Synthetic biology offers new tools and capabilities of engineering cells with desired functions for example as new biosensing platforms leveraging engineered microbes. In the last two decades, bacterial cells have been programmed to sense and respond to various input cues for versatile purposes including environmental monitoring, disease diagnosis and adaptive biomanufacturing. Despite demonstrated proof-of-concept success in the laboratory, the real-world applications of microbial sensors have been restricted due to certain technical and societal limitations. Yet, most limitations can be addressed by new technological developments in synthetic biology such as circuit design, biocontainment and machine learning. Here, we summarize the latest advances in synthetic biology and discuss how they could accelerate the development, enhance the performance and address the present limitations of microbial sensors to facilitate their use in the field. We view that programmable living sensors are promising sensing platforms to achieve sustainable, affordable and easy-to-use on-site detection in diverse settings.Ring-finger protein 213 (RNF213) encodes a protein of unknown function believed to play a role in cellular metabolism and angiogenesis. Gene variants are associated with susceptibility to moyamoya disease. Here, we describe two children with moyamoya disease who also demonstrated kidney disease, elevated aminotransferases, and recurrent skin lesions found by exome sequencing to have de novo missense variants in RNF213. These cases highlight the ability of RNF213 to cause Mendelian moyamoya disease in addition to acting as a genetic susceptibility locus. The cases also suggest a new, multi-organ RNF213-spectrum disease characterized by liver, skin, and kidney pathology in addition to severe moyamoya disease caused by heterozygous, de novo C-terminal RNF213 missense variants.Unsaturated monosaccharides expand the scope of reactivities in a sugar, directly leading to the development of newer methodologies, molecular structures and functional entities. The unsaturation as a reactive moiety can either be within the molecule, namely, endocyclic, or as a pendant moiety around the molecule, namely, exocyclic. One carbon homologations aided by reactions at the unsaturated moiety expand the molecular structures in both endo- and exocyclic sugars and lead to structures that are largely hitherto unknown. Molecular shifts and rearrangements permit interchanging the reactivities from one carbon to the other in unsaturated sugars. Activations of exocyclic unsaturated sugars also find newer possibilities to reactions central to the sugar chemistry, namely, the glycosylations. The personal reflections result from a couple of decades of explorations that traverse through the unsaturated sugars from different vantage points.The gene coding interleukin 6 (IL-6) is a promising candidate in predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). This study aimed to meta-analytically examine the association of IL-6 gene -174G/C polymorphism with T2DM and circulating IL-6 changes across -174G/C genotypes. Odds ratio (OR) and standard mean difference (SMD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Twenty-five articles were meta-analysed, with 20 articles for T2DM risk and 9 articles for circulating IL-6 changes. Overall, there was no detectable significance for the association between -174G/C polymorphism and T2DM, and this association was relatively obvious under dominant model (OR 0.82, 95% CI 0.56-1.21). Improved heterogeneity was seen in some subgroups, with statistical significance found in studies involving subjects of mixed races (OR 0.63, 95% CI 0.46-0.86). Begg's and filled funnel plots, along with Egger's tests revealed week evidence of publication bias. In genotype-phenotype analyses, carriers of -174CC and -174CG genotypes separately had 0.10 and 0.03 lower concentrations (pg/mL) of circulating IL-6 than -174GG carriers. Albeit no detectable significance for the association of -174G/C with T2DM, our findings provided suggestive evidence on a dose-dependent relation between -174G/C mutant alleles and circulating IL-6 concentrations, indicating possible implication of this polymorphism in the pathogenesis of T2DM. Myanmar is a Low-Middle Income Country (LMIC) in South-East Asia. Over the last decade, reforms to the health system have included significant improvements in the delivery of radiation therapy services in both government and private-for-profit sectors. This review uses limited cancer registry data, observations from in-person visits, and data from key informants in Myanmar radiation therapy centres, to report on developments in radiation therapy services in recent years. Rising national cancer incidence estimates presented in this article are supplemented with annual cancer case and radiation therapy course completion statistics from three hospital / regional contexts. Strategies which enabled the increased delivery of radiation therapy services are described. Data regarding the geographic locations of radiation therapy centres, their equipment and software inventories, is tabulated. The impact on clinical practice standards through upgraded equipment and software used for treatment planning and deliverallenges. Further international engagement could also enhance these processes.Nontyphoidal salmonellae are among the most prevalent foodborne pathogens causing gastrointestinal infections worldwide. A high number of cases and outbreaks of salmonellosis are associated with the consumption of eggs and egg products, and several of these occur at the household level. The aim of the current study is to critically evaluate the current status of knowledge on Salmonella in eggs from a consumer's perspective, analyzing the hazard occurrence and the good practices that should be applied to reduce salmonellosis risk. Following a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) based approach, some steps along the food journey were identified as Critical Consumer Handling (CCH)-steps in which consumers, through their behavior or choice, can significantly reduce the level of Salmonella in eggs and egg products. From shopping/collecting to consumption, each of these steps is discussed in this review to provide an evidence-based overview of risk factors of human salmonellosis related to egg consumption.