The genus Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, frogs from the family Odontophrynidae Lynch, currently contains 41 nominal species with poorly resolved phylogenetic relationships (Frost 2019; Mângia et al. 2018). Molecular data from 15 and 18 Proceratophrys species support the monophyletic hypothesis of the genus (Teixeira-Jr et al. 2012; Dias et al. 2013; respectively) but do not fully resolve the phylogenetic relationship among the species. Currently, there are advertisement call parameters provided for 31 species of Proceratophrys in the literature (Ferreira et al. 2016; Andrade et al. 2018; Mângia et al. 2018; Nascimento et al. 2019). The Proceratophrys advertisement call is composed of pulsed notes, amplitude modulation, short to medium duration calls (0.05-4 s) and only one note in almost all species (see Nascimento et al. 2019 for details). Considering the importance of bioacoustics for taxonomy (Köhler et al. 2017), further descriptions of advertisement calls for the genus could also improve our understanding of the species' relationships.The genus Thrips comprises 296 species (ThripsWiki 2019) and is the largest of all Terebrantian genera. The only other Thysanopteran genera comparable in size are the phlaeothripids Haplothrips and Liothrips. Species of Thrips can be found in flowers and on leaves of a wide variety of plants from grasses to trees. Most of them are beneficial pollinators (Garcia-Fayos Goldarazena 2008; Eliyahu et al. 2015), while others are pests and cause significant economic damage (Mound Marullo 1996). Some of them are polyphagous and widespread, while others are rarely seen and restricted to one species of plant (Palmer 1992).The morphology of adult instars of two South African oribatid mites Galumna lawrencei Jacot, 1940 and Galumna capensis dissimilis Engelbrecht, 1969, is analyzed, resulting in the following new taxonomic proposal G. lawrencei Jacot, 1940 (=G. capensis dissimilis E