The discussion of the data seeks to broaden the reading about the ways of fictionalizing the lived experience, pervasive to the everyday plot of the self, and its relationship with creativity in the future of human action.Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a set of clinical conditions such as insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), dyslipidemia, obesity and high abdominal circumference. Some of these clinical characteristics have been associated with caveolin-1, a caveolae structural protein, responsible for insulin activation, storage and degradation of cholesterol, and so on. Herein we assessed CAV-1 mRNA levels in MS patients comparing to healthy controls (HC) and according patients' clinical features. We included 87 patients in the study, 25 patients with MS, 30 patients with at least one clinical condition (diabetes, SAH, dyslipidemia, obesity and high abdominal circumference), 13 with two clinical conditions and 19 HC. CAV-1 mRNA levels from peripheral blood samples were assessed by Real Time qPCR using specific Taqman probe. The analysis was performed using ∆Cq method and the statistical tests Shapiro-Wilk, One-Way ANOVA and Mann-Whitney. We found CAV-1 increased mRNA levels in patients with MS (1.645 FC, p = 9.794 × 10-20) and even higher in patients with only one or two clinical conditions (2.215 FC, p = 1.215 × 10-32 and 1.716 FC, p = 4.197 × 10-05, respectively). When individual clinical conditions were observed, individuals with high abdominal circumference and obesity present a significantly up regulation when compared to HC (2.956 FC, p = 0.0004 and 3.643 FC, p = 0.002, respectively). This work indicates that CAV-1 gene expression from whole blood samples is associated to MS clinical conditions and may become a potential target for MS treatment and prevention. Palliative care is increasingly acknowledged as beneficial in supporting patients and families affected by heart failure, but policy documents have generally focused on the chronic form of this disease. We examined palliative care provision for those with acute heart failure, based on the recently updated National Consensus Project Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care. The commonest reason for hospitalization in those > 65years, acute heart failure admissions delineate crisis points on the unpredictable disease trajectory. Palliative care is underutilized, often perceived as limited to end-of-life care rather than determined by regular systematic needs assessment. No dominant paradigm of palliative care provision has emerged from the nascent evidence base related to this clinical cohort, underscoring the need for further research. Embedding palliative support as mainstream to heart failure care from the point of diagnosis may better ensure treatment strategies for those admitted with acute heart failure remain consistent with patients' preferences and values.  65 years, acute heart failure admissions delineate crisis points on the unpredictable disease trajectory. Palliative care is underutilized, often perceived as limited to end-of-life care rather than determined by regular systematic needs assessment. No dominant paradigm of palliative care provision has emerged from the nascent evidence base related to this clinical cohort, underscoring the need for further research. Embedding palliative support as mainstream to heart failure care from the point of diagnosis may better ensure treatment strategies for those admitted with acute heart failure remain consistent with patients' preferences and values.The original version of this article was revised due to retrospective Open Access.The optimal template for signal detection in white additive noise is the signal itself the ideal observer matches each stimulus against this template and selects the stimulus associated with largest match. In the noisy ideal observer, internal noise is added to the decision variable returned by the template. While the ideal observer represents an unrealistic approximation to the human visual process, the noisy ideal observer may be applicable under certain experimental conditions. For template values constrained to lie within a specified range, theory predicts that the template associated with a noisy ideal observer should be a clipped image of the signal, a result which we demonstrate analytically using variational calculus. It is currently unknown whether the human process conforms to theory. We report a targeted analysis of the theoretical prediction for an experimental protocol that maximizes template-matching on the part of human participants. We find indicative evidence to support the theoretical expectation when internal noise is compared across participants, but not within each participant. Our results indicate that implicit knowledge about internal variability in different individuals is reflected by their detection templates; no implicit knowledge is retained for internal-noise fluctuations experienced by a given participant during data collection. The results also indicate that template encoding is constrained by the dynamic range of weight specification, rather than the range of output values transduced by the template-matching process. It is frequently recommended that urine output following perioperative mannitol administration be replaced 11 with an isotonic crystalloid solution. It is possible that this strategy could increase brain water by reducing the serum osmolality achieved with prior mannitol administration. Therefore, brain water content of rats treated with mannitol alone or mannitol plus normal saline (NS) was studied over a range of urinary replacement ratios. Male Wister rats received mannitol 3.2gm/100gm infused over 45min followed by hourly determinations of urine output (UO). Control animals received no additional therapy, whereas animals undergoing intervention received hourly replacement of their urinary losses with 0.9% NS in decreasing NSUO ratios (11, 12, 13). Three hours after completion of the mannitol infusion, a final tally of UO was made. At that time in all animals, blood was obtained for determination of hemoglobin and electrolyte concentrations and plasma osmolality. Following that, the animals were sacrificed to determine brain water content.