Spring barley grain was found to have a higher content of nitrogen (N), boron (B) and phosphorous (P), whereas straw had a higher content of potassium (K), sodium (Na), chromium (Cr) and calcium (Ca).Gracilaria blodgettii and Gracilaria lemaneiformis are often adopted as tools to purify aquaculture tail water. However, there has been such phenomenon that high temperature in summer restricts the process of aquaculture. To explore the adaptive capacity of G. blodgettii and G. lemaneiformis, we experimented them and cultured for 12 days under three temperatures (20, 25, and 30 °C) and three levels of multiple nitrogen sources (0.12, 0.6 and 4.4 mg L-1). Their growth, photosynthetic characteristics, and biochemical compositions including the contents of pigments and soluble protein were determined to investigate the single and interactive effects of temperatures and nitrogen levels on these two species. The results showed that in terms of G. blodgettii, the higher growth rate and more pigment (chlorophyll a and carotenoids) contents were observed at 25 and 30 °C in comparison to 20 °C, and the pigments showed maximum contents at 25 °C. More nitrogen improved the growth rate, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) at 25re and G. blodgettii can resist more to. Therefore, it seems to be an alternative and workable scheme to adopt some suitable macroalgae to optimize the solution to present purification of aquaculture wastewater or eutrophic waters under high temperature.Facing the dual pressure of economic development and ecological environmental protection, it is undoubtedly a good strategy to strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction while further increasing carbon sink. The contribution of forest carbon sink is well-known, but the carbon sink function of mariculture is rarely known. Based on the statistics of China's fishery department and the quality assessment method, this paper constructed a preliminary accounting system for the removable carbon sink of mariculture shellfish and algae, and estimated its capacity in China from 2005 to 2017. On this basis, the logarithmic mean Divisia index was used to analyze the effects of structure and scale factors on the removable carbon sink of mariculture shellfish and algae. The results showed that the annual average removable carbon sink of shellfish and algae in China's mariculture reached 92.7 ten thousand tons, and the overall trend was upward. The total removable carbon sink of shellfish was greater than that of algae. Among them, Grassastrea gigas was the main source of removable carbon sink in China's mariculture, followed by Ruditapes philippinarum. The economic value of annual removable carbon sink of mariculture shellfish and algae in China was equivalent to 139-556 million dollars. Furthermore, the scale factor plays a leading role in the removable carbon sink capacity of mariculture in China, while the structure factor plays a minor role.Dust storms not only affect the quality of life but also pose a serious health and social problem. The main source dust events include central and west Asia, the Taklimakan desert, and Middle East, carrying out high volume of particulate matter, which increased the level of PM10 as representative of dust storm. The purpose of this study was to investigate the number of mortality (TM), hospitalizations due to cardiovascular diseases (HACD) and respiratory diseases (HARD) among the people of Bishkek and Ahvaz. Data validation was performed using the WHO criteria. The average time PM10 in outdoor air was calculated, and its health effects were obtained by entering its annual data and population at risk, baseline incidence (BI), and relative risk index (RR) for IHD outcomes. In our study, AirQ software was used. https://www.selleckchem.com/products/alpha-conotoxin-gi.html The number of excess cases in Bishkek and Ahvaz for total mortality and cardiovascular mortality was 63 and 758 and 35 and 478 persons while for HARD and HACD was 84 and 2054 and 33 and 560 persons, respectively. The survey requires the need to enact and enforce permissible PM10 levels/standards due to dust storms to reduce the health effect on humans by relevant environmental authorities both at federal and state levels.Cadmium pollution in the environment is ubiquitous and can be a serious health issue. Crop straw-based biochar is a promising adsorbent, yet few studies have systematically examined the effects of both feedstock and pyrolysis temperature on biochar efficacy for cadmium (Cd) sorption. Sorption-desorption experiments were conducted to explore the mechanisms of Cd sorption for biochars derived from wheat straw (WSB), rape straw (RASB), soybean straw (SSB), and peanut straw (PSB) feedstocks, which were produced by pyrolysis at 450 °C and 650 °C. For biochars pyrolyzed at 450 °C, the sorption capacities varied as PSB>SSB>RASB≈WSB, while the order changed as RASB≈WSB>PSB>SSB for 650 °C biochars. With the increase in pyrolysis temperature, for wheat straw biochar and rape straw biochars, Cd sorption capacities increased by 72% and 63%, while there were 61% and 63% decreases for peanut straw biochar and soybean straw biochar, respectively. Compared to the non-legume straw biochars (WSB and RASB), legume straw biochars (SSB and PSB) have higher sorption capacities for Cd. Peanut straw biochar (PSB) produced at 450 °C was found to be the most promising adsorbent for cadmium. Examination of the sorbed biochars using a range of analytical techniques indicated that 450 °C PSB immobilized cadmium by precipitation with non-electrostatic adsorption. The precipitation of Cd on 450 °C PSB was mainly induced by cation exchange between Cd with mineral cations, which caused Cd complexation with carboxyl functional groups.The herbicide glyphosate can cause severe ecotoxicological effects on non-target organisms. Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) is very important for in situ environmental biomonitoring due to its wide distribution in the Atlantic Forest biome. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the response of E. uniflora leaves to glyphosate. Eight-month-old plants were exposed to an aerial application of the herbicide at concentrations of 0, 144, 432, 864, and 1440 g a. e. ha-1 (grams of acid equivalent per hectare). Evaluations were performed on the 12th day after the glyphosate application (DAA). An accumulation of shikimic acid in the leaves of E. uniflora was observed. Glyphosate altered the photosynthetic parameters of the treated plants, with a drastic decrease in the photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, and pigment content. There was an increase in Ci/Ca, lipid peroxidation, and electrolyte extravasation levels. Glyphosate also promoted ultrastructural, anatomical and visible damage to the E. uniflora leaves.