RESULTS Cluster analysis of the whole genome sequencing revealed that the frequency of chromosomal aberrations were increased in ACC with local recurrence and distant metastases in comparison to ACC patients with no metastatic spread. Specifically, chromosome 6 and 12 and exclusively the entire chromosome 4 showed an increased frequency of chromosomal alterations with tumor progression. CONCLUSION Our data show a molecular evolution from primary tumors to local recurrences and distant metastases and pinpoint the critical chromosomal regions involved in this process. These regions should be in the focus of the search for therapeutic targets of progressive ACC. N-Methylpyrrolidone is one of several chemotypes that have been described as a mimetic of acetyl-lysine in the development of bromodomain inhibitors. In this paper, we describe the synthesis of a 4-phenyl substituted analogue - 1-methyl-4-phenylpyrrolidin-2-one - and the use of aryl substitution reactions as a divergent route for derivatives. Ultimately, this has led to structurally complex, chiral compounds with progressively improved affinity as inhibitors of bromodomain-containing protein 4. Environmental contaminants can deleteriously affect aquatic animals. One such contaminant is 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), a long-prescribed chemotherapeutic drug. Leucovorin (LV) is co-administered with 5-FU, potentiating its effects. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae were reared in ng/L treatments of either 5-FU, LV, or a combined 5-FU/LV mixture for 8 dy. Survival was measured daily and swimming behavior assessed every other day. After 8 dy, larval length was measured, and densitometry of p53-labeled cryostat sections determined the extent of apoptosis. No significant differences in survival or apoptosis were found; larvae in the highest concentrations were largest. Changes in behavior of 5-FU-treated larvae were based on exposure duration; changes in LV-treated larvae were affected by drug concentration and duration. Larvae co-exposed to 5-FU/LV had responses like 5-FU-treated larvae. Overall, early developmental exposure of zebrafish larvae to environmentally-relevant concentrations of 5-FU and LV did not adversely affect survival, growth, and behavior suggesting realistic concentrations are sublethal and non-toxic. V.Pyrin is an inflammasome sensor in phagocytes that is activated in response to bacterial toxins and effectors that modify RhoA. Pathogen effector-triggered pyrin activation is analogous to an indirect guard mechanism in plants. Pyrin activation appears to be triggered when RhoA GTPases in a host cell are prevented from binding downstream signaling proteins (transducers). RhoA transducers that control this response include PRK kinases, which negatively regulate pyrin by phosphorylation and binding of 14-3-3 proteins. Microtubules regulate pyrin at different levels and may serve as a platform for inflammasome nucleation. Pyrin increases inflammation in the lung, gut or systemically during infection or intoxication in mouse models and protects against systemic infection by decreasing bacterial loads. Pathogenic Yersinia spp. overcome this protective response using effectors that inhibit the pyrin inflammasome. Gain of function mutations in MEFV, the gene encoding pyrin, cause the autoinflammatory disease Familial Mediterranean Fever. Yersinia pestis may have selected for gain of function MEFV mutations in the human population. BACKGROUND Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a leading cause of maternal and neonatal mortality in Africa; and has been associated with the interplay of genetic, metabolic and environmental factors. Polymorphisms of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and methionine synthase (MTR) folate cycle genes, have been controversially associated with pre-eclampsia in studies from different human populations. OBJECTIVES To determine the distribution of MTHFR C677T and MTR A2756G polymorphisms in a Nigerian population and evaluate possible associations with the occurrence of pre-eclampsia and homocysteine metabolic derangement. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study was a hospital based study carried out in Lagos, South-western Nigeria. Two hundred pregnant women clinically diagnosed with pre-eclampsia (study group) and 200 apparently healthy non-pre-eclamptic pregnant women (control group) were recruited for the study after written informed consent. Pre-eclampsia was diagnosed based on the International Society for the Study ofeased the occurrence of pre-eclampsia among Nigerian women (OR = 2.252; p  less then  0.05). Population attributable risk fraction percent for the T and G alleles were 16.4% and 11.5% respectively. Mean plasma Hcy level was not, however, significantly affected by MTHFR/MTR haplotypes (F = 1.54; p = 0.157). CONCLUSION MTHFR C677T and MTR A2756G polymorphisms were associated with pre-eclampsia in a population of pregnant women in Lagos, Nigeria. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gasotransmitter endogenously produced by the activity of heme oxygenase, which is a stress-response enzyme. Endogenous CO or low concentrations of exogenous CO have been described to present several cytoprotective functions anti-apoptosis, anti-inflammatory, vasomodulation, maintenance of homeostasis, stimulation of preconditioning and modulation of cell differentiation. The present review revises and discuss how CO regulates cell metabolism and how it is involved in the distinct cytoprotective roles of CO. The first found metabolic effect of CO was its increase on cellular ATP production, and since then much data have been generated. Mitochondria are the most described and studied cellular targets of CO. Mitochondria exposure to this gasotransmitter leads several consequences ROS generation, stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, increased oxidative phosphorylation or mild uncoupling effect. Likewise, CO negatively regulates glycolysis and improves pentose phosphate pathway. More recently, CO has also been disclosed as a regulating molecule for metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes with promising results. Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive and rare B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma classified in two clinicopathological subtypes according to SOX11 expression and mutation state of immunoglobulin variable region heavy chain (IgVH) gene. The transcription factor SOX11, overexpressed in 78%-93% of MCL patients, plays a central role in modulating tumor microenvironment prosurvival signals and angiogenic genes. In this work, we have explored the lymph node microenvironment of three subgroups of MCL patients classified according to SOX11 expression as negative, light, and strong. CD34+ microvessels, CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes, CD68+ and CD163+ macrophages, and the oncogene p53 expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Moreover, STAT3 mRNA expression was analyzed by RNA-scope assay. Our results confirmed increased angiogenesis in the sample of patients positive to SOX11 compared to the negative ones and demonstrated that angiogenesis and SOX11 expression positively correlate to a higher T-lymphocytes inflammatory infiltrate.