Major depressive disorder is strongly associated with impairments and difficulties in social interactions. Deficits in empathy, a vital skill for social interactions, have been identified as a risk factor for relapse. However, research on empathy in remitted states of depression is scarce. We chose a social neuroscience approach to investigate potentially altered neural processes involved in sub-components of empathy in remitted states of depression. We expected aberrations in cognitive components of empathy, based on previous reports regarding their role as risk factors for relapse. Employing functional magnetic resonance imaging and a pain empathy task (video clips of painful medical treatments), we compared behavioral and neural empathic responses of unmedicated remitted depressive patients (N=32) to those of untreated acutely depressed patients (N=29) and healthy controls (N=35). Self-report ratings of pain evaluation and affect-sharing were obtained. Compared to controls and acutely depressed patieain, characterized by increased self-other distinction, lowered affective processing, and reduced connectivity between empathy-related brain regions. Although this may prevent emotional harm in specific situations, it may reduce opportunities for positive experiences in social interactions in the long run. Our aim is to investigate patterns of brain glucose metabolism using fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in presymptomatic carriers of the C9orf72 repeat expansion to better understand the early preclinical stages of frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Structural MRI and FDG-PET were performed on clinically asymptomatic members of families with FTD caused by the C9orf72 repeat expansion (15 presymptomatic mutation carriers, C9orf72+; 20 non-carriers, C9orf72-). Regional glucose metabolism in cerebral and cerebellar gray matter was compared between groups. The mean age of the C9orf72+ and C9orf72- groups were 45.3 ± 10.6 and 56.0 ± 11.0 years respectively, and the mean age of FTD onset in their families was 56 ± 7 years. Compared to non-carrier controls, the C9orf72+ group exhibited regional hypometabolism, primarily involving the cingulate gyrus, frontal and temporal neocortices (left > right) and bilateral thalami. The C9orf72 repeat expansion is associated with changes in brain glucose metabolism that are demonstrable up to 10 years prior to symptom onset and before changes in gray matter volume become significant. These findings indicate that FDG-PET may be a particularly sensitive and useful method for investigating and monitoring the earliest stages of FTD in individuals with this underlying genetic basis. The C9orf72 repeat expansion is associated with changes in brain glucose metabolism that are demonstrable up to 10 years prior to symptom onset and before changes in gray matter volume become significant. These findings indicate that FDG-PET may be a particularly sensitive and useful method for investigating and monitoring the earliest stages of FTD in individuals with this underlying genetic basis.The characteristics and transport pathways of air masses vary during heavy pollution episodes (HPEs). Three categories of HPEs have been defined HPE Ι, II, and III, corresponding to HPE durations of 1, 2, and at least 3 days, respectively. Sixty HPEs were investigated in this study. The number of HPEs decreased from 2013 to 2017 and then increased from 2017 to 2019, dominated by emission reductions and meteorological conditions. The average and maximum PM2.5 (i.e., aerodynamic diameter of less then 2.5 μm) concentrations during those HPEs in 2019 decreased by 5.6%-11.8% and 11.9%-38.5%, respectively, compared with those in 2013. The longer the duration of an HPE, the higher the PM2.5 concentration. Secondary inorganic aerosol concentrations and their contents in PM2.5 during HPE Ⅲ were found to be higher than those during HPEs Ι and Ⅱ, as secondary transformations of precursor gases are more intense during long-term HPEs. The dominant trajectories of airflow arriving in Jinan originated from the southern and southeastern regions during HPEs, realized using the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory. The trajectories from the north and west of Jinan contained the highest PM2.5 concentrations of 323.3-432.1 μg/m3 during HPE Ⅲ, although these trajectories only contributed 5.6%-11.1% of the total dominant transport pathways, while those in trajectories from the northwest were highest during HPEs Ι and Ⅱ. The highest contributions of air masses from short distances were found during HPE Ⅲ, of 77.8%, while they were only 65.6% and 47.8% during HPEs Ι and II, respectively. More attention should be given to transport pathways within the short distance from Jinan. Therefore, enhancing regional cooperation in Jinan and surrounding regions (particularly in the south, southeast, northwest, west, and north) is critical for improving air quality in the North China Plain.The toxicity of nanoplastics to aquatic organisms has been widely studied in terms of biochemical indicators. However, there is little discussion about the underlying toxic mechanism of nanoplastics on microalgae. Therefore, the chronic effect of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics (80 nm) on Chlorella pyrenoidosa was investigated, in terms of responses at the biochemical and molecular/omic level. It was surprising that both inhibitory and promoting effects of nanoplastcis on C. pyrenoidosa were found during chronic exposure. Before 13 days, the maximum growth inhibition rate was 7.55% during 10 mg/L PS nanoplastics treatment at 9 d. However, the inhibitory effect gradually weakened with the prolongation of exposure time. Interestingly, algal growth was promoted for 1-5 mg/L nanoplastics during 15-21 d exposure. Transcriptomic analysis explained that the inhibitory effect of nanoplastics could be attributed to suppressed gene expression of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that resulted in the reduced synthesis of related enzymes. The promotion phenomenon may be due to that C. pyrenoidosa defended against nanoplastics stress by promoting cell proliferation, regulating intracellular osmotic pressure, and accelerating the degradation of damaged proteins and organs. This study is conducive to provide theoretical basis for evaluating the actual hazard of nanoplastics to aquatic organisms.