Main age bracket was 65-74 years (26.2%), followed by 55-64 years (24.7%), with an equal distribution of reported sex (female, 49.5%). Of the respondents, 99% would have recommended the service and 88.5% felt very comfortable being vaccinated by a pharmacist. Satisfaction included injection technique, used facilities, preparatory discussions, and pricing of the service. Easy scheduling was a main motivation for choosing a pharmacy as the vaccination provider. We identified minor differences in answer tendencies across questionnaire language and age groups, but not across levels of education. Customer satisfaction with community pharmacist-administered seasonal influenza vaccinations is high in Switzerland. Customer satisfaction with community pharmacist-administered seasonal influenza vaccinations is high in Switzerland.In response to comments raised, we acknowledge the shortcomings of our study. It is a small study. However, it is a pilot study, which is not meant to create generalizable data, rather to explore new potential directions. To this end, our conclusions were clearly supported by the results. We demonstrated that administration of 16.4% NaCl/Na-acetate solution was feasible, safe, and was associated with lower rates of AKI. We share the call that large RCTs are required to follow this pilot study and hope that our data will stimulate the ongoing discussion regarding the role of chloride in AKI mechanism.Sadan et al. find an association between acute kidney injury and high chloride containing a hypertonic solution. Recent large prospective non-randomized studies bring conflicting results on the relationship between chloride and acute kidney injury. We discuss Sadan et al.'s results according to the recent literature.We report the case of a 71-year-old obese continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-treated man who developed an acute cardiac failure (ACF) triggered by atrial fibrillation. CPAP data