With increasing absolute size, posterior molars increase in size relative to anterior ones, meaning that large-sized species have relatively large rear molars while the opposite is true for small-sized species. The directionality of proportional increase in the molar row exhibits a previously unsuspected allometric patterning among placentals, showing how large-scale variations in size may have influenced variation in dental morphology. This finding provides new evidence that processes regulating the size of individual molars are integrated with overall patterns of growth and calls for further testing of allometric variation in the dentition and in other segmental series of the vertebrate body.The genomes of inbred mice harbor around 50 endogenous murine leukemia virus (MLV) loci, although the specific complement varies greatly between strains. The Gv1 locus is known to control the transcription of endogenous MLVs and to be the dominant determinant of cell-surface presentation of MLV envelope, the GIX antigen. Here, we identify a single Krüppel-associated box zinc finger protein (ZFP) gene, Zfp998, as Gv1 and show it to be necessary and sufficient to determine the GIX+ phenotype. By long-read sequencing of bacterial artificial chromosome clones from 129 mice, the prototypic GIX+ strain, we reveal the source of sufficiency and deficiency as splice-acceptor variations and highlight the varying origins of the chromosomal region encompassing Gv1. Zfp998 becomes the second identified ZFP gene responsible for epigenetic suppression of endogenous MLVs in mice and further highlights the prominent role of this gene family in control of endogenous retroviruses. Data transformations are an important step in the analysis of RNA-seq data. Nonetheless, the impact of transformation on the outcome of unsupervised clustering procedures is still unclear. Here, we present an Asymmetric Winsorization per Sample Transformation (AWST), which is robust to data perturbations and removes the need for selecting the most informative genes prior to sample clustering. Our procedure leads to robust and biologically meaningful clusters both in bulk and in single-cell applications. The AWST method is available at https//github.com/drisso/awst. The code to reproduce the analyses is available at https//github.com/drisso/awst\_analysis. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) is a reliable, convenient and less costly alternative to ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. Recognition and use of HBPM has dramatically increased over the last 20 years and current guidelines make strong recommendations for the use of both HBPM and ABPM in patients with hypertension. The accuracy and reliability of home BP measurements requires use of a validated device and standardized procedures, and good patient information and training. Key HBPM parameters include morning BP, evening BP and the morning-evening difference. In addition, newer semi-automatic HBPM devices can also measure nighttime BP at fixed intervals during sleep. Advances in technology mean that HBPM devices could provide additional relevant data (e.g. environmental conditions) or determine BP in response to a specific trigger (e.g. hypoxia, increased heart rate). The value of HBPM is highlighted by a growing body of evidence showing that home BP is an important predictor of target organ damage, and cardiovascular disease- and stroke-related morbidity and mortality, and provides better prognostic information than office BP. In addition, use of HBPM to monitor antihypertensive therapy can help to optimize reductions in BP, improve BP control, and reduce target organ damage and cardiovascular risk. Overall, HBPM should play a central role in the management of patients with hypertension, with the goal of identifying increased risk and predicting the onset of cardiovascular disease events, allowing proactive interventions to reduce risk and eliminate adverse outcomes. We explored the role of genital abnormalities and hormonal contraception in HIV transmission among heterosexual serodifferent couples in Rwanda. From 2002-2011, non-antiretroviral treatment using HIV serodifferent couples were followed and sociodemographic and clinical data were collected, family planning provided, and HIV-negative partners retested. Couples were assessed for genital ulcers; non-ulcerative genital sexually transmitted infection (STI) including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis; and non-STI vaginal infections including bacterial vaginosis and candida. Multivariable models evaluated associations between covariates and HIV transmission genetically linked to the index partner. Among 877 couples where the man was HIV-positive, 37 linked transmissions occurred. Factors associated with women's HIV acquisition included female partner genital ulceration (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]=14.1) and male partner non-ulcerative STI (aHR=8.6). Among 955 couples where the woman was HIV-positive, 46 linked transmissions occurred. Factors associated with men's HIV acquisition included female partner non-ulcerative STI (aHR=4.4), non-STI vaginal dysbiosis (aHR=7.1), and male partner genital ulceration (aHR=2.6). Hormonal contraception use was not associated with HIV transmission or acquisition. Our findings underscore the need for integrating HIV services with care for genital abnormalities. Barriers (e.g., cost for training, demand creation, advocacy, client education; provider time; clinic space) to joint HIV/STI testing need to be considered and addressed. Our findings underscore the need for integrating HIV services with care for genital abnormalities. Barriers (e.g., cost for training, demand creation, advocacy, client education; provider time; clinic space) to joint HIV/STI testing need to be considered and addressed. SARS-CoV-2 is a novel coronavirus currently causing a pandemic. Here, we performed a combined in-silico and cell culture comparison of SARS-CoV-2 and the closely related SARS-CoV. Many amino acid positions are differentially conserved between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, which reflects the discrepancies in virus behaviour, i.e. more effective human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and higher mortality associated with SARS-CoV. Variations in the S protein (mediates virus entry) were associated with differences in its interaction with ACE2 (cellular S receptor) and sensitivity to TMPRSS2 (enables virus entry via S cleavage) inhibition. Anti-ACE2 antibodies more strongly inhibited SARS-CoV than SARS-CoV-2 infection, probably due to a stronger SARS-CoV-2 S-ACE2 affinity relative to SARS-CoV S. Moreover, SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV displayed differences in cell tropism. Cellular ACE2 and TMPRSS2 levels did not indicate susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/ly-411575.html In conclusion, we identified genomic variation between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV that may reflect the differences in their clinical and biological behaviour.