The persistence of ferroelectricity in ultrathin layers relies critically on screening or compensation of polarization charges which otherwise destabilize the ferroelectric state. At surfaces, charged defects play a crucial role in the screening mechanism triggering novel mixed electrochemical-ferroelectric states. At interfaces, however, the coupling between ferroelectric and electrochemical states has remained unexplored. Here, we make use of the dynamic formation of the oxygen vacancy profile in the nanometer-thick barrier of a ferroelectric tunnel junction to demonstrate the interplay between electrochemical and ferroelectric degrees of freedom at an oxide interface. We fabricate ferroelectric tunnel junctions with a La_0.7Sr_0.3MnO_3 bottom electrode and BaTiO_3 ferroelectric barrier. We use poling strategies to promote the generation and transport of oxygen vacancies at the metallic top electrode. Generated oxygen vacancies control the stability of the ferroelectric polarization and modify its coercive fields. The ferroelectric polarization, in turn, controls the ionization of oxygen vacancies well above the limits of thermodynamic equilibrium, triggering the build up of a Schottky barrier at the interface which can be turned on and off with ferroelectric switching. This interplay between electronic and electrochemical degrees of freedom yields very large values of the electroresistance (more than 10^6% at low temperatures) and enables a controlled switching between clockwise and counterclockwise switching modes in the same junction (and consequently, a change of the sign of the electroresistance). The strong coupling found between electrochemical and electronic degrees of freedom sheds light on the growing debate between resistive and ferroelectric switching in ferroelectric tunnel junctions, and moreover, can be the source of novel concepts in memory devices and neuromorphic computing.The reaction between He^+ and CH_3F forming predominantly CH_2^+ and CHF^+ has been studied at collision energies E_coll between 0 and k_B·10  K in a merged-beam apparatus. To avoid heating of the ions by stray electric fields, the reaction was observed within the orbit of a highly excited Rydberg electron. Supersonic beams of CH_3F and He(n) Rydberg atoms with principal quantum number n=30 and 35 were merged and their relative velocity tuned using a Rydberg-Stark decelerator and deflector, allowing an energy resolution of 150 mK. A strong enhancement of the reaction rate was observed below E_coll/k_B=1  K. The experimental results are interpreted with an adiabatic capture model that accounts for the state-dependent orientation of the polar CH_3F molecules by the Stark effect as they approach the He^+ ion. The enhancement of the reaction rate at low collision energies is primarily attributed to para-CH_3F molecules in the J=1, KM=1 high-field-seeking states, which represent about 8% of the population at the 6 K rotational temperature of the supersonic beam.We study experimentally the effect of linear plasma density gradients on the self-modulation of a 400 GeV proton bunch. Results show that a positive or negative gradient increases or decreases the number of microbunches and the relative charge per microbunch observed after 10 m of plasma. The measured modulation frequency also increases or decreases. With the largest positive gradient we observe two frequencies in the modulation power spectrum. Results are consistent with changes in wakefields' phase velocity due to plasma density gradients adding to the slow wakefields' phase velocity during self-modulation growth predicted by linear theory.The relative contributions to the valence nuclear European Muon Collaboration (EMC) effect in the deuteron arising from nucleon off-shell effects and Fermi motion are examined in models which include nuclear binding and off-shell effects. Contrary to expectations, the effect of Fermi motion overwhelms the off-shell effects for nucleons in short-range correlations (SRCs), calling into question the hypothesized causal connection between SRCs and the EMC effect.We present a direct mapping between the quantum optomechanical problem of the atoms harmonically trapped in the vicinity of a chiral waveguide and a generalized quantum Rabi model, and we discuss the analogy between the self-organization of atomic chains in photonic structures and Dicke-like quantum phase transitions in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We extend the class of the superradiant phase transitions for the systems possessing Z_3 rather than parity Z_2 symmetry and demonstrate the emergence of the multicomponent Schrödinger-cat ground states in these systems.The entire magnetization process of TlCuCl_3 has been experimentally investigated up to 100 T employing the single-turn technique. The upper critical field H_c2 is observed to be 86.1 T at 2 K. A convex slope of the M-H curve between the lower and upper critical fields (H_c1 and H_c2) is clearly observed, which indicates that a particle-hole symmetry is broken in TlCuCl_3. By quantum Monte Carlo simulation and the bond-operator theory method, we find that the particle-hole symmetry breaking results from strong interdimer interactions.We introduce a new approach to Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) states that treats their finite-energy version in an exact manner. Based on this analysis, we develop new qubit-oscillator circuits that autonomously stabilize a GKP manifold, correcting errors without relying on qubit measurements. Finally, we show numerically that logical information encoded in GKP states is very robust against typical oscillator noise sources when stabilized by these new circuits.Density functional calculations can fail for want of an accurate exchange-correlation approximation. The energy can instead be extracted from a sequence of density functional calculations of conditional probabilities (CP DFT). Simple CP approximations yield usefully accurate results for two-electron ions, the hydrogen dimer, and the uniform gas at all temperatures. CP DFT has no self-interaction error for one electron, and correctly dissociates H_2, both major challenges. For warm dense matter, classical CP DFT calculations can overcome the convergence problems of Kohn-Sham DFT.