Second Entry •:~*~:• DIARY •:~*~:• Property of Laurent Nofelind 6 days since last entry I’ve come to the realization that I don’t know how calendars work here. It’s a little embarrassing, but writing in this book is the first time I’ve needed to be aware of the particular date since I... Arrived, incarnated, whatever. I think they have about the same number of months and days as Earth (RIP), but I’m frankly afraid to ask anyone for details I should clearly already know. Speaking of things I should know, last night I came to an interesting business deal. Some guy (note to self: start writing down people’s names, this may be why they think you are rude) wants a demon core, and after I made him aware that I intend to travel to Nocturne he asked me to bring it one back for him. He specified the size of the core by comparing it to a fruit. Possibly an apple, or a pear. Surely it was smaller than a grapefruit... I may have had a drink that night. One. I’m still not fully used to weighing the same as a regulation sack of potatoes, or being especially susceptible to intoxication for that weight. Someone else was also interested in purchasing a souvenir from Nocturne, although I don’t think I ever got this one’s name in the first place. He asked me for a living vampire of the weaker sort. I know they sell slaves in Nocturne, but his use for this vampire is a mystery to me. More importantly, he disappeared before I could clarify certain details about how many limbs the vampire needed to have upon delivery, or even compensation. Don’t know how I feel about this, on the one hand we don’t exactly have a deal, but on the other hand... It is an offer, right? I just don’t think anyone else will take a quadruple amputee vampire off my hands if the buyer never returns, or refuses to pay. I also met someone by the name of Adriel who wants to accompany me to Nocturne. Normally I’d rather go it alone to maintain a low profile, but even in a state of intoxication my brilliant mind saw his usefulness. Adriel’s loud, bright, and something about him demands you devote your full attention to physically abusing him. On top of that, he gave me the impression doing so wouldn’t even kill him. Reusable bait! What troubles me deeply is the price of this companion... If it were a share of the sale price or loot I could surely find a way to swindle him out of it if need be. But he hasn’t asked for money or treasure; I’ll have his assistance if I let him pet my head. I’ve been overflowing with anxiety ever since I awoke and recalled my grim bargain. Am I now any better than a common whore? Can I really allow him to pat me? If I just stand there and take it, will he be satisfied? I’m terrified he’ll expect me to act as though I like it, or even worse demand further “payment” partway through our journey. What kind of man is it that risks life and limb just to degrade a perfect stranger this way? He is undoubtedly some kind of sick sadist, I must be on my guard at all times if I’m to escape unharmed with whatever shreds of my dignity remain after he has his way with me. Selling my body to a stranger is a new low, but I’m ashamed to admit I am too scared to take on Nocturne alone. I’ll probably feel better about this whole thing once I have my claws on that demon core. I can’t remember how big it has to be, so better to err on the side of juiciness. The buyer seemed like the type to welcome overachievement, so I’m sure we can reasonably modify the deal to reflect the merchandise’s true value. The big question is where to find it: Stuffed inside a dark wizard or powering some kind of industrial machine are my best bets. Disemboweling a powerful magic user who may very well have spent his entire life on the mean streets of Nocturne is... Not the path of least resistance, or most subtlety. But magic types tend to be squishy when you get close, or even just a bag of bones. Extracting the core from their body in a swift sneak attack seems reasonable considering I now have such attractive bait. The other option, taking a demon core that’s already in use powering some magic-industrial machine, is more within my wheelhouse. Such machines would be operated by a business with an interest in minimizing the cost of security, so it’ll probably be vulnerable to infiltration... At least if I remember to take the proper precautions for magical traps. It’s true that once I have the core the whole “machine turning off” thing will probably alert everyone working there that something is amiss, but I’ll have all the time I need to plan my escape before that point. It’s also unlikely anyone guarding such a place will have much proficiency in magic, meaning that if I can outrun them (I can) they can’t force me to fight. What I don’t have in that case is an obvious use for my bait... If I let him pet me and never actually use him I can’t even be called a whore. I’d be no better than an alley cat slut, meowing and rubbing her head on strangers for attention. I feel sick. I can’t write anymore.