regularization deep neural network (BRDNN) surrogate model was proposed to efficiently solve high-nonlinear inverse problem. This method identified eight variables including locations and release intensities of two pollution sources and hydraulic conductivities of two partitions. Three hidden layers were employed in the BRDNN surrogate model, which profoundly improved the fitting capacity of nonlinear mapping relationship to the simulation model. Furthermore, Bayesian regularization was applied in the training process of neural network to solve overfitting problem. The results indicated that BRDNN was capable of establishing input-output interplay of high nonlinear inverse problem, which substantially reduced computational cost while ensuring a desirable level of accuracy. The utility of simulation-optimization on the basis of BRDNN surrogate model provided stable and reliable inversion results for groundwater contamination sources and hydraulic parameters.An accurate assessment of the environmental risk of soils contaminated by metal(loid)s (MEs) requires quantifying exposure and knowing the toxicity of contaminants transferred to biota. For this purpose, two indices have been developed with the bioindicator Cantareus aspersus to assess exposure (SET sum of the excess of transfer) and risk (ERITME evaluation of the risk of the transferred metal elements) of multi-contaminated soils. If the SET and ERITME indices allow characterization of exposure and risk based on unspecific toxicity points, then the link between these indices and real effects on some toxicological endpoints, such as growth or sexual maturation, remains to be demonstrated. For this purpose, sub-adult snails were exposed for 28 days to 38 ME-contaminated soils. Relationships between the SET and/or ERITME indices and health alterations in C. aspersus were determined using Spearman correlations, linear regressions, univariate regression trees, and kinetic models. Relationships were determined between the values of the SET and ERITME indices, bioaccumulation as an indicator of ME bioavailability, and the alteration in physiological endpoints, such as the shell development used as a non-invasive indicator of sexual maturation. The results enabled the determination of three levels of risk according to the differences in reaching sexual maturity no risk, uncertain, and proven risk depended on whether the value of ERITME was below, in, or beyond the interval [2574-22720], respectively. This study provides the first benchmarks with the SET and ERITME indices to interpret the risk of contaminated soils to snails and to relate the environmental and toxicological bioavailability of ME mixtures.Single-mode microwave-induced tungsten wire discharge was conducted to investigate discharge phenomena in Ar, N2, NO, and their mixtures, as well as the effects of parameters, including diameter and number of tungsten wire, initial NO concentration, total gas flow rate, and microwave power, on NO conversion. The discharge phenomena verified that intense discharge could be observed in pure Ar or N2, but the discharge was considerably weakened in gas mixtures. The results of NO conversion showed that the increases of the tungsten wire diameter (0.1-0.12 mm), the tungsten wire number (1-3 wires), and microwave power (400-700 W), or the decreases of the total gas flow rate (2-0.5 L/min), and the initial NO concentration (800-200 ppm) could effectively lead to the increase of NO conversion. A maximum NO conversion of 91.5% can be achieved under the optimal conditions in the examined range. Besides, spectral analysis showed that W, O, and N ions were found in the discharge zone. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Temsirolimus.html After reactions, depositions were found on the inner surface of reaction tube, and the results of EDS (energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer) tests show that the depositions were composed of W, O, and N. Therefore, a portion of NO was inferred to be consumed by tungsten ions through the formation of tungsten oxides and tungsten nitrides.Applications of nanotechnology in fish cultures have participated in getting over various difficulties that hinder fish productivity. They can achieve growth performance after adding some important minerals and vitamins in the form of nano-feed supplements like selenium, zinc, iron, and vitamin C. Also, they have an important role in reproduction, and fish medicine as antimicrobial, drug delivery, nano-vaccination, and rapid disease diagnosis. Moreover, their roles in water remediation and purification, and fish packaging are documented. On the other hand, some nanoparticles exhibit toxic effects on living organisms, which return to their tiny size, high reactivity, and permeability. They can alter many physiological functions and cause cytotoxicity, DNA damage, and histopathological changes. Also, nanotechnology applications cause new secondary pollutants to be introduced into the environment that can negatively affect fish health and the surrounding living organisms. So, in spite of the promising applications of nanotechnology to fulfill high growth performance and pathogen-free fish, there are a lot of debates about the potential toxicity of nanomaterials, their reactivity with the surrounding environment, and bioaccumulation.