The plant possessed multiple pharmacological activities due to the presence of naphthoquinones. The major compound of this plant rhinacanthin-C was used in the present study to evaluate it's anti-Parkinson's activity. The results provide scientific evidence of the anti-Parkinson's potential of rhinacanthin-C that support the use of R. nasutus leaves in the prevention and treatment of Parkinson's disorder.This study examines the association between health expenditures, economic growth (EG) and environmental pollution in Asia both at panel and country level. The separate impact of EG and environmental pollution on public and private health expenditures (PRHEs) are also examined. In doing so the panel cointegration tests with the level break, common correlated effects mean group and heterogeneous panel causality test are employed. The study covers 20 Asian economies and time-period from 1995 to 2017. The results provide evidence in support of a long run association between selected variables. The results explain that EG and environmental pollution are positively associated with total health expenditures as well as with public and PRHEs in all countries. However, the magnitude of environmental pollution coefficient is greater from EG coefficient, thus indicate that environmental pollution is the key determinant in increasing national health expenditures. Causality results demonstrate the existence of two-way causality between health expenditures and EG and unidirectional causality flowing from environmental pollution to health expenditures in Asian economies. Findings of this study have provided some important suggestions to policy makers which can be used to minimize the risk of environmental pollution on health in Asian economies. To determine whether ease of access to thoracic structures for performing open-chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation (OC-CPR) differed between fourth and fifth intercostal space (ICS) left lateral thoracotomies in dogs, and to determine if "shingling" improved access for OC-CPR manipulations. Prospective single-blinded study. Laboratory. Twelve mixed breed canine cadavers weighing approximately 20kg. Left lateral thoracotomies were performed at the 4th ICS (n=6) or 5th ICS (n=6). Shingling at the 4th or 5th ICS, as applicable, was performed after initial data collection and outcomes were reassessed. Three evaluators blinded to the surgical approach scored the following parameters on a 0 to 10 scale (0=easiest, 10=most difficult) ease of access of the phrenicopericardial ligament, ease of pericardial incision, ease of appropriate hand position, ease of aortic access, ease of Rumel tourniquet application, and ease of proper placement of defibrillation paddles. Objective measurements (time to completiod for most manipulations, and shingling improved access for most of the measured parameters.There has been great concern about negative effects on crop production resulting from the ban on insecticide seed treatments containing neonicotinoids. I examine how the neonicotinoid ban has affected crop protection and crop production in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) using Sweden as a case study and compare the Swedish situation with that in leading countries growing winter and spring oilseed rape, respectively. The cropping area of winter and spring oilseed rape in Sweden has increased by approximately 40% to around 100 000 ha and decreased by approximately 90% to around 4000 ha, respectively following the ban and there are trends for increased pest and disease pressure. Overall, however, the ban has not had any major impacts on total oilseed rape cropping area or crop yields per hectare of either winter or spring oilseed rape, which is in contrast to elsewhere in Europe. In Germany and the United Kingdom, for example, the cropping area has decreased following the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatments, attributed to increased insect pest pressure especially from cabbage stem flea beetle, Psylliodes chrysocephala. I conclude that winter oilseed rape has remained a viable crop to grow in Sweden without insecticide seed treatments, but that further investments into integrated pest management are needed for sustainable insect pest control in oilseed rape in the future. © 2021 The Author. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.We report the unprecedented synthesis of one-handed helical spiro-conjugated ladder polymers with well-defined primary and secondary structures, in which the spiro-linked dibenzo[a,h]anthracene fluorophores are arranged in a one-handed twisting direction, through quantitative and chemoselective acid-promoted intramolecular cyclizations of random-coil precursor polymers composed of chiral 1,1'-spirobiindane and achiral bis[2-(4-alkoxyphenyl)ethynyl]phenylene units. Intense circular dichroism (CD) and circularly polarized luminescence (CPL) were observed, whereas the precursor polymers exhibited negligible CD and CPL activities. The introduction of 2,6-dimethyl substituents on the 4-alkoxyphenylethynyl pendants is of key importance for this simple, quantitative, and chemoselective cyclization. This strategy is applicable to the defect-free precise synthesis of other varieties of fully π-conjugated molecules and coplanar ladder polymers that have not been achieved before.In the soil gammaproteobacterium Lysobacter enzymogenes, a natural fungal predator, the response regulator PilR controls type IV pili (T4P)-mediated twitching motility as well as synthesis of the heat-stable antifungal factor (HSAF). Earlier we showed that PilR acts via the second messenger, c-di-GMP; however, the mechanism remained unknown. Here, we describe how PilR, c-di-GMP signalling, and HSAF synthesis are connected. We screened genes for putative diguanylate cyclases (c-di-GMP synthases) and found that PilR binds to the promoter region of lchD and down-regulates its transcription. The DNA-binding affinity of PilR, and therefore its repressor function, are enhanced by phosphorylation by its cognate histidine kinase, PilS. The lchD gene product is a diguanylate cyclase, and the decrease in LchD levels shifts the ratio of c-di-GMP-bound and c-di-GMP-free transcription factor Clp, a key activator of the HSAF biosynthesis operon expression. Furthermore, Clp directly interacts with LchD and enhances its diguanylate cyclase activity.